Alphabet Video Games Game? Part Deux, Yeah?
Asked by
Berserker (
February 9th, 2014
Or perhaps, no.
Originally started by @Mimishu1995, I thought it was fun.
So the rules are…use the order of the alphabet to name video games. One jelly picks the first game, then the next jelly uses the letter that comes after that to name their game…do I really have to explain this?
A bit of a twist to it, instead of just naming a title, it would be cool to give something like a short description of the game you’re naming, or your experiences with it, like if you liked it or not, and whatnot.
I start with A of course, and my game is ActRaiser 2. You’re this angel guy sent by ’‘The Master’’, who’s pretty much God, and you have to fight Satan’s legions, although the Devil was named Tanzra in the American version. It’s a super Nintendo side scroller with a high difficulty and gorgeous graphics, at least back then. There was also some town simulation thing going on which I never really paid attention to, because I was too busy wanting to kill stuff.
But it was cool. You were God’s warrior, complete with wings and sword, fighting monstrosities such as huge demons and giant centipedes.
Now, the next jelly uses B, and names a game that starts with that…have fun. :)
Note; if you’re on a stupid letter like Q or Z and can’t think of anything, feel free to use a game that starts with a number, rather than a letter.
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49 Answers
Yeah, I’m the author of the original game.
Bomberman (for NES)
Well, I’m not really sure what that game’s about, other than you are some kind of jerk who places bombs beside bricks to find a key under them while avoiding monsters. Once you find the key, you can proceed to the next level and repeat all the above. The game seem never-ending to me, probably because I haven’t played through it. And in my opinion, this game is just OK, I don’t have any special feeling toward it.
Well, I’m not really sure what that game’s about, other than you are some kind of jerk who places bombs beside bricks to find a key under them while avoiding monsters.
Some jerk LOL. That’s probably the best description for this game that I’ve ever heard. Lmao.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
Well, I could talk about this game for hours, bring up so many points, and just talk talk talk…I LOVE this game. My favorite video game ever, if I dare say. You are Alucard, Dracula’s hot son, going to defeat his father. It’s a beautiful 2D game where you fight tons of horror creatures from bats to death itself, and the game has tons of collectibles, which is probably one of my favorite things to do in video games, ever; find shit and amass it ALL. There’s a lot of stuff wrong with the game, but overall, what it does good, it does so exceptionally. There’s never been quite another game like this. Great music and awesome Gothic scenery…if you like vampires you won’t be disappointed. :)
I like to say I’m a Castlevania fan, and I like a lot of the other titles but I have to be truthful…I pretty much just love this one in the series. :D there’s so much I want to say lol
Democracy 3.
You are the ruler of a country and must steer the course of your country with policy decisions while also keeping your population happy so that you win the next election.
Exterminate IV
This fourth incarnation of the hugely popular Exterminate series has eliminated all technical weaponry and you are forced to navigate the streets of lower Manhattan and your only weapon is what you can find around you. You quickly discover that to survive the second level your best chance is with the thigh bone of your first victim from level one. In order to survive levels 3–7 you have to partner up with a super annoying 11 year old street punk who knows where all the secrete utility tunnels are that allow you to avoid the mobs of thugs who only want your thigh bones. To survive level 8 you gleefully have to liberate the street punk of his thigh bone since your first one got shatter at the finish of level 7
I’ll continue on with ‘E’ since @ragingloli says the previous ‘E’ doesn’t exist and I couldn’t find it either.
Set in the future, Eath is a totalitarian state. You are a pilot from the moon, sent to Earth on a kamikaze mission to wreck as much shit as possible as a setup for the moon to invade Earth for precious resources. The game itself is a sidescrolling shooter. There are three different types of ships to choose from, each that can equip a different amount of power-ups and uses those power-ups in different ways. What makes this game interesting is that each level has multiple paths if you know how to access them. For example, in the first level there is a sub-boss. To beat the sub-boss, you can just nuke his head for an easy and quick victory and continue along your way. However, if you have knocked down every billboard leading up to the sub-boss and nuke down his “leg” area and chest area before destroying the head, you get to continue on using another route. The game is pretty tough (especially if you are like me and usually not very good at sidescrolling shooters) as one direct hit will take out your ship (partial hits will take out your ship eventually too).
