We chased away people who ask science and belief questions for this?
Asked by
hominid (
February 24th, 2014
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60 Answers
No one was chased away – they were asked to be respectful of other members and chose to take their balls and go home instead.
The flame wars are largely doused, and what you see now is the the dialogue that was going on in the background the entire time.
Personally, I hope that Fluther is in transition, and there are better times ahead. We could use new members and more traffic. It’s a shame that the ‘kinder, gentler’ Fluther didn’t occur prior to Askville’s death, as there were a lot of quality members that sought refuge at Fluther and were ground to dust.
Drama is not always a valid substitute for mundane.
A Q&A site is showing it’s variety, deal with it, or promote elitism.
Chased away? They left because the mods made a ruling and they didn’t agree with it. I’m not all for censorship by any means, but to be part of a larger community, you have to play by the rules.
You can go visit them on quora.com and look at all the brilliant religious questions there (sarcasm, they kinda suck.)
Goody. Yet another reason not to go to Quora.com
Stupid questions have always been here and lots of people have left this site for various reasons over the years, not just the few precious you speak of.
Fluther has always had a variety of questions: thoughtful ones, debate questions, tech questions, questions about love and life, silly questions, questions about where to go or what to do – you name it. To be fair, @hominid, the questions you linked in your question are just a small sampling of what’s been asked on Fluther recently.
If people were asked to be less disrespectful and they don’t like that, they’re always free to leave for greener pastures. Perhaps on other sites they are allowed to insult each other. I’d rather not be on a site like that.
Not only are the questions a small sampling like @jca has mentioned, they are also social questions, and some of the questions have since been pulled because they didn’t meet Fluther standards.
You’re welcome sugarpie honeybunch.
No one is chased away here. Yes, I agree that at times the answers can be snappish, but give us a break there are only about ten of us left and we get tired of answering questions all day. :P
@ucme: “or promote elitism”
Could you tell me more about this “elitism” and how I can promote it? Thanks.
Wow, that took a while, ate away at you did it?
If you have to ask, then it’s really not worth the effort explaining.
@ucme – I realized that it might be something I’m interested in promoting, and you seemed to be the person to ask since you recommended it. Since this is supposed to be the opposite of elitism, I was encouraged that elitism might be worthwhile.
Darn, you’re not going to explain it for me?
Well gee golly gosh, I guess not, now y’all run along y’hear?
@ucme: “Well gee golly gosh, I guess not, now y’all run along y’hear?”
^ Is this elitism? I don’t get it. And how can I promote it?
Heehee, we could go back & forth like this all night if you like, let it go…let it go
Elitism: 1.belief in concept of superiority: the belief that some people or things are inherently superior to others and deserve preeminence, preferential treatment, or higher rewards because of their superiority
@ucme What’s ironic about that is that to a degree, both theists and atheists, think the other side promotes it. ;)
@KNOWITALL Or in this instance, a misguided belief that “superior” questions should reign.
Nowt to do with religion m’dear, that ship has sailed :)
@ucme Ah, well, that would be restrictive and subjective…lol
@ucme – Keep in mind that “elite” and “elitism” are common words used here in the U.S. by a particular brand of conservatism, and is rooted in anti-intellectualism.
Also, I know you’re the funny guy around here and all. But just for the record, there is nothing approaching elitism about my question or me. I’m an expert at nothing and do not ask superior questions. I was simply asking if the current decision by the mods to chase away (technically, this is what happened, and it had nothing to do with “manners”) was producing a better fluther.
I think there are a bunch of decent answers in this thread.
I honestly can’t think of any possible sense in which anyone was chased away. I’ve seen every single communication between the mods, and between the mods and users, and at no time was any suggestion ever made that anyone wasn’t welcome here. I don’t even know how a “chased away” narrative got started, but I’ve never seen anything to support it.
Obviously, I’m a mod, so that may make my “testimony” suspect. People will believe what they want to believe.
@hominid I must disagree with you, you’re an expert in making mountains from molehills, or so it seems.
Also, throwing your toys around indiscriminately to the humour of those around you.
@ucme I quote an authority:
“Heehee, we could go back & forth like this all night if you like, let it go… let it go.”
I don’t see this as a battle worth choosing.
I don’t see it as a battle at all, more a minor distraction that briefly amused me.
I don’t mind tough questions concerning beliefs and various phenomena, and I’ve debated in these threads quite a bit. The only thing that bothers me here is that when the point of a question is to talk about some experiences rather than debating them, some of the sceptical trolls on here have to be big assholes and put others down for merely talking about them.
Who left? What ruling did the mods make? I missed everything, because I had things to do, and I knew I wouldn’t get it done with my account still active. Was just for a few days but it was important. So whatever went on, I have nothing to do with it, don’t lookit me haha.
But I mean seriously, what the hell happened? They’re just silly, random questions, many of which seem to have been taken down. Not the first time that happens.
@Symbeline The question isn’t referring to anything that happened while you weren’t here. This is about stuff that started over a month ago.
But the questions in the link, I remember some of those, what’s the worse thing to call this and that, and something about hitting one’s ass with a hammer.
It’s about religious questions being about proseltyzing for athiesm more than the question/ answer itself. Some don’t feel like they are allowed to ask questions anymore.
Oh wait…yeah I think I recall this from a few months ago…man that incident has come up here like three times ever since then.
I just didn’t see the relation to those linked questions. :/ Sorreh.
I think you missed the point, @Symbeline. It seems the OP is on the side of the science and belief people who chose to leave. I believe the point was that now that those people have left, we have a bunch of opinion and social questions instead of religious flame wars and a bunch of opinion and social questions.
The questions featured were a screen shot of the questions active on Feb. 23, the day the question was posted.
Yeah, I get it now. Didn’t catch it at first.
For what it’s worth though…we still have plenty of religious flame wars. Ha.
I feel that the reason is that some people couldn’t discuss religion without feeling victimized, feeling insulted, or without insulting, attacking or degrading people.
I miss the underlying discussions though, since they did touch on things that were / are interesting. More interesting that the samples posted by the OP.
In short… We did’t just douse flame wars… with these flame wars we lost something else as well… substance. I miss that as well, nowadays.
With this new policy, we may have thrown out the child, together with the filthy water of its bathtub. (Dutchism!!!)
I think it might just be a cooling-off period, @whitenoise. A time out until we work our way back to more substance.
We have to learn how to discuss topics of substance without scaring new members off, IMO.
This must be what a flame-war on a mime forum looks like
@thorninmud – I looks like mime. But it’s hidden text. Press alt-f12, then hit space bar 5 times. You’ll notice that my last comment was a scathing critique of @ibstubro‘s position on drug policy.
Things are actually looking somewhat better today.
I don’t shit one-liners, no, no…I ejaculate them from my special talking penis.
8IIIIIIIIIIIIID——- -—- ( . Y .)
Let’s see if I can make an axe…
o===========... guess not.
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