Was fluther conceived and instituted primarily by women?
I was looking at the ad recommending “get your fluther goodies”, and it occurred to me, that it’s a tough prospect selling the average guy a hoodie emblazoned with a brainy jellyfish.
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48 Answers
Ben Finkel and Andrew McClellan (both XY’s)...mugs, t-shirts and keychains are uni-sex.
The size of the brain of that jellyfish is subjective. It could easily be brainless and Justin Bieber in disguise.
So you don’t believe the jelly has an intelligent look about it. Are those large lenses to correct myopia, or are those just the eyes of the gender free creature?
To me, s/he looks very amiable and a bit dopey. Remember Mr. Magoo? And try keeping your glasses from steaming up under the sea.
Both are marketing minuses when dealing with the male hoodie set. Since you’ve decided that the creature is a she (I thought the same) shouldn’t there be some menacing logo such as “Tentacles of Death”?
If Ben and Andrew are women, then they are the most beautiful women I have ever seen.
@stanleybmanly: Note my use of s/he in order to indicate ambivalence. (I was very careful there).
I missed the slash mark in the response. Sorry.
I like my t-shirt. So do several of the other male jellies. Perhaps we are not “average guys,” though, but rather “exceptional men.” Well, I suppose we have to keep up with the large number of exceptional women to be found here on Fluther.
I’m looking at you, @gailcalled.
I so want a Fluther tee-shirt, and very much a guy. So much so, they don’t sell my size.
@cookieman: Can you or your wife sew? Order any size tee-shirt; carefully cut out the fluther logo with some margins for hemming and applique on any tee that fits you.
I have a funny story about my Fluther Tee-shirt. I got one for free for being a chat mod. I was living with my sister at the time and she tossed it in the Goodwill bin in her house. Long story short. I asked a few questions and ended up getting it back for 1.75 at goodwill.
I think they could step up the store a notch. There really isn’t much in there. I think if fluther was set up by a woman the line of products would make a little more sense… I’ve thought that too but never brought it up…
It’s probably not at the top of Ben and Andrew’s bucket list, since they are no longer developing this site. The store was always just a mini-extra.
@DWW25921 Perhaps. Now that the site here is up and seemingly fine surly someone can tend the store a bit though…
@DWW25921: Not gonna happen. The site is functioning and seemingly fine only due to the enormous good will and behind-the-scenes hard work of our long-suffering site manager, Auggie and her crew of heroic volunteer mods. They don’t have time to mind the store.
Would you like to volunteer for the job, if it’s that important to you?
I don’t understand how a jellyfish with glasses has anything to do with gender? Or why it would discourage any gender from buying a t-shirt with it on? I’m confused.
I didn’t know there was a ‘male hoodie’ niche we had to hit. Sounds pretty limited in terms of ‘appropriate’ masculinity to me. We have all kinds of people on here and they like all kinds of stuff, gender non-withstanding.
How come no one caught my really bad faux pas? Co-owner Andrew’s correct last name is McClain. Shame on me.
I have a Fluther mug. The outside is white, and the inside is pink. Women think it’s cute, men think it’s like the inside of a vagina. Everyone is happy!
@Symbeline So you do sip from the velvet cup then? :D
@ucme I most certainly do. XD And Dr.J is watching me the whole time…what a perv. :D
@gailcalled I have no problem with that. If they need references they can look at my 6 Zazzle stores. Just give me the username and password for about 2 weeks. Change them after that if you like. Oh, I’ll need site graphics too. Large ones.
@cookieman you can buy iron-on kits to make your own Fluther shirt with an ink-jet printer. I’ve never tried one, but I have them.
For that matter, the image at the top left is copyable/savable. You could save the image, crop it., and send it to your local T-shirt shop. Might not be totally kosher, but since the shirts are not available in your size, I don’t think it would be a problem. Hard to imagine that it would be cost effective to hunt you down and have the cops make you turn your T-shirt inside-out.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir, congrats!!! I hope you are all feeling great and enjoying lots of baby cuddles.
@johnpowell @nikipedia Thank you both, I am feeling tired and things are hard with three kids straight smack in the middle of a PhD but I’ll make it.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – Congratulations!! 3 kids and in a PhD program – what a masochist you are. Going through my Master’s pregnant and then with a newborn was harrowing enough, but he was my first. Best wishes to you!
@hearkat Yeah, well you know, I like to say I have a kid per degree. I had one last year of college and one last year of my Master’s
Congratulations from me also. No plans, I hope, for a post-doc.
@gailcalled Thanks. Well, I’ll have to consider all options including post-doc positions.
@gailcalled So did you mean it or what? I’ve come up with some product ideas.
@DWW25921 Gail’s not in charge of the site or the store. Her point was this: Ben and Andrew have other jobs now and have stopped developing the site, except for on rare occasions. If you have an idea and are willing to donate your labor, work out all the details and send one of them a message.
I’m in charge of the store, and haven’t even looked at it in ages. BAD MANAGER! PM me your ideas, @DWW25921. I’m open to suggestions! :)
@augustlan I sent you a message! I’ve been cooped up in this house because of weather… It would be nice to have a little distraction project on the side!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I want that pillow. (is it real yet, or still in the idea stage?)
@augustlan and @DWW25921 I have a great cheap, fast and reliable embroidery guy locally. Vinyl clothes applique, car trunk magnets, window stickers…you name it and I’ve done quality on the cheap with people I know.
@ibstubro That sounds awesome! Is it made to order and do they have a website? I mean, what’s the set up like?
Well, @DWW25921, I guess my offer would be for Fluther, and @augustlan.
If they greenlighted your orders, I would shepherd them through.
I can offer Fluther and @augustlan awesome logo references.
@ibstubro I suggested that @augustlan diversify the logo a little by adding different color and size jellies. Maybe that would appeal to more people?
Perhaps, @DWW25921. That would be a decision for @augustlan.
If we were brainstorming, I would say that the key variable I see in the logo is the glasses. Given the default avatars we’re given, I never would have chosen something so cartoonish as Dr. Jelly, but as long as we have it, it would be a hoot to add cateye, shades, geek glasses, etc., etc.
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