You are one of the descendants of the survivors of the nuclear holocaust that took shelter in fortified underground vaults. The water purifier fails, and you are sent out to find replacement a replacement part. In the course of your travels, you encounter countless mutated animals, and you must stop a plot by supermutant humans to turn all the non-mutated humans into supermutants.
Guilty Gear XX A Core
A 2D fighter. Has some of the craziest movesets in any 2D fighter I’ve seen. Many characters are heavily influenced by rock music. I don’t really have a good grasp on the plot since plot is always irrelevant in 2D fighters. For me it’s really all about the character design. You have A.B.A., a homunculus wrapped in bloodsoaked bandages who attacks with a giant key that can be upgraded with bloodpackets; Baiken, a female samurai with one arm who stores various weapons in the sleeve of her armless kimono; Bridget (everyone is gay for Bridget), the boy who dresses as a girl who attacks with a yo-yo and a stuffed bear named Roger; Eddie, who can shapeshift into all sorts of things to attack; Faust, a doctor who wears a paper bag on his head and wields a scalpel on a pole and his attacks are weird as fuck; I-No, the witch look-a-like who uses her guitar with grim efficiency; Millia Rage, who uses her blonde locks as her deadly weapon; Venom, who uses a pool cue and balls to create chain attacks; Zappa, a man possessed by various ghosts who use his human vessel to attack foes, and a multitude of others.
Heaven or Hell. Duel 1. Let’s Rock!
You are a bald clone, and a professional assassin. And you do assassin stuff.
@amujinx Haha yeah GG is awesome. I like Millia, and she’s also supposed to be blind. That’s some crazy hair she’s got.
Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors 2
An old side scrolling adventure fantasy game where you’re some Conan guy with a sword, wandering around in these levels, looking for keys and fighting minions. I only rented this years ago as a kid, and I really didn’t get anywhere, but it was a fun game. There’s lots of exploration to do and the levels are pretty big. And it has Fabio on the cover haha.
Jet Grind Radio
You are a member of the skate gang the GG’s. You skate around the city, listening to pirate radio station “Jet Set Radio” while keeping your turf by spraying graffiti over rival gangs graffiti and avoiding the cops. That is until you learn that the corporation, the Rokkaku Group, is assembling a record called the Devil’s Contract to gain control over everyone in the city. It is now up to you and your gang to use your graffiti skills to liberate the city. My favorite video game. Great soundtrack too. Future sucks though.
@amujinx I loved the warnings in JGR when it was loading like “remember, graffiti is a crime, do not attempt in real life”
Kerbal Space Program.
Hands down the most addicting game I’ve played in a long time. The concept is simple, build rockets and launch them into space to do scientific experiments. You will spend a great many hours just trying to figure out how to get your first rocket to orbit your planet and then reenter and land successfully, you will get horribly frustrated, but you will finally succeed and have an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. There is also a great modding community for this game so people are constantly making tons of add ons to make the game more realistic.
Now I’m off to go save a Kerbal trapped in a 6 year orbit around the sun on a ship with nothing but a small ion drive >_<
You are a boy who is supposed to look for his sister in “limbo”. This game is just a normal puzzle-solving platform game with black-and-white graphics, but it has a great impact on me. Throughout the journey the boy encounters various enemies and environments, ranging from a spider in a forest to some giant machines that can kill. The arrangement of all those obstacles make me wonder about the game’s hidden meaning. Is the background story really just about a boy finding his sister, or is ther boy’s journey symbolizes something else. This is one of the games which offers the best gameplay and story telling I’ve ever played.
Missile Command
Move around your line to stop attacking lines from blowing up your blobs. Later levels you have to stop dots from attacking your blobs as well.
@amujinx you hear about the guy who played for 60 hours straight?
