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Do you find that many times the bargain brands are better than the name brands?
I always buy the DG $1.00 dish soap for the dish washer at the Dollar General. One day Rick came home with a couple bottles of Cascade, having been convinced by commercials that it was superior soap. It isn’t. It leaves a film behind that the cheap stuff never did. The dishes don’t seem very clean.
Also, we buy those cheap, $.50 chicken pot pies. I usually just eat the crust and the gravy and give the rest to the dogs. Well, Rick came home with the more expensive Marie Callender brand. I don’t like them as well even though the chicken chunks were quite a bit bigger. But, as I said, I never eat that part.
I get a lot of compliments on my hair, and people ask what kind of shampoo I use. “The cheapest they have,” is my answer.
So is everything basically the same, except for advertising?
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