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talljasperman's avatar

What does beef or human placenta taste like? (NSFW)

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) January 21st, 2014

Based on the question What would be the value of eating cow placenta… Animals eat it at birth so it must have a health aspect. Lots of vitamins and minerals. for more info.

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13 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

Probably nothing like pizza.

filmfann's avatar

Would you use Placenta Helper?

talljasperman's avatar

@filmfann @livelaughlove21 Lol. Maybe it could be a pizza topping in the future.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Have you ever seen the ass end of a cow?

Seek's avatar

Someone I know made their own placenta into a lasagna.

Most others do placenta encapsulation, which is basically drying it out, grounding it up, and putting it into vitamin capsules. They say it improves their milk supply and helps their bodies recuperate from the pregnancy more effectively.

The lasagna girl compared it to liver.

Darth_Algar's avatar

….tha fuck?

Seek's avatar

I wanted to take mine home and plant a tree, but the hospital wouldn’t give it to me.

Damned shame, too. It was a huge placenta. Seven pounds.

Smitha's avatar

I have heard people cook it in various ways. But that is kind of GROSS ! I know it definitely has health benefits, but I feel capsules make it more palatable and easier to store and dose.

Coloma's avatar

I second @Dr_Lawrence & @Darth_Algar infact I shall combine their sentiments into a rousing Ick, tha fuck!

josie's avatar

Beef is pretty good. I like tenderloin or a good burger.
I don’t know what human placenta tastes like. Seems like it would stick to the grill.

downtide's avatar

When my brother was born (in 1979) the hospital offered my mother the chance to eat the placenta. They even offered to cook it up with some onions if she wanted. She declined, so I never got the chance to find out how it would taste.

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