What would you defend with a greater passion, your religious convictions, or your political ones?
Asked by
February 13th, 2014
So tell us and believe me, lots will disagree or agree with you, but I would like to know which one would you defend more, or would you defend both views equally ?
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28 Answers
Both equally. We are all allowed to believe and vote as we want without explanation or accountability.
My political ones, since I’m non-religious.
They are one and the same.
My religious views. Because I am a devout anti-religionist. I rebel against mind-control and brainwashing.
Probably my political ones. With both I don’t like when I feel I need to “defend” them. I prefer to explain my religious and political positions. Anyone who has put me on the defensive is someone who I probably don’t want to have a long conversation with. That person is not likely to really listen. They usually are interested in hearing people who agree with them, not hearing other points of view to learn or understand something.
The nature of my religious convictions makes the idea of “defending” them seem silly (we Buddhists are champions at attacking our very own convictions).
The political arena, on the other hand, is inherently oppositional. I’m not a real scrappy guy, but when I think I see political forces pulling in a direction that I think is harmful, then I’ll put on my fightin’ boots.
Neither, as I have become increasingly disinclined to defend either my religious (spiritual) or political beliefs (or for that matter, taste in movies) to anyone. :-)
I am more inclined to defend my political beliefs. Religiously, I am an apatheist. This entails not caring very much what other people’s religious beliefs are (so long as they do not impinge unreasonably on the public sphere, which then makes it a matter of politics). In fact, the only reason I ever debate religion is because, as a philosopher, I do care why people believe even when I do not care what they believe. (Sadly, this difference is lost on many. But there is an important difference between an argument being invalid and a conclusion being false.)
Neither. I tend to defend what seems morally right, which mostly means the Golden Rule for me. Just be nice. Keep an open mind, and let others choose for themselves. I feel both politics and religion have lost their way.
Neither, I don’t give a stuff about either.
I’ve become pretty apathetic towards both. I would say my 2 cents but that’s it.
I am more passionate about politics than my spiritual outlook which I tend to believe should only be shared with others when they are sincerely in search of something that correlates with my own experiences.
Politics is all about making sausage. Not a pretty process but the end result keeps the consumer fed, the farmers busy, and the marketplace open;)
Neither. I am apolitical and non-religious, I could give a rats ass about defending any of my beliefs or personal choices. I am very comfortable with who I am as a person and feel no need to defend anything.
I don’t really have convictions about either of them. I guess I’d have to say political convictions, if I had any, but only if it mattered, and only if an impact was to be made, like if I had to defend woman’s rights, or help pass some law against animal cruelty or anything like that. Politics suck ass, but you have to admit that in this part of the world, they have societal impact and decide a lot of things, whereas religion these days doesn’t have that kind of influence so much.
@Coloma And I would defend your right to not defend your beliefs.
at least on the internet
Hey…imagine this….support for my non-beliefs and right to have none. lol ;-)
Now…ask me what should happen to litter bugs and animal abusers and you’ll never shut me up. haha
I am not very religious and I am not very political. I won’t really defend either. If someone feels strongly about theirs, that’s fine. If they attack mine, I would probably walk away.
Both equally. Both are very important to me. my family, my Religion and my politics.
“Neither. I tend to defend what seems morally right, which mostly means the Golden Rule for me. Just be nice. Keep an open mind, and let others choose for themselves. I feel both politics and religion have lost their way.”
Perfectly said for me, @GloPro. I’m amazed at the generally poor quality of national American leadership. Most seem bent on knocking the other guy down rather that leading a clear path, religiously, politically and racially.
Political. Because without decent political policies many people wouldn’t have the freedom to express their religious ones..or any expression for that matter
My religious (anti-theist) ones since I can’t control the actually existing political ones.
Since I have no religious beliefs, being strongly anti-religion, it would obviously have to be my political beliefs.
Neither, I find the idea that I have to explain myself ridiculous at times.
This is a tough one to answer for me, because I’m more concerned with demonstrating that things typically associated with religion such as survival of physical death, spirituality, sentience, etc are likely a natural part of physics. I would say that I’m more passionate about the latter than defending certain religious or political views. In a sense I don’t think that all religion, or at least certain aspects of them, are entirely absurd.
I have no religious convictions at all. I do have strong political convictions which have not changed really since I was quite young.
Political stances affect everyone. Religious beliefs should be private and never affect politics, or laws of the land.
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