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Could the person who put the defective item out by the trash be sued if someone picked it up, tried to use it, then got hurt?
I was dropping off some stuff at Goodwill. Among my items was a stroller. I happened to notice the sign on the door that said strollers were among the things that they could not accept. I found that odd, then realized that if they sold it and there was something wrong with the stroller, and a kid got hurt, Goodwill could be liable.
As far as I know, there is nothing wrong with the stroller, my daughter just didn’t need it any more. But then I thought, “What if I put the stroller out by my trash at home and somebody spied it, picked it up, took it home and used it and a kid got hurt, could they sue me?”
I wondered what the situation would be if I put it out on the curb, obviously for someone to pick up for free, even if, to the best of my knowledge, it was a perfectly good stroller, but some kid got hurt.
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