Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Which topics in your opinion have been debated to death?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23587points) February 7th, 2014

Capital punishment? Abortion? Gun control? Climate change? Or what topics do you think people should just choose their sides and let it go?

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39 Answers

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filmfann's avatar

I am getting tired of all the Christian-bashing questions on this site, but I have hopes that one of them will result in the saving of at least one soul.

livelaughlove21's avatar

All of the ones you mentioned in addition to gay marriage, or homosexuality in general. The fact that this is still an issue is ridiculous, but nonetheless… However, they’re all important topics that have not been and will never be resolved, so the debates shall continue. We’ll never get everyone to agree either way, so we’ll continue to use the same arguments over and over and over until we’re blue in the face.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well as for Capital punishment I stand about 50/50 want monsters put down,but if used even once on the wrong person then society is no better than the murderer, I don’t think Abortion should be used as a form of birth control, but in case of incest,rape,or the mothers health ,then I am 100000000% for it,gun control only takes guns away from the legal law abiding person does nothing to stop violence by crazy people using a gun,I am still on the fence about climate change.

Pachy's avatar

Barack Obama’s birthplace

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Pachy's avatar

Also, climate change. As Stephen Merchant said on Real Time with Bill Maher: Wouldn’t it be really smart just to assume it’s real and prepare for the worst.

KNOWITALL's avatar

‘Debated’ is a matter of opinion.

Discussion about any subject is never done if someone has an unanswered question.

Just because some people cannot emotionally handle a subject well, doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be discussed.

ucme's avatar

Dogs vs Cats, well established now that dogs are by far the greater animal/pet.

johnpowell's avatar

“I am getting tired of all the Christian-bashing questions on this site, but I have hopes that one of them will result in the saving of at least one soul.”

It is Friday and it is snowing so I am just going to assume this is sarcasm and go make snow angels.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@johnpowell Better than snow devils…lol

ragingloli's avatar

- Creationism vs. Evolution.
It is like debating Flat Earth vs spherical Earth.

- Birtherism
– Obama being a Muslim (he is not)
– Obama being a Socialist (he is not)
– Obama being a space lizard infiltrator (he is)

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

^^^^^^^LOVING THIS!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

rojo's avatar

Death Panels and whether or not the Affordable Heath Care act covers them and whether or not we can nominate people to be considered.

Blackberry's avatar

You’ll still see progress related to the oldest of topics. For example, the abortion debate will depend on where you live. In some places everyone has gotten over it, and in other places you can’t even say the word.

johnpowell's avatar

It is kinda funny. The hot topics here are what you get in writing 122 classes. Style and Argument.

The problem is that they are boring and shitty. Abortion,weed,the gays, and guns.

I don’t really know when to use a comma but I got good grades in writing classes for making papers about how I got myself out of the closet my mother trapped me in.

dougiedawg's avatar

Benghazi, the war on Christmas, repealing Obamacare, gay marriage, gun control, the I.R.S. non-scandal, abortion.

What we should be focused on: less tax breaks for the rich and corporations, increasing the minimum wage to something you could actually live on, fixing the national infrastructure and creating jobs, converting more cars to natural gas (burns cleaner), eliminating big money influence in Washington and election campaigns (Citizens United should be overturned or redrafted), lowering the cost of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, and bringing the troops home from where they are no longer needed and providing for the most needy among us. Of course I’d like to nationalize the oil companies (the oil should belong to all of us) as well as parasitical banks and investment firms…call me a pinko commie;)

MadMadMax's avatar

None of those you mention. How could they not remain an issue to keep talking about?

We worked and were granted the freedom to control our own bodies and now the southern and most of the very conservative states have made it impossible for women to take advantage of their constitutional rights. And it’s getting downright abusive – requiring physicians to order unnecessary and uncomfortable vaginal probes etc. Poor women don’t have the same civil rights as rich women who can just take a plane to sane state and come back a day or two later. The south has the highest rate teenage pregnancies in the the US.