An RPG on the TurboGrafix 16, this is basically a Zelda clone. But it was my first venture into the action RPG thing, so it’s close to my heart. Except I was young back then and didn’t understand English much, and this was like my first year playing games…I didn’t understand the password system.
So every time I played…I ended up starting from scratch. Haha, got really good at it though.
@uberbatman No, I did not.
Odin Sphere
A side scroller action RPG where the levels are circles, and you fight shit. I can’t really say much more yet since I only just got it and have only had time to play the tutorial levels basically.
I totally got it just to see if the artwork is as misogynistic as Dragon’s Crown.
The title is self-explanatory. You are a paperboy delivering newspapers to various houses while trying to avoid nasty obstacles like angry dogs and mad vehicles until you have delivered enough newspapers of the day.
I played this game when I were younger and somehow the boy’s pixelated face when he died always made me laugh.
@amujinx I totally got it just to see if the artwork is as misogynistic as Dragon’s Crown.
It’s even worse. Love both games. Got ME a platinum on Dragon’s Crown, too. :D
@Mimishu1995 Haha, here check out this Paoerboy review. This guy who does these just cracks me up lol.
Never played this, but it’s some old puzzle game where your guy looks like he’s always sucking on a penis, and he swears all the time as you solve some block related puzzles. Supposed to be really classic. But I hate blocks in games, unless it’s Zelda. But I like swearing. And penises. i mean wut
Rayman Origin.
This is the first (and only) Rayman game I’ve played, so I have no idea what the background story is really about. All I see is a wacky platformer with a yellow face dog (if I can call Rayman a dog), a big fat blue bag and some blue-faced witches. But I have to admit that the graphics are excellent and the gameplay is addictive. I’m glad that the game also enables 2-player mode so my brother and I can have fun together. My only complaint is that in 2-player mode, players can hit each other and many times I hit my brother by mistake and vice versa :p
Super Street Fighter II Turbo the New Challengers
Talk about a title. Haha. Well everyone knows what Street Fighter is, always liked that series. The 2D ones, anyway. I’m not good at them at all, despite having played this for the passed 15 years, but…yeah. This and Street Fighter Alpha 3 are my favorite ones.
I got the HD version of this from the PSN, and if you get to the end of the game without being beaten once, (you can lose a match, just make sure not to continue) then instead of fighting the last guy, M.Bison, you fight a secret end guy, Akuma. First appearance for that dude, I believe. I can get to him sometimes, but I’ve never beaten him, once. That guy’s too tough, and all his attacks cause double damage, which means if you block one of his attacks, you still take as much damage as you would from one regular unblocked attack. It’s insane.
The ever so famous game of fitting shapes together without leaving gaps. A game that gets ridiculously hard for most people, but for some it is obviously far too easy. It’s all about the ‘B’ theme.
B theme forever!
Urban Champion
It’s a 2D fighting game on the NES. It is notorious for sucking ass. I played a bit of it, and couldn’t figure out how to not fall into some sewers, and every other time my opponent couldn’t beat me, because some old lady kept dropping potted plants on the fighters. It’s like what the hell dude. There’s some kind of remake of this on 3DS…why they remade this I do not know, although it must be worlds different from the NES original.
Video Olympics
A game for the Atari 2600 with multiple game settings. Most of the games are variations on Pong (such as soccer which is Pong with multiple paddles or hockey which is the same but with a goal area that is shrunk down). The basketball and volleyball games on this were interesting since it had a ball that bounced along the ground and you could get it to bounce higher by putting your player under it and pressing the button to ‘jump’. Quadrapong is also kind of interesting.
Yoshi (Game boy color)
Never played this game, but have read the description somewhere. It seems like a rip-off of Tetris. That game’s appearance is nowhere attractive to me.
Zombie Nation
A PSN overhead zombie shooter game where you run around killing oodles of zombies. You get different weapons, upgraded armor, it’s a lot of fun, but it gets insane in the later difficulty levels. :/
We skipped W, so I’ll hit it quick.
World of Warcraft
A giant MMORPG that that is notorious for sucking up copious amounts of players lives. Still kicking after something like 9 years now.
