Do you wish you lived in a bigger or smaller country?
Asked by
JLeslie (
February 23rd, 2014
Bigger or smaller than the one you live in now? Does it make any difference at all?
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10 Answers
Smaller. It’s easier to reach a higher standard of living.
Nah, I can make it here. It’s big enough for what I need and small enough for what I want.
I don’t know if size would make any difference but I am more than happy living exactly where I am now, in the country I am now.
I wish I had my own island. A country of one.
I think the size of the United States is perfect for a person like me who likes to travel by car. I don’t need a passport to visit an arid desert, glaciers, volcanic mountains, old growth forests, subtropical forests, plains, tall grass prairies, salt flats, canyons, ocean coasts, major rivers and prominent mountain ranges.
I might go a step larger and move to Canada.
I never thought of the US as being either too big or too small for me. I like that it’s large and so we can travel within the country and still have a huge variety of locations to visit. I like that we can see everything from Alaska to Cali to Las Vegas to Disney World to the mid-West to the Pacific Northwest to New England and everything in between.
The county (perspective) I live in is ¼th the size of the Netherlands. I have surfing two hours to the left. Snowboarding is a hour to the right. The city I live in is big enough to have gay bars and museums and a lovely library. I will happily die here.
It’s a right size for me. Nothing too crazy. It’s a big country but doesn’t have a huge population.
Not bigger or smaller, but richer :)
Australia is the best country in the world, and part of that is because it is big enough to get away from crowds when you need to.
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