Do you have any deep, dark secrets?
Asked by
longgone (
February 5th, 2014
Humans like to share. Is there anything you have kept secret from everyone you know? Why? Does keeping it secret affect your daily life?
You don’t have to tell us what it it, but you may. This is the internet, remember?! Everything you say can and will never be traced back to you…~
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55 Answers
Yes, her name’s Victoria…sshh!
Yes, I have a deep, dark secret…...but it’s classified. I could tell you what it is but then I’d have to kill you.
Yes. I am not actually a giant cookie.
One or two. And I do not discuss them openly.
But people who get to know me usually eventually sort of know what they are.
And the good news is, they let it go.
A few, and they will stay that way. They are the source of my self-hatred
I can only think of one thing that I’ve purposefully hidden from everyone in my non-internet life.
Everyone has them. The trick is to learn from them.
I actually belive in psychic time travel.
nope I don’t have any deep dark secrets, but if I did I sure wouldn’t blab it out on the internet.
Not from everyone I know, but most people. I have dermatillomania and trichotillomania. (Compulsive skin picking, and compulsive hair pulling) I keep it a secret because it does effect my every day life. I don’t have any false ideas that it’s normal, or acceptable, so it has been successfully pushed under the rug.
Another one: I told my best friend that I would understand if his lady didn’t want us to be friends, but that was a lie. I’m still angry about it.
I will be angry for as long as he is with her. I hope she treats him the way he treated me. I hope he’s falling apart, like I did. I hope he’s miserable.
I’m actually a bad person.
@AshLeigh I scratch my scabs on scalp in the same place about 10 times a day… since I was 15 years old. does that mean we have the same disorder (dermatillomania and trichotillomania)... I’ve finally let my arms heal.
Yes. I’m not a mouse and I love porn :)
@talljasperman, trichotillomania is compulsive hair pulling. You might have dermatillomania. It sounds like you could. I’m not a doctor though.
Oh I have some huge secrets and that’s what they’ll stay. Tell one person a secret and it’s not a secret. And no, they don’t trouble me at all.
@AshLeigh You’re not a bad person. :)
I’m sure I must, but my secrets must be deeper than they are darker, because nothing springs immediately to mind.
@ibstubro Wow your darkest secret must be buried in a big pile of other secrets, that’s why you can’t remember it, right? :D
Ah, another secret: That girl in my avatar is actually me!
@Adirondackwannabe Are you imply that I’m bisexual? If so, then congratulation. You’ve uncovered another of my secret.
Why do I have so many secrets got revealed today?
@Mimishu1995 No lady. I was showing my age. That’s a quote by Ed Asner to Mary Tyler Moore in the old Mary Tyler Moore show. And the term would be “implying” I’m bisexual. And hey, I’m fine with that.
Spunk as in gumption, @Mimishu1995, not spunk as in ejaculate/cum/‘male love juice’.
Yup, yup, yup, @Mimishu1995. I knew the problem the instant I saw your post. Wrong translation/definition.
But I only found the link because of @Adirondackwannabe‘s explanation of the quote’s origin.
@Mimishu1995 I know where you’re from and how you’re working on your English. I’ll keep helping out where I can.
Yup, @Mimishu1995, apparently my deep secret is buried in a haystack of dark lark secrets. I often do things on a lark.
I have a pre-cancerous condition my wife and kids do not know about.
I used to be embarrassed because my dad was obese now the tables have turned and I am overweight, but no one is making fun of me. As far as I know.
I stopped going to 8th grade after a move to another state where I was bullied and a minority.
I managed to conceal this from my parents for months and by the time they finally found out I was moving back to CA. I entered 9th grade and my transcripts never arrived so no one was the wiser.
I was bright enough and clever enough to escape an entire year of school and get away with it, hardly any worse for wear. I figured if I was moved ahead once I’d just take the liberty to move myself ahead another grade when I damn well felt like it. lol
@Coloma Maybe you have some special technique to deal with the school authority?
I’m Batman, motherfuckers.
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Nope, not at all. Sounds like a bunch of unnecessary drama to me.
My avatar is not really a crookneck squash, but a butternut squash!
I always thought it was an exotic bird in it’s nest, @Kardamom.
@ibstubro Nope. The exotic bird is @gailcalled.
Don’t confuse me, @dxs. I just told @cookieman that his avatar looks like a pug dog to me. @CRobert‘s looks like a farm fresh (orange yolked) sunny-side-up egg.
I can’t think of anything that I would say is a dark secret. I try to live with a clear conscience.
I stole a little bit of stationary at work once. But replaced it a week later. Than once in a while I use the work’s internet to download movies that is about the darkest secret I what I can think of.
I accidentally stole a pair of gloves from Goodwill. The next time I bought something, I had them overcharge me by $3.99.
I do, but I am not going to say anything about it.
At times, @shego, I think non-participation can be rewarded. In that spirit, I GA you!
Just my porn collection.
Oh, and I know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.
I know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried too.
His final resting place.
I was going to say “in the ground” but I like yours too.
This guy I went to school with was arrested last week for shooting someone three times.
The secret part: I always thought he was pretty sexy. I’d still bang him, given the opportunity.
@AshLeigh “shooting”...“bang” was that double entendre intentional? ;)
I thought he was attractive before he killed anyone xD
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