Social Question

flutherother's avatar

Has a minor event in your life ever had significant consequences?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) February 8th, 2014

Has something trivial in your life ever led to something important? Have you an example to share?

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4 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Because I got 100% certificate in grade 1 math more was expected from me with less. I never got that high again except once when I got 236% for a vocabulary test in grade 6.

Cruiser's avatar

23 years ago at a bar I refused to give this young blonde girl a cigarette…and in 5 months we will celebrate 20 years of marriage!

nebule's avatar

A couple of weekends ago I had lit some candles in the living room (on the fireplace) on the Saturday evening and my son wanted to have his bed and duvet downstairs and get all cosy. I brought the mattress and duvet downstairs. I was about to start making tea and there was something on the TV that just caught my eye and so sat down on the sofa for a few seconds – I got up to walk into the kitchen and just happened to glance at some things on the floor that needed putting in the bin, I then just happen to see out of the corner of my eye that the duvet had caught fire on the candles which were on the fireplace. Within seconds the flames were 2 foot high. I managed to put it out by smothering the fire with the rest of the duvet.

However, I can’t help but feel that if that certain something on the TV hadn’t just caught my eye at that moment, I would have walked into the kitchen and started cooking tea. As my son was sat fairly close to the TV, with his back to the rest of the room and the candles, the fire could have quickly got out of control whilst I was in the kitchen. Who knows what could have happened!

So yes, I believe insignificant events did have significant consequences.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Another user on here gave me a small 10g fish tank before moving across the country. It was the first time I had ever had fish. Next December I’ll be graduating with a degree in marine biology.

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