If you could make a new law, what would it be and why?
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16 Answers
A law stating that any field or profession can be apprenticed, with paid internships.
It would be, and I quote:
“Don’t be a cunt”.
It was supersede and replace all other laws. Anyone found guilty of being a cunt will be shipped to Siberia.
Any welfare recipient must subject to random drug screening and temporary sterilization.
It’s my fantasy law, so it doesn’t have to be fiscally sound. I believe if you aren’t a contributing member of society at the moment at least you don’t have to make it worse.
A law that turns pedophiles over to the parents or legal guardians of the child(ren) they mess with. No more getting released quickly or unscathed.
There would be two:
• If you get caught having sex before you are a legal adult you lose your driver’s license until you are 27yr old. If you get caught driving under the suspended period, you lose it until you are 35yr of the second offence and you lose it for life on the third offence.
• Unwanted babies and parents stuck on welfare would go down. Young people can focus more on school then making out so when they do start boinking they can take care of the babies they create. They get taught that sex is for those legally deemed smart enough to handle it.
• Drunk/inebriated drivers lose their driver’s license for 10yrs, if they get it back they have to display red ‘D’ on their vehicle placard. If they get caught driving on a suspended they get 5 years added to the suspension and a $250,000 fine. If they get caught driving on a suspended AND inebriated/drunk, they lose their license for life and have to pay a $750,000 fine.
• The road will be safer and kids will know which vehicles to be leery of when on their street. Once the first couple of thousand get burned, people will think 5 times before taking the wheel with anything in their system.
• OK, there is a 3rd. Any woman having an abortion against the will of the father has to pay him for the child he doesn’t get to raise because of her selfishness. She would owe him $4,500,000 ($150k a year over a 30yr expected life involvement with the aborted child. She has to forfeit 30% of her wages to the father, and she is not eligible for government aid, she has to go to work to pay off the fine. If she refuses, she will have a judgment levied on her and/or weekend jail until she secures a job.
A law that nullifies imminent domain and prohibits any direct or indirect property tax
I want to live in @Hypocrisy_Central‘s world, because apparently there the average woman makes $455,000 a year.
Paedophiles & rapists to have their cocks removed with a big knife
Companies would have to have a solid, supportable, provable reason other than age discrimination, to lay off large numbers of people 55 and over who find it virtually impossible to locate jobs in their field again and are too young to retire.
Getting rid of productive people because they are grandfathered into a pension plan that is no longer available to new hires should be automatically investigated and i illegal.
Health insurance should NEVER be tied to employment. It encourage employers to get rid of older employees as they start to need to see a doctor more—and some companies review use of health insurance as a reason to fire otherwise good employees. They actually warn their staff not to use their health insurance unless it’s a dire emergency.
“At will termination” , no explanation required, opens up an opportunity for major abuse.
Pigeons to wear nappies/diapers.
“After taking Driver’s Training, the student will then complete a Defensive Driving course. Also, any person how hasn’t taken the course already, will complete a Defensive Driving course.” Because just knowing how to operate a motor vehicle is not enough.
@kritiper Isn’t the best defence a good offence? I wonder what an offensive diving school would be like?
@talljasperman No, it’s not bumper cars out there, and that’s what offensive driving school would be. And people get hurt, killed, and property gets damaged or destroyed.
Mine would be simple: under my new law I would be absolute dictator for life and what I say goes, no matter how arbitrary it might be.
@ucme , perfect! Victims ( or young victim’s parents/guardian) get the honor of doing so if they please.
I always thought rapists and pedos should receive large face tattoos stating their worthlessness to the world… Or rather the prison where they’d end up rotting to death in.
Why just them? Why not anyone convicted of any crime?
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