Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Why do you follow a jelly?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23807points) January 25th, 2014

Ok so I know that when you are followed by a jelly the questions that jelly ask will appear on your “question for you”. But what drive you to follow a jelly? Is it because you want to answer every question of that jelly, because you like that jelly or some other reasons? Just curious.
I usually follow a jelly because I like that jelly or simply because that jelly has followed me.

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13 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Just building networks.

Buttonstc's avatar

If I find the person’s Qs or answers to be thoughtful and interesting, or funny, I’ll usually follow them.

And if I receive the little notice that someone has added me to their list, I’ll return the favor also.

In the olden days it used to be called “adding someone to your Fluther” but for some reason, unbeknownst to me, they changed the terminology to simply “follow”.

Perhaps it was confusing and there were too many questions about what is meant by adding someone to your Fluther.

However, the little notification you receive when someone decided to follow you still reads as “xxxxxx has just added you to their Fluther”.

Go figure :)

Hope that clears things up for you~~~

El_Cadejo's avatar

Fuck if I know.

When it was first introduced it seemed like a good way to filter questions from specific people that you like, but in the end I found that was too limiting because really, anyone can ask a great question. Now I just follow people that add me. I guess I just feel like I’m being friendly to reciprocate the add or something.

AshLeigh's avatar

Usually just because they followed me.

gailcalled's avatar

I don’t.

dxs's avatar

I add people who have good answers or ask good questions. Also, if we have a lot of discussions together, I add them.
If I see the notification that someone added me to their Fluther, I add them back. It seems like a lot of people don’t worry about their Fluther anymore. I like the connection.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I can’t remember anymore.

thorninmud's avatar

I don’t use the “Questions for you” function here at all, so following a jelly is purely a way of sending a message: I use it as a way of telling a promising new jelly that I hope they stick around (the “Plese take your coat off” add). I sometimes use it as gesture of respect to a jelly with whom I’ve had an uneasy ideological relationship (the “Believe it or not, I actually like you” add). Often, I realize that I’ve really enjoyed someone’s contributions for awhile, but had somehow never followed them (the “Oops, I can’t believe I haven’t added you already!” add). And of course, there’s the “I have no idea who you are, but thanks for adding me” add.

Buttonstc's avatar


Now that I think about it more in detail, my pattern is actually quite similar to yours. I’ve never really used the Qs for you feature as I prefer to browse through all the questions in order on the page. That way I don’t overlook anything.

thorninmud's avatar

@Buttonstc Yeah, I’m going to go through all the Qs anyway.

ucme's avatar

Because they did the deed first, seems the decent thing to do.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I just follow people I find interesting (good & bad), nothing more or less.

rojo's avatar

I go with interesting people and I find that I do it in spurts. I go for months without doing anything and then add a bunch of folks at once.

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