Could Fluther's political bias be limiting it's membership?
I don’t think anyone would argue the fact that Fluther is populated by a very liberal, Obama-centric crowd. The first couple weeks of my stay were happy but as the membership became more and more idealogically predictable, I found that my fondness dwindled quickly. As much as everyone enjoys to talk about how much they love it here, do you ever wonder why everyone seems to share so many of your opinions? With diversification being one of the pillars of the left-leaning ideology, it’s disappointing there’s not much here.
As someone who does not possess a vitriolic hate for my president (but does not necessarily “approve”) and is not an Obama supporter, I’ve got to tell you, it gets old seeing any blanket answer which casts the United States in a negative light or any anti-Bush statement get great-answered. It’s not the points, it’s the virtual thumbs-up approval. It’s not just political in nature, it also seems to be a dislike for religion as well (and I’m not religious).
The point is, I don’t really spend time here anymore because of it. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. Maybe you think it’s a good thing you’re surrounded by like-minded folks (sure helps with those scores!) but preaching to the choir gets old after a while, does it not?
There is no sarcasm implied in my question, just looking for an honest discussion.
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78 Answers
Sounds like some sour grapes talk to me. There are several people here who disagree with me, and several who do. But if Fluther is not for you, I wish you well. We discuss much more than just politics here.
Fluther does not discriminate membership based on political ideology, so it cannot be “Fluther’s political bias”. If you feel that there are less and less “W – the president” stickers on the freeway and more “more trees, less bush” stickers, you are probably right. i.e. it’s not just within the fluther collective you see more left leaning discussions. Perhaps if those on the right had anything to say that could either defend the direction of this country or the direction of the republican party with anything other than the typical religious infused rhetoric, there might be more people agreeing with you.
I think your question is actually perfectly valid. Although I am probably one of those left-leaning liberals you’re referring to, I still think you have a point.
That being said, I don’t find the same pitfalls in Fluther that you do, simply because I very rarely ask questions of a political nature, and therefore I rarely get answers that are shaded by any sort of political affiliation.
I definitely would argue that Fluther is only populated by a very liberal-Obama-centric crowd.
Take a look, for example, at answers on this recent thread about Obama choosing a Republican running mate. Or this thread in which several Flutherites voice support for McCain and plans to vote that way.
As to disapproval of the President, I think Fluther refects larger society’s views and the man’s historically low approval ratings.
To respond to another question in your details section, some of the discussions that have been most involving and enjoyable for me are long threads in which many different viewpoints emerge. I am certainly not looking to be “surrounded by like-minded folks”. Actually, not to be difficult, but is that not in fact why you are no longer hanging around, because you feel Fluther is not “like-minded folks” for you?
My political beliefs do not inform or appear in a majority of my answers. I do not think politics is in any way the largest segment of the questions. I suspect that there are more political questions right now because of the upcoming election.
I don’t see why you can’t participate and avoid the political questions if you find them distasteful, but that is, of course, your decision.
good shot!
@everyone else, we are free to think in any way, just be courteous…
If you feel that your views are underrepresented, isn’t that a reason to stay?
I’ll ltry to respond briefly…
@phoenyx- It get’s tiresome being the lone representative of the other half of the country, which is why I’ve lost interest.
@marina- As for my not wanting to hang around anymore because of the lack of like-minded members issue, I thought that might come up. It’s different looking at it from the other side, if you know what I mean. I (of course) disagree with your assertion that Fluther is not left-leaning. I know there are one or two others who are McCain supporters, but scroll through the questions over the last month or two. How many pro-conservative viewpoints are expressed? Next to none.
@playthebanjo- Of course I understand Fluther itself does not discriminate. There is plenty of support for right-wing politics throughout this country as we appear to again be headed in the direction of another 51–49 election. This is the basis of my assertion. I don’t think anyone who’d be interested in expressing that viewpoint has the patience to discuss it with a group of people who are intolerant of it in the first place. I’m sure you can understand this.
