Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Would you rather be known for as a bad speller, or a bad driver?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23558points) February 5th, 2014

So would you rather be known for as a bad speller, or as a bad driver?

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13 Answers

kounoupi's avatar

Bad speller. Bad driver may get people killed!

zenvelo's avatar

Bad speller. Being in accidents a lot can hurt and costs a lot more.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@zenvelo and @kounoupi I agree and thanks.

thorninmud's avatar

Bad speller when I’m driving, bad driver when I’m spelling.

Juels's avatar

I know the sensible answer is bad speller, but the vain part of me says bad driver.

janbb's avatar

I don’t see why one has to make a choice – there are mods on Fluther and policemen on the roads. I prefer to excel at both. :-)

Cruiser's avatar

Bad speller…there is always spell checker for that. I like to drive fast and accurately.

filmfann's avatar

@janbb Mods correct me, but they don’t issue tickets.

longgone's avatar

@filmfann Don’t give them ideas!

thorninmud's avatar

@filmfann Right, and no insurance ding, either. Plus, the cops don’t give you a chance to go back and get it right.

Berserker's avatar

@Cruiser Indeed, my friend. As far as I know, there is no drivecheck whenever someone splatters a child all over the road. :/

Cruiser's avatar

Damn straight @Symbeline… no correcting those accelerating errors…just an ill fitting orange jumpsuit to wear while picking up trash along the highway.

hominid's avatar

Aahh, yes. The classic “bad driver/bad speller” dilemma….

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