How regularly do you lurve someone because they quipped or made a snide remark to a Flutheronian you personally does not like?
disclaimer This is not a question projected at any certain person in the Collective. However, if you do feel convicted and think it is at you, and feel the need to defend yourself, do so by PM or civilly in the thread. No naming of whom you supported or who they maligned.
How often do you find yourself GA someone because they maligned or back-alley insulted a Flutheronian/Jelly you don’t like, no matter how asinine, insipid, unintelligible, or Boorish their answer, comment, or quip was?
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45 Answers
Sometimes, they should feel as fortunate as a dog with two cocks too.
Should call it Bitch Lurve just because.
no matter how asinine, insipid, unintelligible, or Boorish their answer, comment, or quip was?
I reward no such answers, ever, no matter wha they refer to.
Only if I agree with the sentiment. Sometimes people say something I’m thinking but I’m to nice to say it. Giving a GA is my way of letting the poster know that some anonymous person agrees with them and let’s the person who said something rude or pompous know that they are the minority. (The only time this concept seems to come up for me is when I GA someone who has a great comeback to someone who was rude or arrogant first.)
Nope. I think I’m a pretty generous lurver, but a mean and rude answer is never supported by me. Even if I agree with what the person is saying and even if it gets a guilty laugh out of me, it’s still not cool.
There are very few I really dislike. Three to be exact, and only because they’re constantly being butts. Any hard feeling I have toward someone usually isn’t carried past that thread, unless they bring it up or they’re always being jerky about things.
I lurve them If I agree with them. I’m not saying insulting someone is ever the right thing to do… But sometimes they deserve it.
I lurve humor, no matter how inappropriate or rude it is. It makes me laugh.
I’ll reward a quip, but not if it’s directed meanly towards someone else, There is a lot of good natured joking here, and it goes back and forth. I’ll lure that, but nothing mean spirited.
No I don’t. I do give points to a jelly who is fighting for their lives and being picked on though. (I know , lame).
Very rarely, and only in the case @Judi describes. I also give @AshLeigh a thumbs up. I root for the underdog, never the bully.
I usually give GA to people who answer my questions, even if they are insulting to me.
I usually give lurve if somebody agrees with me, or puts out original effort in their answers.
But as regards me disliking jellies, for the record I sort of like everybody-some more than others to be sure, but I really do not think there is much value in imagining who you like or dislike on a Q and A site. There is really no way to know for sure. Lots of people here seem to dislike me, but in real life, I get along with almost everybody I meet, even if we disagree. So I think there is probably something missing in this environment.
P.S. Come to think of it, there have been two assholes on this site that really got on my nerves, but one is gone, and the other hasn’t been around for a while. But they were exceptions.
Response moderated (Flame-Bait)
Initially, every time people react overtly (to trolls).
I do love a good comeback, and even if I don’t agree with the sentiment, I admire the skill used to write a really harsh reply. However, I do recognize the need for this site not to openly berate contributors. Even the dicks.
I frequently grant ”Oooh, BURN!” lurve.
I am not ashamed. Most of the time, the recipient deserved it.
I was being trolled one day a while back by a long standing member here who would make random and immature comments and immediately get several “likes”... I left for a few months after that. Seemed petty.
I go both ways. I give it for answers that are insightful and for those that tickle my funnybone.
I don’t think I give many for snide remarks to those I dislike because I cannot think of a single person on this sight that I dislike enough to give a crap. If anything, I do not give enough, I get to reading the answers and gloss over those who deserve a little lurve.—-Sorry folks, you are deserving, I am just a little lax. My bad—
Nah, half the time I’m too brain dead to know what’s going, or waaaay too lazy to read the millions of post that are fights. So I wouldn’t know who to give larvae to, even if I was some kind of internet brain ninja. Either way, I’ll buy yall a drink in Hell, fuckers. :)
If it’s mean, I won’t lurve it. If it’s funny, I might.
@Symbeline I try to maintain an open mind but I am ok with you not giving me larvae. I will take that drink however.
Also, I meant site, not sight.
Yeah, peddle your larvae elsewhere. I’ll be more than happy to buy you a round though. :)
There is of course a more sinister method employed all too frequently around these parts.
Users pm-ing each other to deride & in some cases falsely smear folks who they don’t like or get along with. Politics of the playground rearing it’s pathetic, ugly head, potentially damaging to a site that prides itself on the “community” vibe.
@rojo , I wouldn’t want anyone giving me larvae either. I detest insects. ~
@ucme That happens? :/ Ain’t never got no PM from anyone asking me to help them smear someone’s image. I’d tell em where to fuckin go if someone did, that’s pretty damn low right there. If you’re gonna attack and hate someone, at least it might be more impressive if the person did it on their own lol.
@Symbeline Yeah, pretty down & dirty trick, but it happens. There was a thread long time back where people were openly discussing behaving in that way, like they were proud.
Very strange way to go, but hey, we move on.
I haven’t seen the PM stuff. But sending me a pm is pretty much worthless. I never respond unless there is some sort of question that needs answering. I’m the same way with my mom and email. I reply to about 10% of it.