@scamp, I guess it is sour grapes. Does it really matter? I know there are many other topics discussed here but these sentiments creep into many questions which have little to do with politics or religion. After seeing the negative attitude too much, you just become jaded and don’t really feel welcomed or welcoming.
I think phoenyx said it perfectly. I would only add that there are shades of grey in everyones beliefs and I think you should look for them; you may find that things are not as polarized as you think.
I love the way this question is complaining about feeling underrepresented, yet it is assuming there is nothing beyond the US as far as politics are concerned…....should I leave because there are no other Faroese people here??
You are far from the lone representative of the “other half” of the country. There are plenty of republicans on Fluther.
And if you believe Fluther users are intolerant, then I don’t blame you for leaving, but I whole-heartedly disagree with that statement.
If nothing else, politics are about discourse, and no offense, but for someone complaining that the society that you’re part of is intolerant and you will therefor leave is pretty hypocritical seeing as you’re the one who is so intolerant of the liberal point of view that you’re going to leave the site completely.
Sounds like we need some affirmative action for those poor, disadvantaged right wing flutherers.
@CameraObscura, you said: “I know there are many other topics discussed here but these sentiments creep into many questions which have little to do with politics or religion.”
I haven’t noticed that. Do you have an example?
And what is it you want? The people who are here are here. If you don’t want to be here, that’s your choice, of course. Should left-wingers refrain from expressing opinions? Should we import right-wingers? You raise a valid point, and I can see why you would feel not quite welcome. But I’m not sure what you are really looking for.
See that whole idea is just silly.
For one thing, I see both sides of the spectrum represented here, and both represented well from time to time.
But on a more important note, I’m not American, I’m Irish, and as such cannot really get involved in any constructive way with political discussions.
Doesn’t make the experience any less for me, and it shouldn’t for you either. You’re cribbing about “blanket answers which casts the United States in a negative light” – Are you not doing the exact same thing to fluther here by making a judgement on the experience as a whole by focusing on one item.
Just my two cents, I’m going back to my corner now.
@CameraObscura – I found a question that needs your attention. And it’s got nothing to do with politics. You are welcome.
@CameraObscura; here’s another question that has no political connotations.
You know that since you’ve picked out those questions, that someone is gonna go and say something political on them now don’t yeah.
Surprise me, OSullivan and be unpredictable.
I would venture to say that a website such as is, by nature, more attractive to liberals. Let me explain…
More often than not, discussions (in general) tend to end up being more of arguments. The whole idea of liberalism is to encourage change and a break from the tradition (even outside the political realm), and that is exactly what Fluther is doing. Maybe those on the right just happen to be disinterested in the type of website and the features it offers.
So, in the end, this may have nothing to do with political discussions, but simply the most common innate preferences of those attached to one side or the other.
Too much pressure involved there for little ol’ me.
@CameraObscura If you are going to participate here or any other social site on the net, you have to learn to grow a tough skin. There will be people who disagree with you, some that agree, and some that are just downright nasty. But I highly doubt anyone will beg you to stay on any site. Not saying this to be mean, it’s just an internet fact. Out of sight out of mind is pretty much rule of thumb in the internet world. Don’t take things so personal. if you want to stay, great, but if you are leaving, don’t ask us to weep.
I think if it makes you uncomfortable just stay out of the political discussions, problem solved.
I agree with Phoenyx.
I at times feel like an outsider when it comes to religion, but if its healthy debate I enjoy it. If its bashing, I ignore it. There are several fellow flutherites that have encouraged me to stay, and have made me feel welcome (they know who they are)... And they rule!
I’ll be one of them for you, because I enjoy reading your answers. Don’t let the negativity get to you, turn it into something positive.
There are three kinds of people on Fluther:
Those who want to hug the tree;
Those who want to chop the tree down, and;
Those who want to want to climb the tree.
You are all welcome to join me on my branch.
please don’t chop my tree down
How about pruning, fertilizing, checking for insect infestations and generally trying to keep the tree healthy? Altho I am not sure I get your metaphor.
It was a vaguely tongue-in-cheek interpretation of the term “tree-hugging…”
Perhaps too vague, now that I review it.
