Does everybody find The Jelly Below Me threads?
I was sent to a JBM thread when I first got here, and I have a lot of fun there. There is almost never responses of a confrontational nature, we can be honest or full of B^%$#(*S@))$, funny or serious, tired and weird, or sad and blue. When the thread renews, sometimes it’s a while before I realize everybody is on a new one, duh! I just wonder if there are regulars who don’t know about it at all, or if they’ve participated and didn’t care to continue. Are there other threads we might not know about which we maybe would enjoy?
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25 Answers
I am usually sent a question for you, telling me of the new one started.
And your right they are a lot of fun,
I’m not sure if I could possibly care less about them :/
I participated in the first few but it got old when every other answer was from the same person.
They aren’t confrontational but I have seen comments where users thought they were being sly and complained about another user without mentioning their name. It was easy to figure out when I noticed the same person bickering with another user on a different thread, and their complaint on the TJBM thread matched the topic they were just bickering about.
I think I’m out of the loop of the current one, but I usually pop in on them.
I get bored with it, too.
Thankyou all for sharing. I know there are some I don’t see pop in very often, there are others I’ve never seen participate. I’ve been curious what the reasons were for various jellies. There are some I would really like to see pop in there from time to time. For me the thread sort of helps me get a read on moods of the day and whether this or that jelly is going to be receptive to some humor for the day, is someone bored and needing cheerful bits of sun flung at them, etc. Yup, it is chiefly a jelly barometer for me.
I want to thank those who do participate in the thread. I find inspiration there, and humor, and humanity, with no REAL demands on anyone.
I like to ramble on their. Especially 1st thing in the morning when I am still coming to. lol
I skipped a few months but have been back to them the last couple again now.
@Coloma, I am glad you do enjoy it. I like the fun we have there. I’ve been wondering about some of the jellies I enjoy following a lot who don’t go there. Of course it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but I thought some maybe just don’t know about it, or used to and didn’t know it keeps getting started over again. I posted this in the social section so everyone would see it, but for some reason it got shifted over here.
“There.” Correction…pffft. haha
Lots of jellies are beneath me, bit elitist, but still.
I actually avoid them now because I’m easily annoyed by them. I can’t stand getting notifications of new replies every few seconds and it’s just the same two people going back and forth. It’s obnoxious.
^yes. that’s why I quit visiting them.
@jonsblond The most annoying part is that it usually involves one or both of the same two jellies every single time.
@ucme Approximately three of us at this time…lol
@ucme haha, I was til you took your drawers off, don’t act like you didn’t know three women were down here…lol, you player. :)
@KNOWITALL Ooh, the very thought.
Just thinking of TJBM threads, they get real boring real quick.
@ucme You’re bored with TJBM?
I always love them. I always participate. Maybe it’s because I’m still new here.
I sometimes attempt to post game threads too, but none of them prove a real success.
@Mimishu1995 Is there even a thread currently going? No-one has posted after me like days ago. I’ve been watching for a new one to start up, but I haven’t seen one.
Yes. I find them… tiresome.
Thanks to all. I like the wit, wry, whimsical, bold, and all. I just felt the loss without some of you participating. I appreciate those of you who have let me know not to expect you there in the future, though I’ll miss not knowing what quips and anecdotes you might have flung into the mix.
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