General Question

talljasperman's avatar

How long should I boil pork hocks?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) February 5th, 2014

From frozen I have two large pork hocks .850 KG together ; I would like to boil them for a couple of hours. But I’m not sure just exactly when they are finished. I put them on boil at 9PM mountain standard time.

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9 Answers

creative1's avatar

Typically unsmoked would be about an hour and then baked at 350 for another 30minutes covered. Its a tougher piece of meat but becomes quite tender when cooked for a long time.

Cruiser's avatar

I would pull them out of the boil after and hour…season them even add onions, garlic and mushrooms…wrap in foil and slow bake in the oven at 300 F for 3–4 hours for a kick ass yum meal.

Smitha's avatar

The normal procedure followed is simmering for about 1–½ hours,15 minutes longer if you are cooking whole, then roast one hour to make skin crispy.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

What are you making?

ibstubro's avatar

I agree with @Adirondackwannabe…we need to know what your goal is. Entirely different procedure if you are preparing hocks to eat or seasoning beans with hocks.

talljasperman's avatar

Update :I boiled them for an hour and put them in the oven , the smoke detector rang and I turned the oven off and boiled them for another 30 minutes. I ate the best parts and I hurt my teeth, So I ate what I could and then tossed the skin away.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I put them in the crock pot and simmer about 6 hours. If you are in a hurry, pressure cook them for 25 minutes at 15 pounds pressure.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I usually cook them in my bean or pea soup. I put the soup in a slow cooker before going to work and they are done when I get home.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’m looking for ham hocks to cook in crock pot with black eyed peas.

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