Yeah that game is insane, I mean for how long it’s been going on…people in Korea, along with Starcraft, make it a career to play this.
We also skipped X…
XCOM Enemy Unknown
I’m playing this right now actually. It’s a military tactical game where you fight against aliens and grow your base. Upgrade your soldiers, spend cash on your base, perform autopsies on aliens to develop better weapons against them…A lot of this is micro managing, and one small mistake can fuck up your game and force you to start over. It’s tough as nails too, but highly addictive. I made three snipers though, they’re game breakers.
@Symbeline When you’re done with Enemy Unknown, check out Enemy Within. It really adds a lot of new elements to the game.
I also really appreciated XCOM because it makes you really feel connected to your soldiers. The death of one can really ruin the next couple missions if not the game.
Stay away from xcom the bureau, it’s bloody terrible.
Seem like there is a mess here…
Alone in the Dark (No, the 1992 version, not the crappy 2008 version).
In 1924, a Jeremy Hartwood killed himself in his own mansion. No one suspected anything sinister around his death, except for his niece, Emily, as she knew Jeremy’s mansion was rumored to be haunted. She decided to find out the truth herself, directly or indirectly.
At the beginning of the game you can choose whether to play as Emily or Eward Carnby, a private eye hired by Emily who later became the main character of all Alone in the Dark games. But it doesn’t really matter who you choose, because the gameplay will always be the same. You enter the mansion and from there you travel around collecting documents concerning Jeremy’s death while encountering various monsters. Though enemies are plenty, your are equipped with a weak gun and limited bullet and your fighting ability is only limited to punching and kicking. Most of the time you have to fight your enemy using your head, which is my favorite part of the game.
I really like this game. I have to control a character with no special ability. That makes my character close to “human” to me. Beside, sometimes the limited fighting ability create the tension for the game. Imagine you are trapped in a room with no weapon apart from your bare hands and there is a big monster blocking the door, how do you feel? What should you do? Whenever I play this game I feel like I was actually inside the Jeremy’s mansion, trying to find a way to get out. This is one of the most realistic game I’ve ever played.
I really want the Alone in the Dark franchise to live on like Silent Hill Resident Evil, but some crappy developers started to ruin it after Alone in the Dark 3…
Bushido Blade
A weapons based fighter with a bit of a twist: instead of having a health bar you either maim of insta-kill your opponent with a successful weapon hit. The stages are in three dimensions, so you can run around if you want. However, if you fail to obey the bushido code, you can only fight the basic fighters and can’t get the true end of the game. If you do obey the bushido code, there are something like 5 extra people to fight (one of which uses a gun and is a giant pain in the ass because he insta-kills you quick if you stop moving). The real fun is playing this with your friends, and instead of going for the kill aim to cripple both their legs and one of their arms and watch them try to desperately try to fight you still.
Always wanted to play the oriignal Alone in the Dark…looked cool. And I remember playing a demo of Bushido Blade. Kinda rmeinded me of Time Killers. (although unlike BB, that game sucked XD)
Contra III The Alien Wars
Well it’s the only Contra I’ve ever played, although I understand the original one is a classic. In this one you shoot up all these aliens in various stages, and the stages try to be different. Most are 2D side scrolling, but some are overhead stages, others have you drive around on hoverbikes…and stage one has a drivable tank called the Konan Kanon. Love the KK haha. Also this is one of the first games I ever played, and I remember being really amazed by the bosses…one of em is a giant robot head that barfs lava all over the place lol.
Donkey Kong
This is a tale of a mistreated ape who kidnaps his owners girlfriend Pauline. You control the ape’s animal abusing carpenter owner as he tries to rescue his girlfriend. Seriously, Mario jumps on turtles and abuses apes, how the fuck has the ASPCA or PETA not gone after him yet?
@uberbatman Enemy Bureau? Never heard of that one, but I do plan on chekcing out Enemy Within. Is it aliens again?
