General Question

ahro0703's avatar

Is pet rental inhumane?

Asked by ahro0703 (381points) February 21st, 2014

Pets are not objects, but raising a pet can be more than you imagined. I would also like to know how many of you have rented a pet before.

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8 Answers

heyman's avatar

Yes. Animals are living things, too.

Coloma's avatar

Yes and besides, you do not form an instant bond with an animal anymore than you do a human. You can’t “rent” a cat or dog or Parrot and expect to have an authentic experience of loving and bonding with an animal anymore than you can rent a baby and feel like a parent.
You can rent our sheep and goats for brush clearing though. lol

Darth_Algar's avatar

Pet rental is a thing?

SwanSwanHummingbird's avatar

I get the attraction and considering what happens to thousands and thousands of pets every year, living the rental life seems like a fine alternative.

Some animals would take really well to a “rental” type situation. I see how a cattery would work. Cats like chillin’ and like to be pet and played with.

I would hope that places that offer animals for rental would be run by people that consider the animals well-being.

This is not a black & white issue. I can’t say that pet rental is immoral (whatever that means), unilaterally.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not necessarily. With qualified people and home checks required, I think it could be a good thing and possibly lead to forever homes instead of death for some.

You’d have to be very careful though and (no pun intended) vet your clients very thoroughly to prevent abuse.

Coloma's avatar

Thing is the vast majority of animals, especially cats would not do well with the moving around.
Maybe a few ultra mellow and dingy dogs or something like a rabbit, but in general animals are creatures of routine and take several months to adjust to new surroundings. I don’t think it’s a valid idea, to much stress for the animals.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Coloma I know what you’re saying, but being in rescues is really loud and stressful, too, at least it was for all four of my rescues (birds and dogs.) Totally different dogs at home, well-rested, fed and loved.

Believe it or not, I’ve taken my birds to bird classes and they were a little freaked out at first but they’re okay now. Just have to get them used to travelling, and socialization is a good thing, too.

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