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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is this a wise choice for a health care program? Republicans name their alternative to Obamacare P-CARE. Is this final victory for urologists?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33771points) January 28th, 2014

I wonder if anyone ever thought about branding or horribly inept the name P-CARE will be…

“I’m signing up for P-Care. Great, need some adult diapers?” —I can see it now.

Will this name strengthen Republican chances? Or will it reflect well on Obamacare? Or is this too little…too late?

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6 Answers

bolwerk's avatar

Those types of people are often…well, not very imaginative. The KKKanadian “conservatives” once came up with Conservative Reform Alliance Party. Seriously.

For that matter, “ObamaCare” was their idea. It’s basically the same system as “RomneyCare.” They disowned it when the other guys adopted it.

Seek's avatar

The new proposal would leave completely intact tax deductions for employers, continuing to allow companies to deduct 100% of their contributions to an employee’s health insurance….

..the Republican plan would cap employee deductions at 65% of the value of their health insurance. This would serve as an effective tax increase for anyone currently on an employer health care plan.

Ah ha hahahahahaha…

elbanditoroso's avatar

This isn’t going anywhere, it’s political theater.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I could care less what they call it, I am interested in what it is supposed to do and what it actually does. If both parties would have spent more time on the substance and less on the title, ACA might actually work as advertised instead of harming more people than it has helped so far.

MadMadMax's avatar

HEALTHCARE should never be tied to employment. Many older workers are laid off due to increased use of health insurance. It’s a horrible solution.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Alternative? Hell, with the Act Formerly Known as Romneycare the GOP got what they’d been asking for for 20 years. They only dislike it now because it wasn’t passed under one of them.

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