Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

If Facebook has a plague called "like-giving addiction", does Fluther have something similar?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) February 1st, 2014

One of the things many of my Facebook-using friends mostly do is liking. They just like, like and like almost everything (even their own status), sometimes with no knowledge what is so like-worthy in what they like (or even without looking at it). That’s the same thing many Facebook users do.

How about Fluther? Is there anything similar to this?

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8 Answers

Adagio's avatar

If it has I have not succumbed to it.

johnpowell's avatar

Life is easier when you stop trying to figure out why things get lurve here. It is madness and can’t be explained.

dxs's avatar

I’m kind of spammy like that with lurve. But I agree with @johnpowell, lurve is weird. I’ll get a lot of lurve for seemingly unworthy answers.

Berserker's avatar

Pfft, if anything this dump is suffering from Larvae Deficiency.

Or I guess maybe that’s just because I’m a fuckin asshole and I offend everyone. :)

pleiades's avatar

@dxs put the hot dog right in the corn dog. I totally agree

Cruiser's avatar

I agree with @Symbeline really good questions so often go without any GQ’s and the same with good answers.

dxs's avatar

@pleiades Okay, but why am I putting a hot dog in a corn dog?

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think I’m infected by lurve virus. LURVE ME LURVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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