Whoever e-mails, fuck it, too much work.
I’ve never heard of flaming PM’s here, either, @johnpowell, @Symbeline. Sounds like paranoia. I’m fairly certain all communication here is transparent to the Mods, and they’re welcome to yawn themselves through the dozen or so I’ve sent since I’ve been a member.
I came here from Askville, and there was much discussion there about ganging up on members. I never got involved, because my opinion was that the members usually brought the unpopularity upon themselves, and it was just widely held.
Askville sounds like middle school.
moar like Assville amirite
Paranoia? That’s a good one, best yet.
I couldn’t give a shit what people choose to do on here, so no bias involved just plain facts that have been pubicly aired.
Yeah, it kinda got that way after a while, @Blondesjon. They kept trying to reduce the costs by dumbing it down. It was a great site at one time, but, unlike the wise Fluther creators, they couldn’t leave well enough alone.
It didn’t get to be Assville until the end, @Symbeline, when they put a few in-house Amazon programmers together and told them to write e new program similar to Fluther In their spare time. Within a couple of months. What a joke. I got to be pretty good friends with a nice lady on there (the only one I have email for), but she was hell bent she was getting ganged up on behind the scenes. I always thought that it was paranoia, and that her extreme Tea Party political posts just caused the other side to follow her around and refute.
She and I didn’t discuss politics.
edit: “what”
Just to ;point out no matter how great one is are, or believe they are, errors can be made; no one is perfect. Taking a more humble position is usually the better way to go less life eventually does it for you.
I’m one of those people who don’t consider the enemy of my enemy a friend by default. Sometimes I had discovered that the enemy of my old enemy is much worse, LOL. Only in very rare circumstances would I lurve someone for telling another jelly off whom I felt needed it.
@Paradox25 There’s a very high chance that the jelly you want to tell off doesn’t know it is you who lurve the other.
People tend to congregate with those whom they like on here. These people within these invisible alliances tend to go out of their way to single certain jellies out, and the reasons for this can be as childish as simply not agreeing with them on just one or more issues.
People tend to pick up on things too, even including newer users, on whom it’s politically correct to like or dislike on here and talk down to because they want to fit in, just like school! :) Many times however jellies originally fond of each other will turn on each other, and a new scapegoat is then created to bash. I’ve been on here 4 years now so I know how the ball rolls a bit.
I had people that I originally had gotten along with turn on me. For these reasons I tend to be rather nuetral on here and avoid such threads, or secretly supporting another user via lurve. I think I had done the lurve thing a total of like 4 or 5 times during my several years on here without adding something to the thread myself. Sometimes certain users need to be told the hell off, even when it’s not popular to stand up to that certain user. I try to divide my time between here and 3 other sites in order to break the monotony.
Heh, I wonder how different this place would be if, like on Facebook, you could see who gave lurve to who.
Or if you could dislike an answer for that matter, kinda like you could do on the old Answerbag.
@Symbeline Heh, I wonder how different this place would be if, like on Facebook, you could see who gave lurve to who.
Well……that would kinda usurp and unravel the whole support lurve thing. Because then someone might think that they might become targets supporting something if 30% of the people supported it but 55% were against it. They might think there is still too many supporters that might in turn come against them; some might be those they have cushy or close online relationships with. There are members here I know our beliefs etc. or as different as night and day, I no less think any less of them; they are not their beliefs, and their beliefs are not them. What they think as a person is not their person, nor their soul. Some I can have a working and respectful relation with, you being one of them. Other have decided to make me their nemesis simply because we don’t think alike. As said, it doesn’t take long being here to see who is the odd men out and easy pickings to bash and not get rebuked but praised.
Do what you have to do, say what you have to say but don’t expect any Martyr Points.
Maybe we could talk to Auggie and see if we can have such a system implemented
@Symbeline There are quite a few Q & A sites where it’s visible to see who up or down voted a comment. You should see the fights that are created when this feature exists. Like with two buddies on a website where one of them sees that their ‘buddy’ raved another user criticizing their answer LOL.
It makes for a different online enviroment that’s for sure. I used to laugh at these fights on sodahead because I didn’t care for like 75% of the users on there, so it would be fun to watch two enemies tear each other apart. You couldn’t have serious debate or discussion on there so I eventually left.
If you could see who lurved whom, lots of people would stop “lurving” anything that was controversial at all, and we’d still have the whole “These people are ganging up on me! Wah!” nonsense.
@Hypocrisy_Central What do you see in my soul? sorry, been playing this crazy ass horror game lately
“These people are ganging up on me! Wah!” nonsense.
No fuckers “gang up” on me & i’d find it hilarious if they did. I just pointed out stuff i’ve seen regarding other users.
@ucme Haha, nice. I’ve wondered why people never did gang up on me here. I figure, cuz I’m just so fuckin Viking lol.
@Symbeline Haha, yeah, fear of rape & pillage enough to scare anyone off.
I’d do a Travis Bickle on their arses, “you talkin to me?”
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