Gun Control has become a major issue and concern. For some reason while the issue is being debated more nuts are literally killing innocent people that simply annoy them. We have a problem; there needs to be a clear voicing of opinions and ongoing debate.

Climate change is actually a given and some conservatives are being spoon fed false information or are in denial. It is an issue that will ultimately affect us all very severely and more scientists need to educate the public in common language. So that needs to be discussed until people understand it’s not a choice issue its real.

You didn’t mention American huge problem with fresh potable water. Americans continue to build in areas that can’t support the population they already have. The water is not truly potable due to the limitations of our water treatment and the use of pharmaceuticals and their affect on the population and especially children. Canada has 20% of the world’s fresh water supply, It is the clear gold of the future. Does that put Canada at risk or does it mean that Canada is going to be one amazingly rich country in the future. And why are we not addressing our water problems on a national level? That deserves a lot of discourse and education.

Lets have more discussions about these issues.

rojo's avatar

San Antonio, Texas is in the process of putting in a desalination plant so they can use the water the brackish water available to provide for the burgeoning population. Because, as the Article says :Population and industrial growth, combined with three years of drought, have exhausted the supply of fresh water available to many Texas communities…;

nebule's avatar

Anything to do with Religion but I’ve not been on here for some time so don’t really have any place to comment :-)

MadMadMax's avatar

@rojo Desalinization is much more costly than any other solutions, and plants are horrendously noisy and they kill marine life – we’ve fished our oceans to the point of near environmental extinction of major species, and without living healthy marine life we can’t exist.

Desalinization is not a viable solution, it’s a band-aid on an infection and it makes the infection worse.

rojo's avatar

@MadMadMax San Antonio is slightly less than 200 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, the closed body of seawater. This plant is necessary in order to utilize locally available water.

Blondesjon's avatar

Dick Sargent or Dick York.

In the face or in the gut.

Up all night for good fun or up all night to get lucky.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Of course, my most avoided topics: religion.

jca's avatar

Atheism vs. theism. There are posts that are paragraphs and paragraphs long, to me, I don’t have that much time to read them and I can’t imagine how long it took the poster to ponder and type them. To me, are my beliefs going to be changed by what someone on Fluther suggests? Should I look to change someone’s mind and convert them to my way of thinking? Everyone has their beliefs and live and let live.

ibstubro's avatar

I don’t think you can debate a topic too much if you maintain an open mind and a sense of humor.

Paradox25's avatar

I don’t feel that religion should stop being debated when non-believers are still punished for simply not relying on faith to make decisions in their lives, for using logic over faith to determine the validity of scientific discoveries and for opposing the culture that many religionists try to push on others. No, I wouldn’t expect non-believers to just lie down and die when nearly half of all Americans have stated that they wouldn’t vote for an atheist president, or when just as many believe in Young Earth Creationism.

I also feel that Young Earth Creationism needs to be countered too, though I think it’s ridiculous that with everything radiometric testing, astronomy and geology has given us that this issue is even debated, and believed by so many religionists yet. Also, YECs distortion and cherry picking of radiocarbon testing is very shameful too. I would chose this topic as something stupid to debate, only if so many Americans didn’t buy the young earth model, and if the proponents of YEC didn’t resort to outright lies and distortions to sell their BS to willing participants.

Two subjects that I feel are very dumb to continue debating today are gender related issues and homosexuality. I’m not so sure why so many gender role defenders feel the need to push such rigid behavior standards on people simply because of the sex they were born as. Everybody should be free to live the lives they want to, and not have this restricted just because of the sex they were born as. I don’t see how certain biological behavior differences in each sex refutes my main point here.

