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How can I get a conversation with this girl I like?
So, I have this crush on a girl at school. She’s literally the coolest person ever, as she plays guitar, dances, sings, is funny, kind and really pretty. Her interests in music and movies are very similar to mine as well. And the best part is, people say she may like me back. We have never spoken, but we’ve caught each other looking at one another and her friends all treat me like that “guy their friend likes”. Making her laugh is also something my friends say I do when I’m not paying attention, so there’s that. The problem is, I am so, so shy. And quiet. Starting conversations are like the hardest thing for me. I’m a massive dork when I try. My social skills are pretty less than average. She, on the other hand, is very outgoing, way out of my league and I probably don’t deserve her. Now, normally, having a crush on someone above my social level is par for the course for me, but she likes me back. And something about that compels me to try and actually do something about it. I don’t even care if I don’t end up dating her, I just want to talk to her, have a conversation or something. Be her friend, I don’t know. I don’t want to let an opportunity get away from me like I’ve done in the past. She already has awesome guys I wish I was like asking her out (even though she turns them down). How can I talk to her?
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