Ok ,traveling down a two way highway and come upon all the vehicles in your lane stopped with their hazards on, and no one in the on coming lane, would you just automatically just try and pass all the vehicles, or maybe see why everyone was stopped?
Asked by
January 25th, 2014
I have been in a line up waiting for the road to clear because of an accident, and here comes an idiot driver down the left hand lane thinking he is getting ahead, when stopped and asked why he was doing that, all he could do was say he had to get going.
Would you just start passing all the stopped vehicles, or maybe find out why they were all stopped?
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16 Answers
I would wait for a bit to see if the traffic finally moved, all the while searching for a local traffic report. If possible, I would turn around and find an alternate route. But no, I wouldn’t try to zoom up to see what was happening. That person is a nitwit.
@tedibear Thank you and I am exposed those idiots every day while at work..
Not enough information in the question. “All of the vehicles stopped” doesn’t say whether that was all of 2 or all of 200.
Really, loosen up a little, dude.
@CWOTUS Do you really need to know how many vehicles were stopped? Does it matter if it was 2 or 200, and fewer it would be easy to see why they were stopped now wouldn’t it?
And coming on this in a real life situation would you need more information?
If there were two vehicles stopped ahead of me – and not in obvious need of emergency assistance – and if it were safe to do so, I would certainly pass them. If there were 200 (or any number that I couldn’t see beyond), then I’d stop for certain.
@CWOTUS I have seen countless idiots just try and pass us all,when asked why they just mutter about being in some hurry or not knowing why we were all stopped. like we just stop out on the highway for no reason, maybe they think we are having a BBQ or block party?
Last night coming home in fog so bad I could barely see my second trailer, you could hardly see 20 feet in front of you and here comes a moron passing me like it was a clear blue sky,should of heard the VHF about that guy,I have to remain a complete professional on the road ,but come hear to rant and rave and maybe get a moron or two to think about what they are doing while driving, and if I can get maybe one moron to think maybe they should smarten up while driving then maybe we all can gey home safely.
Safety is the most important aspect of driving. In most situations where all the other cars are stopped the safest thing to do is to stop as well.
There are always going to be aggressive, drugged and bad attitude drivers who will pull stunts to get ahead in line or cut you off.
Those are are among the drives that cause accidents. Do not challenge them. Try your best to get out of their way and live.
They have their hazard lights on, so to me, that means stop and observe and figure out what’s going on before trying to pass anything.
@jca You would tend to think that, but not these morons.
I would slow down and stop, and if traffic was not moving within a reasonable amount if time I would then investigate the front of the line unless it was 200 cars long and then turn around and go back the way I came if I was able and it was something that was going to impair traffic for hours.
I would assume most of the time law enforcement would be on the scene pretty quickly if it was a huge issue otherwise I will assume I can investigate and make my choices upon my discovery.
I am not qualified to answer today as I backed into a car in a parking lot about an hour ago. lol
@Judi yeah that’s one of them YouTube has tons of crash videos you can see, and should take a look at.
I’m guessing there may be emergency vehicles coming. Stay in line till you know what’s coming at you.
@CWOTUS if ya come back to this question take a look at the link that @Judi gave us then tell me that most driver are not morons, OK??
@Judi looking at that video did those people that were walking around on the highway just think everyone else would just stop or slow down?
And notice only one big rig went in pretty quick,the rest were already slowing down way before the accident.
Good question. Some people would actually say “Look at all these idiots stopped on the road!” and just try to go on. They don’t think “There must be a reason everyone is stopped.”
One time I was in a line of cars stopped for road construction. We were down to one lane for both directions. Dude with a sign was alternating lines. There must have been at least 20 cars stopped and this guy (I swear this is a true story) came FLYING past all of us. The guy with the sign started waving madly…the dude didn’t slow down. He actually HIT the sign and knocked it out of the guy’s hand! WTF??? I was so shocked I don’t even remember what happened next.
I noticed that about the big rigs too in the video too @SQUEEKY2. But I might point out that all of the vehicles that appeared in the video WERE morons, but you can’t see behind the picture to see how many people stopped so you can’t use that video to say MOST people are morons. Although I happen to think they are too!
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