Meta Question

talljasperman's avatar

Instead of writing a novel from start to finish can I just write on Fluther for fun?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 14th, 2014

I guess everyone can string a story from old threads, but I want to write for fun, and get free therapy and companionship from Fluther.

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15 Answers

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

That would be interesting to know, actually.

AshLeigh's avatar

I vote yes.

talljasperman's avatar

… thank you.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Only the Fluther grammar Nazis czars really care, I knew what you *meant.

Pachy's avatar

Write for yourself first, THEN you can decide.

dxs's avatar

I guess that’s the ADD approach. But I don’t think you have any chances of getting a best-seller here on Fluther.

gailcalled's avatar

Bt definition, if you don’t pay for therapy, it loses its value. Without the bill at the end of the session, you are simply getting free advice from friends, and that doesn’t count.

And haven’t you already been writing on fluther for fun?

zenvelo's avatar

Instead of Fluther, why not just open a tumblr and write there? That’s where I post poetry.

Berserker's avatar

I have to admit, that last question you posted was pretty badass. I apologize if I can merely see it as entertainment value, and do not really believe it, otherwise. But it was cool and interesting. I’d read that shit, if it was a novel.

hearkat's avatar

As long as you post it in the form of a question that prompts good discussion. Otherwise, you may want to write in the form of Facebook posts or the Notes on Facebook (do they still have those?).

ibstubro's avatar

Maybe you should go somewhere and start a free blog? Then you could invite Fluther members to read and/or participate in it.

ucme's avatar

If you have to ask then I suspect you already know the answer.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes you can. You’re still allowed to engage in free speech under the 1st Amendment…...until the government tramples all over your right to do that also…...

stanleybmanly's avatar

So how would you do it?

ibstubro's avatar

With a free blog, @stanleybmanly. Fluther invited.

In my estimation.

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