Are you a person who appreciates little things (a sunny day, a cup of tea, a flower) or someone who needs to satisfy more complex needs to be happy?
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20 Answers
Love the little things. Sunny day is at the top of my list. Also, being warm. A day without pain. Time with people I love. Seeing the blue water, green lawns and trees. When my husband reaches to hold my hand. Cheating and having a small glass of coca cola. A piece of one of my favorite chocolates.
I have a five year old.
I just want a clean house, a bath, and some quiet time to read all in the same day.
I very much appreciate those special little things in life. I pretty much always have. I am a detail oriented person and if you take the time to stop and look at something anything and visually take in every last little detail you will see some amazing things. I like to take close up photography for just that reason.
I live next to a wet land which on it’s own is very beautiful and most people who come by say the same. They see the wetland, I see the tall grasses, wild flowers, cat tails, ducks, Gold Finches flittering about, the milk weed plants and ultimately if you look close enough you might even see this little fella.
I appreciate little things very much. It is, after all, the little things that create life. If we can’t appreciate little things, we’re doomed. But sometimes big things make me sad, for example the state of the world. And I think it is important to have an eye for the big things in the midst of the little things.
Life is a string of little moments.
Yes, no. I’m not sure that the little things are so little. They seem little when we’re busy filling our lives with sh*t, and missing every single second of it. But there’s mind-blowing complexity to even the most simple of things, like a cup of tea.
But, like @Seek_Kolinahr, I am a parent. The little things that I can appreciate are often related to them, since I have very little time to myself. In some ways, this makes my quiet moments more precious. But there is nothing less amazing about experiencing those little things with kids. I spent yesterday playing in the snow with my kids. They had built a snow fort and were proud to show it off. It had rooms and an oven, and they were “baking” cakes and cookies. When we came inside, we spent the afternoon playing games and creating art. I even had a chance to play chess with my 8-year-old. It was a perfect day.
@Cruiser: “I am a detail oriented person and if you take the time to stop and look at something anything and visually take in every last little detail you will see some amazing things. I like to take close up photography for just that reason.”
I used to take photos as well. I found that I would try to take photos of things from a perspective that I usually don’t see them. The process of taking the photo – getting down on the ground, seeking unique perspectives, getting close, etc – allowed me to really see things for the first time. My photos were shit, but the experience I had taking them was amazing.
Absolutely. I love just being in nature, hanging out with my pets, taking a drive somewhere beautiful, planting flowers. Simple pleasures are the best but it is also nice to be able to afford choosing time over money, something I was able to do for quite a long time but not anymore.
At 54 now I really wish I could be retired doing nothing but the above every day.
I live life to the full because it’s the only one i’ll ever have. So yeah, I appreciate the little things like Sting says “every breath you take”
In the word’s of Warren, “Enjoy every sandwich.” RIP.
Some of the smallest things in life, I find the most comforting. A cup of tea on a rainy day is one of my favourite of life’s small pleasures. Other “little” pleasures of mine include, swings (as in the things you find in parks), walking my dog, listening to my favourite radio station (WSM), adding to my lighthouse collection and seeing a train race across the country side (the last two make me sound really geeky!). All of these things give me a nice feeling of comfort.
If God exists and the Apocalypse happens, why He’ll just have to wait until I finish my coffee before I cooperate.
@Symbeline Personally I hope a renegade black hole just swallows us in a random moment. Whoosh gone in a nano second. lol
I like all things from little to big. They are all required for tasting the real essence of happiness.
A succession of small events that can make a day wonderful: the take-off of a heron, the nuthatches scrabbling for seeds, the breeze as it rustles in the trees, the belt of Orion watching over the night, a hug from one of my kids.
How’s this for a little thing to appreciate, @Symbeline -
Ragnarok is the first day of the Renaissance Festival here in town.
Bring on the sexy Vikings.
Definitely the little things for me.
I’m 53 years old, and I spent half today wearing gum boots and playing in a series of giant mud puddles. Engineering canals, clearing dams.
@ibstubro you are now at home appreciating just how kick-ass those gum boots are at keeping cold wet water from your footies! Kudos to all that you do in the face of ‘Ma Natures’ best efforts!
Fashion be damned, @Cruiser. We had probably 12+ inches of snow and ice that melted over the course of 3 days. I just put on the gum boots and went where and when I liked. I hit one puddle that threatened to top them, but maturity shows when you can finally just back out.
@ibstubro That is why waders are not just for rivers and lakes
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