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Mimishu1995's avatar

What do you think you are an expert on?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) February 5th, 2014

Sometimes you need to be proud of yourself a bit. What do you think you are exceptionally good at?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I already know that @CWOTUS is an expert on anything law-related (I asked some law questions myself, and they always gave me the best answers), @PhiNotPi is an expert on Math (they gave a brilliant answer on a math question of a new jelly asking about some number sequence), @dxs is an expert on music (I’m not sure about this but their avatar kinds of indicate that), and @muppetish is an extraordinary English teacher (their explanation of English and English teaching method are awesome).
And me? I’m an expert of eating, sleeping and asking stupid questions!

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30 Answers

AshLeigh's avatar

I wouldn’t really call myself an expert on anything. I’m good at math, and sometimes I’m funny…

Adagio's avatar

While I certainly don’t consider myself an expert in anything, I have had some experience with the following, some aspects of which I would discuss with others, other aspects not so.

Breastfeeding (long-term)
Walking away from a faith I had followed for 18 years
Living with a major life changing disability
Involvement in a romantic relationship with someone other than my child’s parent

Cruiser's avatar

Cooking, gardening, golf and juggling scarves.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Fucking nothing. I will be learning to the day I die. If I ever think I’m an expert in anything I’ll give it up for good.

stanleybmanly's avatar


cookieman's avatar

Nothing, but I’m really good at some stuff.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m pretty decent at understanding things related to the military and specifically Military Police since that has been my career field for my entire 20 years in the service.

johnpowell's avatar

Copyright Infringement.

ibstubro's avatar

Cripes. That is quite a list.

I am an expert on American second hand goods.

Coloma's avatar

Country/mountain living, most wild life, geese, chickens, cats, horses and various assorted other animals and birds.
Pretty good gardener, know massive amounts of inane trivia. lol

ibstubro's avatar


So far I think @Coloma has it. Hands down!

Cruiser's avatar

@Coloma you left off skinny dipping in ice cold hot tubs! ;)

zenvelo's avatar

I’m an expert on the workings of the stock market. And I’m also an expert on alcoholism.

SwanSwanHummingbird's avatar

Me. And sometimes not even that.

jerv's avatar

I’m pretty knowledgeable about cars, computers, tabletop gaming, and nuclear power, along with some knowledge of math, physics, electrical engineering, and a little psychology. As for being an actual expert on anything though… I’m not sure I can objectively say.

filmfann's avatar

Telephony, teaching the deaf to speak, and film.
The Story of Alexander Graham Bell is like the best movie ever.

rojo's avatar

More of a generalist than an expert.

Berserker's avatar

I’m not an expert in anything, but I am a bit proud of my knowledge on horror movies, their genres and the history. (not an expert though)

Also it’s like, if I was a mad scientist chasing you guys around with giant scissors, as soon as I saw you guys I’d be like, hold up buddy, I’ll be right with you! ’‘gives chase’’

ucme's avatar

I’m a cunning linguist

Berserker's avatar

@ucme i see wut j00 did thar

ucme's avatar

subtle huh?

KNOWITALL's avatar

I don’t claim expert level but enjoy nature, animals, psych, reading/ english, mental illness, how the poor survive.

CrifJohnson's avatar

Being good with people and Hospitality.

rojo's avatar

@KNOWITALL you enjoy mental illness?

Kind of like what my sister said when asked if anyone in the family suffered from mental illness: “No, I think most of them enjoy it”.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

I’m a good planner and an excellent cook.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rojo I enjoy learning about it I should say, my bad. :)

Kardamom's avatar

Tracking down recipes on Google.

Rubbing dog and cat tummies.

Watching re-runs of Doc Martin.

janbb's avatar


Paradox25's avatar

The industrial electrical field and welding. There are other things I’m very knowledgable with but I’m pretty formidable with those two subjects.

ibstubro's avatar


I know everything there is to know, and then some. If I’m unsure, I’m sure to make it up.

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