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talljasperman's avatar

Why are there gender differences when people are asked if they drink out of the milk jug?

Asked by talljasperman (21919points) January 20th, 2014

I find that mostly men drink out of the milk jug… Why is this? Do any women drink out of the milk container ? I drink out of the milk and pop containers and put it back in the container, it works best when one lives alone or is assigned a container to chug out of.

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64 Answers

rojo's avatar

Guy – Guilty.

Dutchess_III's avatar


zenvelo's avatar

Men are less caring of the sloppiness and disgustingness of drinking out of the container. But while it is boys and some men that do it, it’s pretty gross and most men do not drink out of the container. You just described backwashing into the container. Gross.

whitenoise's avatar

I am a man and my boys and I drink out of the container.
‘Cause we’re lazy and my boys think it’s extremely cool.

We only do this though when we can empty the container, so when there is about one sip left…

My wife looks at us with clear disdain, shakes her head and ignores us.

dxs's avatar

I liked to portion out my milk so I always used to pour it into a glass. But I chug my water jug.

ccrow's avatar

I don’t drink out of the milk jug, never have. But I do drink out of my 1 liter soda bottles.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Depends on the shape of the spout and if it narrows to a gentle tip.

ucme's avatar

I suck on the wife’s nipp…oops, slight misunderstanding.

talljasperman's avatar

@ucme my uncle broke his arm drinking milk. The cow fell on him.

ucme's avatar

@talljasperman Well you see, that’s the risk you take when sipping directly from the udder, those cows kick hard.

SwanSwanHummingbird's avatar

What’s a milk jug? My almond milk comes in a tetra pack and no one ever drinks straight from the box.

ucme's avatar

@talljasperman You altered your post, cheeky bugger. First it’s your cousin, now your uncle, your family are either randy farmers or inept vets.

talljasperman's avatar

@SwanSwanHummingbird A milk jug is a gallon or four liter container of milk. I have drunk out of tetra packs too.

talljasperman's avatar

@ucme It’s just an inside joke with my dad… no one I know in my family has hurt themselves drinking straight from the cow.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’m a female and I’ve done it. I don’t “backwash,” however, because I’m an adult. The only other person drinking that milk is my husband – I’ve had his semen in my mouth, so I doubt he has a problem coming into contact with anything I leave behind on that milk jug.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Men are pigs who lack manners :P ~

flip86's avatar

I don’t drink milk and haven’t ever chugged from a milk jug. I do drink from OJ containers and two liter bottles though. My girlfriend yells at me. All I usually want is a sip or two. Why pour such a small amount in a glass?

talljasperman's avatar

@flip86 Exactly… You can self measure how much you want to drink.

Judi's avatar

don’t tell my family but I’ve been known to take a swig out of a container. Not milk so much but the soda two liter yep.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I don’t drink milk, soda, or OJ from the bottle, only hard alcohol~

Dutchess_III's avatar

Get a room, people!

snowberry's avatar

Only if it’s the end of the jug, carton, bottle, etc.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I’ve never seen a woman drink directly from a refrigerated bottled. Men, however, seem averse to cups and glasses.

talljasperman's avatar

@snowberry That’s were it starts… Drinking the last bit is like a gateway bad habit.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m a guy, and yeah, I don’t see spit as a show-stopper.

anniereborn's avatar

I’m a girl and I do this sometimes.
It’s just me and my husband here and yeh, we have had each other germs and ‘stuff’ before.

downtide's avatar

Male and never, because I don’t drink milk. Ghastly stuff.

ragingloli's avatar

I only drink whale milk.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would beat my husband severely about the head and shoulders if he ever did that.

When I had a day care, in the beginning, if a kid didn’t drink all of their milk I’d put their sippy cup in the fridge to give to them later. However, I quickly learned that by the next day it would have mold and shit floating in it, whereas the original milk in the original container wouldn’t. You can’t HELP but get back wash into the container if you drink out of it.

Juels's avatar

I never drink from the source. ;-) I’ve only seen my hubby do it when there is one last sip. I wonder how many container drinkers also leave crumbs in the butter?

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve done it, just hubs and me, but not often. Generally if I take my pill right before bed and am out of drink. Neither of us make it a habit.

@Juels I’m sure I’ve left crumbs in the butter dish, too, lol

Berserker's avatar

You want backwash? Here’s yo backwash.

Juels's avatar

@KNOWITALL Drinking from the container I can handle, but crumbs in the butter is a deal breaker. Yuck!

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Juels Same here, and my husband does that. He makes a fried egg and bologna sandwich before work every morning and I always open the butter container and find crumbs in there. I think I waste half of the butter scraping off the crumbs before I can use it to cook with. Drives me absolutely nuts. One day I’ll remember to get him his own tub of butter, because breaking the habit clearly isn’t going to happen. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Berserker's avatar

Lol, got milk?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Put some crumbly laundry soap in the butter dish. When he starts gagging just tell him it was the crumbs he left there.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III – that’s just cruel.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@elbanditoroso Not to mention potentially dangerous. For his health as well as mine, after he discovers what I did.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He wouldn’t ingest enough to hurt him.

ragingloli's avatar

Do not overestimate his intelligence.

ibstubro's avatar

I LOL at the ‘crumbs in the butter’ sub-thread. I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME!

“What, you couldn’t just take a last swipe at the butter and clean it up?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ibstubro Um no, toast is meant to be hot, so sometimes you can’t wait…lol. It’s not like you can’t cut them off next time you use it if it bothers you…hahaha!

Juels's avatar

You’re supposed to put the butter on the toast, not the toast on the butter. We have a refrigerator at work with a few communal items. I never use the butter! It always has the remains of someone’s lunch in it. Disgusting!

ibstubro's avatar

Good answer, @Juels!
ibstubro jumps up and down and claps like a Richard Dawson inspired idiot!

Juels's avatar

@ibstubro Oooh… Richard Dawson.. Loved him! We have a dvd of celebrity Family Feud with Richard Dawson. I really love the Dallas cast episodes. Oh, yeah, he would have been my pick for the final round of The Match Game too.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m so old, I can admit to being a fan of Richard Dawson on “Hogan’s Heroes”. About the only ‘slapstick’ TV show I never turned against.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“I know NOFINK!!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dawson was a PERV!!!

ibstubro's avatar

Yeah. So? What’s your point @Dutchess_III? He shoulda been President of the US?


Juels's avatar

@Dutchess_III But he was an adorable perv…

ragingloli's avatar

I only know Richard Dawkins

Juels's avatar

@ragingloli I just had to google Richard Dawkins.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Juels's avatar

Um… Yes. My dumb-butt flag is flying today.

dxs's avatar

@Juels Re-Welcome to Fluther then. Richard Dawkins is the God idol of many people here.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We do like our freakin’ geniuses!

Juels's avatar

I guess I’m falling short… If only I had my coffee this morning…

ibstubro's avatar

But we cherish our dumb-butts!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Falling short is better than falling long. Less injurious.

dxs's avatar

It’s okay, Juels. I fall under the dumb-butt category a lot, too.

Juels's avatar

Ahh, I just checked out some of his more popular books. Growing up in an Irish Catholic household, I can see why Mr. Dawkins wasn’t included in our family library.

dxs's avatar

^word. I’m reading The God Delusion right now.

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