I’m not so sure why homosexuality is such as important issue either. Again, like I have stated above I simply don’t feel that people who didn’t ask to be born on Earth here should have to live lies just because it’s considered politically correct to do so. Why can’t people just mind their business and leave others alone?

alphabetpony92's avatar


Its silly to me because I don’t know why there is this much debate over it, it seems pretty straightforward. Why or how is it OK to suck a child out of his/her own mothers womb? If you aren’t safe cradled in your own mothers womb then where the hell are you safe in this world? I think the answer is… nowhere.

I can imagine that the liberal feminists of fluther want to challenge this but save your energy. I am not interested in debate. You have your strong views and I have mine. Let it go and move on.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Damn us liberal feminists that realize it’s none of our business what a woman does with her body.~

ibstubro's avatar

Why can’t people just mind their business and leave others alone?

Sorry, I thought it bore repeating.

filmfann's avatar

Star Trek vs Star Wars.

ragingloli's avatar

Star Trek is obviously superior.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Paradox25 Your post is what the religious issues all boil down to. You don’t believe that I have the right to CHOOSE how I believe about God or The Bible and it affects YOUR world (like your atheist President.)

If both parties foster antagonism, communication breaks down. As a theist, I accept your right to NOT believe in God, but here it seems a LOT of atheists do not accept our beliefs as ‘okay’. That is the problem, the anger and resentment which is one-sided. We just try to defend our right to worship as we please.

Paradox25's avatar

@KNOWITALL I don’t understand your post. Young earth creationists distort scientific facts and methods just because the evidence goes against their beliefs, so I’m not sure where I went wrong with that claim. I also don’t understand it when you stated that the anger and resentment is one sided, really? First off fluther does not represent the majority of mainstream America, so to use this site to try to debunk the obvious fact that many Christians consistently bad mouth and threaten people who don’t agree with their beliefs, argue against creationism, etc is ridiculous.

I also don’t appreciate the fact that you stated I don’t believe there’s a god. So, I don’t agree with your version of ‘God’ that makes me an atheist by default? I get pounded on here when I try to argue the evidence to support my beliefs, but that’s ok. However, when Christianity gets criticized that’s wrong by default?

I had seen several posts by Christians recently on here stating that they felt sorry for people who had not found the grace of Christ. I’ve seen some Christian posts on here criticize other religions too. However if a non-theist made a statement such as ‘I feel sorry for people who need a god to be happy’ most people on here, including other atheists would be all over them. I’m sorry, but my beliefs don’t get a special pass on here so why should any body else’s?

I’m not claiming that you don’t have the right to believe as you please, where did I state that? Since when is making an argument for the validity of one religion over another, or criticizing creationists for distorting scientific evidence affecting your right to believe as you chose? I’m sorry but you have lost me here.

ibstubro's avatar



I’m too late to this party. I was hoping most of us could get along.

Guess I need to find an issue that I’m so invested in that I am unable to walk away from a post. Or not.

I choose my battles. They tend to be far and few between. And they tend to be ones I will win.

My advice, @KNOWITALL and @Paradox25.

jca's avatar

On Fluther, you will find many examples of theists saying they feel sorry for atheists for not believing. You will also find many examples of atheists and agnostics saying they feel sorry for theists for being so foolish as to believe.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Paradox25 “I don’t feel that religion should stop being debated when non-believers are still punished for simply not relying on faith to make decisions in their lives, for using logic over faith to determine the validity of scientific discoveries and for opposing the culture that many religionists try to push on others. No, I wouldn’t expect non-believers to just lie down and die when nearly half of all Americans have stated that they wouldn’t vote for an atheist president, or when just as many believe in Young Earth Creationism.”

I was addressing this part of your post, but I also want to mention that the reason some of us keep talking about homosexuality is to change the old-school mindset of people who still think it’s a choice.

Live and let live is a good policy but I’m not getting that from your entire post frankly, until that last sentence. That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

@ibstubro I’m just questioning the post in general, not trying to start a war. It’s like saying I love roses, and posting a paragraph about why roses are flawed.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Which topic has been debated to death?

My answer: The faux “war on Christmas” apparently purposely started by Fox News.


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