Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does the Missouri legislature have too much free time? Do Missourians need legislation that makes a "high-5" the official state greeting?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) February 5th, 2014

I’m sure voters is Missouri are thrilled.

Why would this be a matter for the legislature?

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19 Answers

rojo's avatar

Of course they do!

And this beats doing any actual work for the good of the people.

I wonder if this will become a bone of contention in the November elections?



Cruiser's avatar

The opposition from the handshake and hug lobbies to this bill is going to be fierce.

LuckyGuy's avatar

And what of the disabled and elderly who cannot raise their arms above their heads? Will they not be permitted to great other Missourians? Will their offered handshake be misconstrued as a molestation attempt potentially placing them on the state sex offender list?”
Will doctors be issuing special placards to the handicapped so they may be free to use the old methods of greeting without fear of recrimination?

rojo's avatar

@LuckyGuy a clear case of discrimination by covert means.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@rojo Absolutely! Let’s put Rush Limburger and the ACLU on the case. Shyster and Shyster will represent the participants in the class action suit.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Meh. Something like this probably takes 5 minutes out of the legislature’s day. The “high 5” as the official state greeting makes perfect sense for Missouri though. Next they need to get the mullet as the official state hairstyle (equally applicable to men and women of the state).

KNOWITALL's avatar

Missouri person here and never heard of this, is it a joke or serious?

With all the problems we have, it is rather ridiculous imo. Bunch of jokers.

Cruiser's avatar

@KNOWITALL it appears to have been proposed by a Freshman State Representative who is defending his legislation by saying “I went with this because it’s something I do on the floor to connect with my colleagues and promote bipartisanship,”

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Cruiser Ah, well, promoting bipartisanship IS important I guess…lol

Cruiser's avatar

@KNOWITALL I think he could get better results for bipartisan cooperation if they adopted the “Nice game” pat on the ass you see after every NFL football game! lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Cruiser Is that your real profile pic?

Cruiser's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yep that’s me.

Cruiser's avatar

@KNOWITALL thanks and I venture to guess that is the real you in your profile?

rojo's avatar

FWIW mine is the real me too!

KNOWITALL's avatar


@rojo Nice chest…lol

rojo's avatar

Eh. I was just feeling left out. Thank you though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rojo haha, poor thing! If you’d pose for us like Cruiser, I’ll comment…lol

rojo's avatar

What, you don’t think it was easy pulling the nipples that close together do you? Mine aren’t that big.

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