But to carry on, yes! Indeed! I embrace all that promotes arboreal health!
Prune on…
Having your dog pee on the tree . . .
Is there a branch on that tree for us foreigners that don’t care to debate the US constitutional rights or religious orientation of presidential candidates?
<moves over, pats the branch
Liberals (as a group) tend to have (on average) both more and higher levels of education. This is a question and answer website where those who do well (at least in lurve) either specialize in one area or discipline, or have a high level of general knowledge: two things gained through education. It’s only natural that there would be more liberals here. I’m sure there are more conservatives on some hunting website.
I also found this interesting.
Starts swinging on the monkey bars!
@breed- Funny… all the references to “tapping” left me with Happy Gilmore’s “Give it a little tappy! Tap, tap, taperoo!” echoing though the ol’ bucket. Must be the Sam Adams. It would be interesting to see the experiment replicated a few times…
@breed and Kmd: “I’m tap, tap, tappin’ on heaven’s door . . .” she warbled.
Who wants to take bets as to whether or not CameraObscura is even following his own question any more?
@jballou I think cameraobscura is a woman based on pictures.
Isn’t the avatar a pic of Britney Spears during one of her episodes.
I hope I’m right, or else this could become really awkward
@osullivanbr Oh, could be. I just thought it was a better picture of cameraobscura than her original avatar photo. I still think co is a she.
Side issue: I wish there was a historical record of people’s avatars.
@ brian – yep that’s britney. haha
Brian? How do you (pnl) know just about everyones first name? I’ve noticed this A LOT. Just wondering.
doesn’t the “br” stand for brian? huh. i always thought it did. sorry osullivan!!
@thehaight – i think i make up names as you can see above. allows me to be lazier with my typing
He’s Irish so could be Brendan.
Haha! Okay. I just sorta admired that you knew everyone on a first name basis. I also guess peoples names too. So.. Osullivan; is it brian or Brendan? :D
If he has some Scottish blood, could be Bruce.
i know the names of the people that frequent the chat room, but that’s about it.
or is it Brock?
The eagle eyed PnL is right. It’s Brian.
Brian sounds better too, when people refer to me as osullivan it always reminds me of being in school and being called into the principles office.
Well hello, Brian!
Hey, anyone know If the chatroom works on an iPhone?..
I believe it does. Here is the link.
You can find peoples names here, and here ;)
Oh my god i cant believe i missed out on ye trying to guess Brians name as i am his wife i could of had so much fun with this and tried to have ye guessing all night.
Sob Sob
Next time fluthers next time
@ fabulous – we could try guessing your name? but that would be a lot harder >.<
Here’s a little clue PnL it has Bell in it
@PnL Your Close.
@Wildflower How did you manage to get the O’Sulllivan part~
Need another clue anyone
wait. which one was close? another clue!! oooo how about Isabella?
Just find out what you can put before Bella in someones name. See what you come up with.
Oh this is fun
@fabulous Well, it probably not Cerebellum, uh, a. How about Arabella?
ooooh Arabella is such a nice name !!
Well now aren’t you a clever girly. I was hoping this would go on for a while. Ho hum.
Sorry PnL but you were very close and partly right my friends call me Bella for short.
Why this question has really gone off topic don’t ya think.
Maybe it Should of been
Can you guess the first name of osullivanbr and fabulous?
I wanna play! guess my name!
Well then give us a clue make it good i am usually really crap at guessing games.
ooooh another game! yessss we need a clue.
@ fabulous – at least i was close :). i said “isabella” because that is one of my favorite names. and yes, we are definitely thread jacking but i think this is one of the Qs that needs it.
ummm, clue…. starts with A.
…there are a million names that start with A. we need a better clue than that.
I’m sorry, those are nice names fabulous, but not mine. It means ‘of noble birth’. Don’t google it :P and don’t look at the links i posted above!
Ah thats mean how am i supposed to guess with out checking it out
I’m thinking we should move this over to the chat room? We might get in trouble :P
My good God, bored today guys were we?
come out come out where ever you are….
your President the War Criminal
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