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JLeslie's avatar

Did you see the jellyfish during the opening ceremonies at the Olympics in Sochi?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) February 8th, 2014

I don’t know if they were supposed to be jellyfish or maybe dandelions, but the skit made me think of fluther.

I couldn’t watch the entire opening ceremonies last night, but what I saw I liked. How about you?

I liked that the countries seemed out of order, since of course they used the Russian alphabet.

Did you catch during the ballet that the two men twirled each other around? Do you think that was for all the people accusing Russia of being homophobic?

What little things did you notice? Were you entertained? What was your overall impression?

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5 Answers

cookieman's avatar

I really enjoyed the dream sequence with the little girl and all the sets suspended on wires, floating through the clouds.

I thought the snowflakes turning into the Olympic Rings was a nice idea. Too bad the final snowflake refused to cooperate.

The parade of athletes was fun for a while. I ended up muting the volume about ten countries in and just enjoying their outfits. Argentina’s was sadly boring, as we’re many others. Germany wins for loudest colors. Norway’s were my favorite. The US sweaters reminded me of tacky holiday sweaters.

I made it about halfway through and fell asleep.

Cruiser's avatar

Overall it was a very unexpected display of true artistry and pageantry. Once I got adjusted to the Russian flavor of the performance I truly was in awe of the direction, choreography, attention to detail and the technical theatrics involved in the performance. Add in the enthusiasm displayed by each and every performer there I saw a sense of pride and accomplishment at a lever I hate to admit I did not expect to see. Hat tip to Vladimir Putin.

I feel bad for the technician who was ultimately responsible for the last Olympic ring not opening in the finale…I hope they adapt well to the weather in Siberia.

ucme's avatar

Never watched it, bound to be incredibly kitsch.

JLeslie's avatar

@cookieman I liked the dream sequence too. It reminded me of the Nutcracker. A girls dreams, and the grace of a Russian dance, and the bright colors of the Land of the Sweets (Candyland).

JLeslie's avatar

I’m watching more of it now and I love the skaters and other action figures lit up in the sky like star constellations. It even looks like the milky way in the bacground. Really good.

Oh, and the women who brought in the flag were not all in high heels. I liked that too. I like that they didn’t torture themselves if heels are difficult for them, and they weren’t pressured to wear a certain shoe.

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