Isn’t the best defence a good offence? I wonder what an offensive diving school would be like?
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11 Answers
There are several private tank driving schools and parks where you can go to find out.
People learning to go off the high dive with K-Bar knives, Glock pistols and night vision goggles.
Now I’m thinking demolition derby.
Proper flipping of the bird techniques, the best string of 4-letter words to spew, effective break checks, ass riding, and parking so close to a driver side door they can’t get out to fight back. True offensive skill sets.
Seriously, though. I ride a crotch rocket instead of a cruiser because I feel like I’m in an offensive position while riding. In my mind, I can spring off of my bike like a cat, should the need arise, if I have my legs tucked under me versus lounged back. Silly, but that belief has saved me at least once.
RRRR matey, check your spelling.
Offensive driving is what too many people already do. It causes lots of accidents.
@talljasperman I think it’s funny, I have a question sent back because I failed to make a to instead of TOO, or failed to put a space after a comma and this gets by unchecked, good work, and as for your question I have to agree with @zenvelo .
Heh I was about to answer about offensive diving! My q’s alway get sent back for mispells lol
Well, defensive driving would be things like expecting the unexpected and reacting accordingly. Let’s say you’re waiting to turn onto a main road from a side street, and there’s a car coming from your left with his signal on as if they were going to turn onto the same side street you are currently on.
My defensive driving skills might tell me “What if this guy has no idea his signal is on, and doesn’t actually turn here? I should wait until he starts the actual turn before I go.”
So I guess offensively, I could assume he’s turning anyway and make my turn onto the main road.
Offensive driving schools do exist, they teach to the military, law enforcement, special forces agents, security personnel etc. Things like pursuit driving, contact driving (learning how to force your opponent off the road without putting yourself in danger, for instance).
We must have had a Vulcan mind meld as I was thinking the same thing.
And an offensive driving course would look very much like the training given to the Secret Service agents assigned to Presidential protection.
They can’t just be reactive and be sitting ducks. They must be proactive, learning such techniques as doing a complete reverse turn on a seconds notice. This is dangerous stuff and requires a specific skillset and practice as it involves combining accelerating and braking in hazardous ways not usually done. I saw a demo of it and I sure couldn’t do that. The car was leaning at a precarious angle because of the sudden rotation. If the driver doesn’t know what he’s doing it can tip the car over and then you’re really stuck. It was fascinating stuff to watch.
They also learn off- road driving if necessary, crashing barricades when required and a whole bunch of very aggressive techniques which are hopefully totally unexpected to the bad guys. Those limos are really rather deceptive looking. In reality, they’re better constructed, reinforced and equipped than most all-terrain vehicles and/or tanks.
The documentary I was watching was granted limited access to the Secret Service training grounds but the full capabilities of the Presidential detail cars and the limos was not revealed for obvious reasons.
But driving those things is not for ordinary people like us. These guys have to first learn these aggressive techniques and then practice them frequently so its in muscle memory when needed.
I don’t know how many of their docs are available to watch free online but it was the Discovery Channel so you might be able to still find it. I think the title was something like Tales of the Secret Service. That may not be it exactly but I know that the words Secret Service were definitely part of the title.
And as @downtide mentioned, some of this is also taught and used by private security firms who protect business and govt. leaders in unstable regions of the world where kidnappings or assassination attempts are not unusual to encounter.
Offensive driving has saved many lives we probably never know about.
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