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filmfann's avatar

What do you think about the current plan to split California into 6 states?

Asked by filmfann (52611points) February 22nd, 2014

Here it is, if you hadn’t heard yet.
The idea is to take the most populous state and cut it into 6 more manageable sizes.
You would have Jefferson State (the Northern section, Chico towards Oregon), Southern California (Disneyland to Mexico), Silicon Valley (the West, East and South Bay to Big Sur), West California (San Simeon to Los Angeles), North California (Santa Rosa, Sacramento, Marin County to Tahoe), and Central California (most of the agricultural area, Stockton to Barstow, aka The Shit).
Do you think the sections are fair?
How would something like this effect current water usage?
How will each state lean politically?
Can we please come up with better names?

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