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Aster's avatar

Generally, barring accidents, do vegetarians live longer and better?

Asked by Aster (20028points) February 16th, 2014

I really didn’t feel like cooking last week so I broke down and bought a cheeseburger for dinner with everything on it. I loved it. I felt slightly guilty; I have all but given up beef but I admit to eating poultry and fish.
So what are the stats on vegetarians. I realize thousands of cigarette smoking, beef eating people live a very long time but they’re the exception, correct?

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9 Answers

Coloma's avatar

99% of longevity is genetically based. My great grandmother was born a 7 month preemie in a farm house in Indiana in 1885. She lived til almost 98, independently until 97 and attributed her longevity to eating red meat 3x a day being a farm girl. haha
She ate red meat every day, cheese sandwiches, butter, ice cream, but she did walk a mile a day into her mid-90’s.
Her daughter a non-smoker, drinker, died at not quite 64 from colon cancer that the doctors said was from eating too much red meat. Go figure.

I say do what the hell you want, I don;t want to live to be 100 and I am not into self deprivation. lol

Aster's avatar

Was your grandmother ingesting antibiotics
and growth hormones in all that beef? Interesting story, though.

Coloma's avatar

@Aster Probably not in her childhood but she lived through the DDT soaked 60’s, cows eating pesticide sprayed hay. haha
I truly think most of it is genetic, even smokers, some do not carry certain cancer genes that activate. I don’t eat much red meat because I don’t really like it. I have a steak about once a year or a couple of tacos or spaghetti sauce with meat. I’m more of a sea food and chicken type.

ragingloli's avatar

Who knows?
But they definitely live more morally, food wise.

Aster's avatar

Me too, @Coloma . When my s/o devours a thick steak I don’t even like watching him. I’m not sure why; I ate steaks with him seven years ago and all the years before then.

johnpowell's avatar

My mom loves soda and eats so much greasy food that she spends more time trying to clean dishes than she does cooking. She is seriously overweight and has type II diabetes.

Her sister, who is three years older has been a vegan for over 20 years. She is 5’9” and 120 pounds and is super vibrant and doesn’t have any major health problems.

Same sperm and egg combo. One loves Velveeta and is always tired and tests her blood sugar a few times a day. The other only eats food that comes from the ground and hasn’t been processed. She is super healthy and runs a few miles everyday when she wakes up since she actually has energy.

In my moms defense there is a huge wealth gap between the two of them. My mom is poor and my moms sister is well-off. Vegetables are really expensive and Kraft Dinner is really cheap. Perhaps if my mom was wealthier she wouldn’t have got addicted to shit food. When my dad was alive and money wasn’t a concern she did eat better.

longgone's avatar

No. There are too many other factors which play into it.

Coloma's avatar

Ben & Jerrys “Pistachio, Pistachio” is on the menu here tonight. lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nah, some fucking carnivore comes along and wastes their ass.

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