General Question

pleiades's avatar

Would you please post a link to some psychedelic art work?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) January 19th, 2014

I’m trying to figure what people gravitate towards and define as “psychedelic” so there is no right or wrong post!

Please do participate!

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13 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

You could look in this book, or check out this by Peter Max.

DWW25921's avatar

You make it yourself. I’m addicted.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Anything by Alex Grey. Don’t know where you’re located but if you’re in the NY area, Alex Grey hosts an open house at his house every month. I’ve gone before to look at his artwork and meet him. Extremely humble man, had some great conversations with him and his wife, Allyson. If you ever find yourself in the area I highly suggest checking it out, such a great experience.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Anyone make anything cool on weavesilk? I just started playing with it and I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. I made this and this .

DWW25921's avatar

@uberbatman I’ve made dozzens! Yours are AWESOME!!!!!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Oh just thought of another thing, the screen saver Electric Sheep makes some amazing imagery. If you have winamp I’d also check out the visualizer plugin called MilkDrop which will create a lot of stuff like electric sheep except in synchronous with your music.

DWW25921's avatar

@uberbatman That sounds awesome! I kind of have trust issues with downloads though…

El_Cadejo's avatar

@DWW25921 Fair enough, I can say I’ve been using Electric Sheep for about 8 years now and Winamp….I couldn’t even imagine how long, and I’ve never had any problems.

DWW25921's avatar

Well, ok I’ll do it…

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