@talljasperman Nearly every job involves stress and hard work, except for positions of very low responsibility (the bookstore clerk or hallmark cashier in answers above.)
Or, like @rojo says, you can work for the government. I know a handful of people whose jobs are pretty much literally pushing paper. The actual work involves working with a team to create giant documents, with recommendations for different government agencies on how to streamline their operations. Each document takes several months or more for the team to write. (Yeahhh, doesn’t anyone see the irony in that?) Does anyone ever read these things? Who knows.
This is actually consulting work for government contractors, but it’s big business here. The people I know who do it have a comfortable, middle-class lifestyle, which means they can afford the housing market here, they have new cars, and they go out to bars and restaurants fairly often. I’m sure there are areas of government consulting that are more exciting and meaningful, but this is what the work looks like for a lot of 20 and 30 somethings I know, who work in this field.
If you find work you actually care about, that can mitigate the stress. If you take pride in the work and find it meaningful, then working hard can actually be… fun.
You didn’t ask, but I’m going to butt in with my own personal opinion here. Looking for a “cushy” job seems to say, “how can I find a job where I don’t have to do that much, but they pay me a lot?” And that kind of misses the point of having a job. If you see work as merely putting in time in order to get paid, you’re going to be miserable for your whole career, constantly watching the clock tick by until it’s time to leave.
There are so many people in the workforce like that. Young people complain that they can’t find jobs, but they also fire off generic resumés and cover letters to every employer out there. Employees who legitimately give a shit are really rare and it’s a quality you can’t teach someone,and those are the people who are still finding the good jobs. Why do you like psychology? What is meaningful about it, to you? If you follow those answers, you will find the right job.