General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Should and could I move to the United States from Canada?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 5th, 2014

In Canada you need to get a specific score on an usefulness test of 1 to 100, when I was in high school the score needed was 55 and I think it was raised to around 70. I was thinking about some of the western states.

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19 Answers

rojo's avatar

Yes you could.

josie's avatar

Why not. At least you won’t have to carry all those heavy $2 coins in your pocket. And in spite of Obama care, if you need serious medical treatment, you will be here, instead of having to travel across the border like a couple of my sick Canadian buddies do.

MadMadMax's avatar

You could but I sure wouldn’t. You’d be lowering you quality of life significantly.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Are you in show business? I’m trying to imagine reasons other than marketing or a desire for commercial fame. Young and bored? or cold dark winters?

talljasperman's avatar

loneliness for intelligent person to person contact not just on Fluther.

MadMadMax's avatar

Go to school in Vancouver.

ragingloli's avatar

You could, but you should not.

talljasperman's avatar

@ragingloli thanks… @MadMadMax I have an uncle who lives in Nanaimo and says not to go there because of the lack of opportunity.

MadMadMax's avatar

Where is Nanaimo?

XOIIO's avatar

@MadMadMax Yup, free healthcare, talk about a downer, not having to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for a few days in a hospital? Who wants to deal with that?

talljasperman's avatar

@MadMadMax North central Vancouver island I don’t know how to spell it properly , it is named after the chocolate Nanaimo.

MadMadMax's avatar

Vancouver is a booming city. Huge film industry.

MadMadMax's avatar

Canada is listed as one of the top ten countries to live in for opportunity and quality of life amongst other things. You are already there and a citizen. Don’t screw up your life.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@talljasperman Believe me, the grass is no greener down here. If it’s interesting human interaction you’re looking for, what’s wrong with Vancouver, Halifax or Montreal? Heck, any university town in your wonderful country should cure your isolation in a heartbeat. By the way, all of you folks who feel dejected for having too much peace and quiet, the opposite is no picnic. I come here to hide from an overabundance of interpersonal relationships and a smoking answering machine.

trailsillustrated's avatar

NO if anything ever happens to you or your partner there is no social net…

johnpowell's avatar

I have moved to a new city looking for a fresh start thinking that would be the kick in the pants I needed to get out more and explore and change some bad habits. It actually led to more loneliness even though I went to a city with 30X’s the population. The place I was wasn’t the problem, the problem was with me. Once you start to know where the problem is coming from you can work on fixing it. I know this isn’t easy, I’m still suffering similar problems. It is better but not ideal.

Coming to the United States would be the worst mistake you could make. Our safety net is 150 in food stamps if you are homeless.

janbb's avatar

Since you are on social services, I don’t see how it would be in any way possible. You have to find ways to improve your life where you are.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I used to live in Nanaimo. It is on Vancouver Island. Nanaimo is an Indian word, meaning “great people” or something. The Nanaimo bar was named after the city, not the other way around – ha-ha!

Back to the question – it is very difficult to immigrate to the US. I just had the experience this last year when my son married a girl from overseas. You wouldn’t believe the paperwork and the money. And that was with her married to a US citizen. To get in without that advantage, you would have to have a job offer in writing, and it would have to be a good offer, plus the company would have to be willing to sponsor you (be held financially responsible for you). Like any company in their right mind would do that. You would have to have money in the bank, be able to pass extensive background checks and have no medical problems.

So I agree with others here, who have said that living in the US isn’t all that, especially right now. Times are tough and getting worse. Not a good place to be poor or sick.

bolwerk's avatar

I can’t see a reason why you should and, if you can’t either, I would say don’t bother. But if you want to (hey, that’s a reason), go for it. Kanada is swirling around in the same neocon toilet the USA is, but the social services are probably worse in the USA.

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