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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) How do I tend to an old injury? (details inside)

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 10th, 2014

in 1999 I was punched in the nuts from a mental patient, and to this day I can’t sleep unless I have a pillow or my hand on my injury. The doctors said that it is just scar tissue and can’t be treated. It’s healed slightly over the 14 years but I still need to hold my left nut in or it gets hurt. Do you have any suggestions? I had an ultrasound from an urologist and they said that my left testicle is outside of where it should be any their/there is nothing I could do?

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7 Answers

creative1's avatar

Have you ever tried massaging the injured ball to try breaking up the scar tissue. I know when they told me the pain I had occassionally in my adomin was due to the build up of scar tissue I had read that massage could help instead of going for another surgery to remove it. So I began massaging the area and the pain disappeared.

In addition I would also try talking to an acupuncturist and see if acupuncture can releive the pain you still are experiencing. I know my mother has had great sucess with the pain from her neuropothy when western medicine failed to take the pain away.

talljasperman's avatar

@creative1 Yes I do that several times a day… but I need to be in private to do so. I tend to lie down prone and listen to the radio. At night I readjust myself and I have six different pillows for any occasion.

GloPro's avatar

Outside of where it should be? I’d get a second opinion. I don’t know why a mesh similar to one used for hernia couldn’t hold it up where it “should be” if it’s causing you pain. I have no balls, so I could be wrong, but putting things back where they “should be” is an everyday medical occurrence, is it not?

nebule's avatar

Oh gosh that sounds really uncomfortable for you – physically and emotionally perhaps too. I would imagine that someone would be able to do something surgically for you (although I’m not a Doctor) I hope you get some help for it xxx

ccrow's avatar

If it’s just scar tissue, I don’t see why it ‘can’t be treated’. Scar tissue tends to tighten up and pull on surrounding tissue; I would think it would be possible to free things up, at least somewhat. What kind of doctors have you been to? If you haven’t seen a specialist(which would be what, jellies? A urologist?) then you should try that and see what they say.

Bagardbilla's avatar

I’m sure a lot has changed in 14 years (technology wise), maybe a second opinion is in order. Have you thought about having it (one) removed?

(Kinda related story… my brother ran into Lance Armstrong while at UT, and blurted out “man, you’ve done more with one nut, then most guys do with two and a lifetime”)!

talljasperman's avatar

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