Meta Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys, in post after post I'm seeing words that are blue and double underlined. Is it just me?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 24th, 2014

There is at least one in every question I go into. In fact, there are two to the right of my page where the preview shows. They’re ads, spam.

Is it just my computer and does this mean I have a virus, or do you guys see it too?

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15 Answers

Juels's avatar

Is it a browser setting? Some browsers have options to highlight, underline or change the color of links. No, I don’t see it.

muppetish's avatar

I definitely don’t see it. Does this only happen to you when on Fluther, or has it occurred for you on other websites as well?

marinelife's avatar

I am not seeing it. Thank goodness!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Nothing on my side.

janbb's avatar

I think it means there is a virus on your computer. Had it on the work computer once.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sounds like ^ ^ a virus, have you recently added anything to your computer? It can happen when you open an app and then to continue into the app you “agree to end” the fine print is they will put a virus to add hypertext for different ” sale sites ”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, here and on other random web pages. It’s not on fb, tho.

@Juels It’s creating the links. For example, in your words ”...a browser…” they are blue and double underlined.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You, I remember I had this once before. Can’t remember what I did about it. Let me go look….

Seaofclouds's avatar

I think @janbb and @Tropical_Willie are right. If you have a virus scanner, give your computer a scan. Otherwise, you’ll want to get one so you can scan your computer. Adware (which is what this sounds like) does exactly what you are describing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Go to this site and download Malwarebytes FREE. Stay away from the websites that keep giving you malware.

mrentropy's avatar

Older versions of Internet Explorer would do that. If you hover over the double-underlined words it would pop up a balloon showing where the link would go to. It was an advertising thing that they tried to champion.

johnpowell's avatar

What browser are you using and do you have any extensions installed?

talljasperman's avatar

I had that same problem now I log on with windows 8 splash screen instead of going into classical mode. Also I reset my computer somehow and returned it to my pre spam state.

augustlan's avatar

It’s happened to me in the past, and it was always malware. @Tropical_Willie‘s suggestion usually does the trick. Good luck!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ran malware. Looks like it worked! Thanks guys.

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