Meta Question

rojo's avatar

When a question is modded for some reason, does it go back to the person who moderated it?

Asked by rojo (24187points) February 5th, 2014

Or is it just thrown back into the heap for review by whoever is available?
Or, another way to ask it is does the initial moderator also do the follow-up?

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15 Answers

rojo's avatar

Damn, will probably get modded on this too…

I meant WHOMever.

gailcalled's avatar

Right the first time with by (preposition) and its prepositional compliment whoever is available.

rojo's avatar

Double damn

Naked_Whale_Tamer's avatar

@gailcalled wrote:

“Right the first time with by (preposition) and its prepositional compliment whoever is available.”

Did you mean complement?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mine get pushed back to me ,to make the correction, problem is in the question space you provide ,you have to sometimes delete half the damn question just to get at the mistake.

thorninmud's avatar

When the Q is edited and resubmitted, it goes back to the attention of all the mods, not just the one who pulled it (therwise it could languish for a very long time). The next mod to review it can see the input given from prior mods, though, so they know the modding history of the Q.

Cruiser's avatar

In the past I have had both. When I first joined I always got a question returned for correction after being modded. Then I started seeing a trend where some of my questions just disappeared. My conspiracy theory addled brain said there was a concerted effort to control the mind speak of Fluther to better suit the Jellies behind the curtain. But I was also drinking heavily at the time so I suspect this proves nothing. I have not asked but one question recently and it was posted without incident.

rojo's avatar

Ah, Thanks @thorninmud so no sneaking one in past the teacher when the substitute takes over. Got it.

thorninmud's avatar

^^^Quite the handful in school, I bet.

rojo's avatar

Always trying to circumvent the rules, not break them, just find ways to use them for my own nefarious purposes.

Like I told my son repeatedly, “It isn’t that I did not do what you do in school, my timing was better and I was just smart enough not to get caught at it”

gailcalled's avatar

@Naked_Whale_Tamer; I did indeed mean complement.

ucme's avatar

Err…no, it’s gone.

flo's avatar

When answers get moded wouldn’t it be nice to get them back so we can edit the offending part just like the OP?

thorninmud's avatar

@flo There’s always the option of asking a mod to send you the text of one of your modded comment so that you can re-post an edited version. Unfortunately, it will go to the end of the comment line, not back in its original place.

flo's avatar

@thorninmud Thanks, and at least it would be in the thread even if it would be at the end of the comment line.

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