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ragingloli's avatar

If it were legal to eat humans, what would be the best cut of human flesh to eat?

Asked by ragingloli (52346points) January 21st, 2014

And what would be the perfect age to harvest the meat?
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20 Answers

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The haunch, according to an old cowboy movie the name of which escapes me. Preferably young haunch.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There was an article written by the famed nutritionist Hannibal Lecter that discussed this very subject. Google for it.

Logic would tell you that the muscular areas of humans would be the best, meatiest, and ost tender. This is similar to the way we choose meat from chicken, pigs, and of course, cattle.

Meaning: breast meat, butt meat (lesser quality), thigh muscle. Arm and leg meat would be too tendony (which is why I didn’t like venison when I ate it—too many strings and tendons)

Gives a whole new meaning to “the other white meat” advertising campaign

Seek's avatar

The cheeks are the tenderest part of any animal.

gailcalled's avatar

^^ Check out seal-cheek pie in Annie Proulx’ “The Shipping News.” My kids used that tidbit as a running joke for months (along w. fried bologna sandwiches.)

Judi's avatar

@ragingloli , you almost had me convinced you were a friendly alien!!

zenvelo's avatar

Thigh, or human ham. Human flesh has often been called “long-pork.” Hung to season after being salted, slice thin for sandwiches.

1TubeGuru's avatar

The back strap’s or tenderloins that run along either side of the spine,.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Albert Fish says the butt

Pachy's avatar

@ragingloli, I think you need some time outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. ;-)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Just about any part save the liver and stomach lining, would be good if marinated long enough in the right seasonings.

KNOWITALL's avatar

What a disturbing question – lol, I’m going with the brain like Hannibal.

filmfann's avatar

Thymus, and Pancreas. Also known as the Sweetbreads.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@ragingloli You have a sick, sick sense of humor.

talljasperman's avatar

(Really NSFW)
O.K. I’ll play. The eye’s…or the soul. Also the placenta which some women actually eat.
(Really NSFW) aborted fetuses.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’d first go for the gluteus’, Ham and quads. Next I’d go for the arms if they were muscular. Most woman don’t have such weak and fatty arms that I wouldn’t bother with them much at all.

ragingloli's avatar

I am not joking. I am planning to harvest Earths human population for meat, to feed the reptilian children on Trancor 5 and I also need to know the best parts to sell as a delicacy throughout our galactic empire.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The Kobe beef of humans would be the American politician. Pampered, fed only the finest cuts of meat themselves, deeply massaged by the most expensive prostitutes. This results in a wonderfully marbled, rich cut of rump that would make any reptilian overload salivate.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Mmmmmmm! The very best part is the one you can eat over and over again. Tasty! The very best age for harvesting this part is 19 years – 21 years of age. Best of all, each one I’ve harvested were willing contributors.

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