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longgone's avatar

Which hot keys do you use most often?

Asked by longgone (19946points) February 10th, 2014

Inspired by Dutchess_III’s question about computer classes.

Bonus points for telling us about little-known ones that are useful.

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12 Answers

hominid's avatar

CTRL-SHIFT-T -> open closed tab(s)
CTRL-SHIFT-V -> paste text without formatting

Cruiser's avatar


livelaughlove21's avatar

Pretty much the only one I use regularly is CTRL + V. I know quite a few of them, but that’s the only one I find particularly useful.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Ctrl C, Ctrl V, Ctrl B, Ctrl F, Ctrl U, Ctrl I

CWOTUS's avatar

Where # indicates the “Windows” key (between the left side Ctrl and Alt keys on my full-size keyboard), I use – not necessarily in this order:
#- A to open Access databases
Ctrl # X to open Excel 2010 (#-X still opens Excel 2000, but I don’t need it any more)
Ctrl # W to open Word 2010 (ditto the #-W and Word 2000)
# 9 to open my directory of “Contracts” at work
# 8 to open my directory of “Proposals” at work
# 0 to open my directory for department shortcuts and setups at work
Ctrl # T to open my timesheet
Ctrl # S to open SAP

I also have hotkey / replacement shortcuts for:
áéíóú ÁÉÍÓÚ
äëïöü ÄËÏÖÜ
âêîôû ÂÊÎÔÛ
àèìòù ÀÈÌÒÙ
ø and Ø
ñ Ñ ¶ § ↑ ↓ ← →
« »

£ ¥ € ¢ ₨

∆ ∞
ç Ç

• ◊ ○ ● ٠
and a ton of others that I don’t use often enough to try to recall. is my very dear friend.

CWOTUS's avatar

Oh, and my most-used shortcuts are the “standard Windows” shortcuts that very few people seem to use:
# E to open an Explorer window
# R to Run a program (such as Charmap.exe, when I want to map a new shortcut / replacement)
# L to lock the system (so that no one snoops at my computer when I leave my desk)
Ctrl Esc (because I don’t use the mouse for “Start”)
# m to minimize and hide all running applications and show the Desktop (I think # d has the same effect, but I don’t use that one)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I use “Alt tab” to page through the applications and different windows I have open.

I accidentally discovered a really cool one the other day…hold down the windows key and hit tab…..

Ctrl N to open a new browser.

Also, try this….hold down the alt key and the Ctrl key at the same time, and hit your down arrow….

Brian1946's avatar

Ctrl Alt – Del to open Windows Task Manager
Ctrl F to find specific text on a page
Ctrl C to copy separated blocks of text on a page.

jerv's avatar

Most of the ones I use are custom keybindings for Ryzom, but I also do a ton of copy/paste with CTRL-C and CTRL-V.

longgone's avatar

I learned a lot here. Thank you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫ Cool. Cool. ♪ ♫

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