A fighting game which features characters from Final Fantasy VII. Not particularly good in my opinion, seems to me just like fan service. Who doesn’t want to play as the mighty Sephiroth or look up Tifa’s skirt? I thought it was pretty bunk of a game though. I love fighting games, but only 2D ones haha. So maybe this game IS good, but besides Soul Calibur, I don’t enjoy 3D fighters much. then again I’m also not a desperate FFVII fangirl, so maybe I never saw the appeal haha
@ragingloli Right. lol. I’m curious as to what that word means? Sounds German to me.
something that game was lacking. Why is the boss an invisible wolf anyways
That said, considering that FF7 is heavily based on the Norse religion, the wolf could be Fenrir, the creature that kills Odin during Ragnarök, and as such, would be fitting to be an end boss.
@ragingloli Most FF games from IV to VIII include a lot of Norse mythology in it, but it never takes center stage as far as the story or theme of the game goes.
Check it out;
’‘The PlayStation version of the game also has six cameo characters from Final Fantasy VII. Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth are all available from the get-go, with Yuffie, Vincent, and Zack that can be unlocked later on. You might also notice that Django looks oddly like Red XIII – as a matter of fact, that’s Django’s alternate costume. As a result, Ehrgeiz became known as the “Final Fantasy fighting game”, even though the characters were just added to lure RPG fanboys in.’’
Django’s the last boss. Ehrgeiz And RedXIII/Nanaki is a wolf character in FFVII.
Lol I didn’t even know the FF characters were added AFTER…I thought they just needed more than six characters so they made more up. Well the moar you know.
@Symbeline Enemy Within is just an expansion on Unknown, so everything is pretty much the same except more levels and added units. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is a retarded 3rd person shooter that came out last year
@Symbeline When I play fighters, I mostly play 3D ones, especially Soul Calibur and Tekken, and I can assure you Ehrgeiz is garbage. There are a few of characters that have long range attacks, and all you have to do is get a couple hits in to get to the high ground and start spamming the long range attack to win since the charged version of the attack homes.
Felony 11–79
A car racing game where you race the clock to retrieve an item, then deliver it to your goal. The game could be beat in about 15 minutes, but the replay value was in collecting the other cars available. There were three cars in each level available, one for winning with an extremely quick time, one for succeeding without sustaining any damage and one for causing a certain damage total. Really the only fun was going around trying to destroy as much as possible without totaling your vehicle (and that fun was quickly nullified once you acquired the tank). I guess it was an alright title for an early PSX game but it didn’t age well.
Soul Calibur is awesome. I’ll never be any good at it, but it’s awesome. :)
@uberbatman So I finished XCOM. Gonna try to do an ironman runthrough, but I highly doubt I’ll get passed like the third battle without messing up haha.
Galaga 90
A game on TurboGrafx 16, this is, obviously, Galaga. But it’s a revamped version, in which not only can you get the traditional double ship, but you can get a triple ship if you let your double ship be captured. The triple ship is awesome and destructive, problem is, it’s really wide…so you get hit easily. But it’s fun and addictive, and I actually beat it once, too.
@Symbeline Heh Ironman isn’t too bad. Just don’t get attached to anyone and try and get your satellites up as fast as possible. It will make a great deal of difference. BTW here is a better explanation of Enemy Within , I realize i did a rather poor job above :P
Yeah but the satellite links are so damn expensive, and it takes like a month for the satellites themselves to be ready. I wish you have access to the nexus ones earlier on, even if they cost 300. Also is it true that you get LESS money on classic mode? I barely ever got anything on normal…but I realize this IS because at first I didn’t send in that many satellites. Near the end of my game I had a good deal of the world covered, and you get way more money. (which is usually all eaten up by monthly fees, but wtv lol) In my whole game I only lost Australia, I’d say that’s pretty good for someone who didn’t bother with the satellites much at first haha.
@Symbeline Not bad at all. And yes, you start with quite a bit less . I’m still working myself up to playing an Impossible game. I personally like to rush the satellites early on because the first couple months you really don’t have shit to spend your money on anyway so by the time the satellites are up and you have good things to buy your money will be recovered and then some.
OMFG. Impossible sounds crazy. You don’t even start out with an officer school? Jesus. Lol.
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