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talljasperman's avatar

Instead of going to university could the goverment make another three years of high school mandatory for students ?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 3rd, 2014

Like add grade 13, 14 ,and 15 and raise the age to be an adult to 21.

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13 Answers

josie's avatar

I am starting to think the government believes it can do anything it wants to. Which is too bad.
But having said that, if they put me in charge, I would make a mandatory year 13 before college.

Other than that, I would have it over at grade 12. The city schools where I live are so over populated with morons who don’t participate in their own education that adding more years would be an even more egregious waste of taxpayer money than it already is.

glacial's avatar

No. A million times no. People need to grow up and become self-sufficient. Extending high school would just encourage them to remain dependent on their parents.

MadMadMax's avatar

There is a huge inexplicable difference between the mindset of high school kids and that of a college kid – even a freshman. I think the division is an excellent move forward for young people. More responsibility, less codling, no taking attendance; it is in their own hands to choose the classes they take and to succeed or fail.

Ongoing high school years would not allow for that emotional change.

filmfann's avatar

Will that help them spell University?

talljasperman's avatar

@filmfann opps sorry… I am writing in the dark with my laptop on my knees.

rojo's avatar

I would say rather than more mandatory education the time would be better spent doing public service for a couple of years both for the betterment of society and as a chance to grow up and decide if college is really the way you want to go. A little more maturity would be beneficial to university level learning.

dxs's avatar

I felt like more than an adult at 18. I’d rather not be considered a child for three more years.

talljasperman's avatar

@dxs What about lowering the age to 15?

livelaughlove21's avatar

A 15-year-old is not an adult. Let’s let their brains and bodies stop developing at such a rapid rate before telling them they’re grown-ups.

dxs's avatar

I still think people need time to grow up and get to know the world before relying on themselves. 18 sounds good and average.

talljasperman's avatar

@dxs How about a adulthood test?

johnpowell's avatar

I think we might be better off sorting out people earlier. Like when you are 16 people that are made for things like plumbers and mechanics (both noble and needed trades) are pushed off early into teaching them those trades. Same for the art history majors.

There should of course be a way to exit and start over. I originally went to school to be the most horrible thing ever imagined…. Accountant.

Berserker's avatar

University is optional, high school is not. With said given rules governing the Western Hemisphere, no. Adults need to know how to make choices and shit, this here plan would deprive something that lots of people are greatly in need of, already.

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