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filmfann's avatar

Do you want to play a movie synopsis game?

Asked by filmfann (52573points) February 20th, 2014

A friend of mine sent me the following movie synopsis. I thought it was pretty amusing, and thought we could make a game of it.
The idea is to take a movies plot, and distill it into its most hard core essence. If you guess the movie correctly, you then post your own synopsis.

Here is the first synopsis:

It’s about a mans wife who is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events, his son is kidnapped and the dad has to track and chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with the help of a mentally disabled woman.

Have fun with this!

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42 Answers

ucme's avatar

Finding Nemo
Sounds good, be back later to play.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Sounds like fun. But right out of the gate, I don’t recognize the plot which premiers the game. Bad omen.

filmfann's avatar

@ucme Finding Nemo is Correct! Your turn to post a synopsis.

ucme's avatar

@filmfann Yeah, like I said I have to run, play later when I can do the game justice.

filmfann's avatar

Okay, does someone else what to post a synopsis?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Since your own name is a virtual shingle of expertise, you should have the honor (or burden)

filmfann's avatar

A turtle, a snake, a wolf and a raccoon are hunted down by a unicorn, with the aid of a spider. During that process, a teddy bear and an owl are killed by the wolf.

This may not be a good example of what I was going for here, but I love this description.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Love to. I’m not nearly clever enough, though. I’ve seen this game played elsewhere – way too hard for me. I’m drawing a complete blank with your most recent synopsis. I wasn’t aware such a film existed.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Wait. four characters being pursued—Lion witch wardrobe?

cazzie's avatar

A guy goes to find something, finds Nazis and has absolutely no impact on the outcome of the movie what so ever.

filmfann's avatar

@cazzie Yeah, that is Big Bang Theory’s position on Raiders of the Lost Ark, but I disagree with it.

My clue was pretty abstract. The movie is Blade Runner. In the movie, each character is closely associated with an animal or insect.

Somebody else go.

cazzie's avatar

@filmfann what is to disagree? they are completely right. He might make things inconvenient at times, but he would have saved himself loads of trouble (with snakes especially) if he had let them take the Ark and then lift the lid himself.

ucme's avatar

Runaway youth escapes drab life only to enter a nightmare scenario in which they kill the first person they meet & go on to kill again with several accomplices.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Clockwork Orange?

ucme's avatar

Strike one!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@filmfann The Blade Runner clues were all brilliantly consistent right down to Daryl Hannah’s raccoon makeup.

ucme's avatar

Hmm, @stanleybmanly keeps being rewarded for giving incorrect answers, interesting.

stanleybmanly's avatar

They’re hasty guesses. I’m not looking for rewards. Nor do I fear the strikes. SOMEBODY has to play. Badlands?

ucme's avatar

Strike two!
Never said you were, simply pointing out an oddity that’s all.

ucme's avatar

Mine struck me as being fairly obvious, thought it would be solved immediately.
I reckon @filmfann will know it right off the bat.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Natural Born Killers?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Wizard of Oz? This time I thought about it.

ucme's avatar

Normally a good place to start.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Nice job, but you’re required to view the question from the perspective of a resident of Oz, since those of us in Kansas know that like Indiana Jones, the runaway youth had nothing to do with the outcome of Witch number one.

ucme's avatar

Of course, you could possibly be overthinking a simple little game, no wait…you weren’t thinking at all, allegedly.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Even a simple little game requires consistency in its clues, or what’s the point of thinking?

ucme's avatar

But you didn’t think, you said so yourself.
Enough of this tittle tattle, why don’t you try one yourself?

stanleybmanly's avatar

That will require some thought.

ucme's avatar

Not really, it’s easy when you know how.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Hard working business man is plagued by problems, as those aware of his success seek and scheme to deprive him of his wealth. His sole employee (lacking the work ethic of his boss) plots for opportunities to avoid honest work. Harassed from all sides, the lion of enterprise is driven to fits of delusion so severe that he winds up insanely babbling as he hurls his wealth to any and all in the streets.

Seek's avatar

A Christmas Carol?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr right on the money, and predictably so!

ucme's avatar

The description of Cratchit is entirely inaccurate, a kind hearted, hard working soul if ever there was.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Kind hearted or not , Bob wants a day off, lacks Scrooge’s work ethic and Dorothy did not kill the first wicked witch.

Seek's avatar

A short man and his employee encounter a long series of misadventures whilst trying to return a piece of jewelry.

filmfann's avatar

Close. Lord of the Rings.

Seek's avatar

Filmfann has it. ^_^

ucme's avatar

Haha, let it go man, let it go.

ucme's avatar

Dracula creates bond with midget in bullion fantasy.

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