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longgone's avatar

Anyone have a tried and tested recipe for cauliflower soup?

Asked by longgone (19875points) February 26th, 2014

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16 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I always go to Food Network;charset=UTF-8 now to search for new recipes and you can read other cooks reviews and tips for shortcuts and making some recipes even better.

tedibear's avatar

Yes, but it’s at home and I am at work. If you can wait, I will post it later.

longgone's avatar

^ Please do! I’m trying the third entry on @Cruiser‘s link for now, but I’d still be interested in yours.

Thanks, @Cruiser :]

tedibear's avatar

I made it for cooking school with a couple of tweaks and got rave reviews from the chef instructor.

tedibear's avatar

I found it online! Here
I didn’t do whatever that tomato mess is supposed to be, and I didn’t use the lemon juice.

I strongly suggest making the rye croutons.

longgone's avatar

@tedibear Thanks. I had already started on the other recipe, but I did make the croutons. They were great. If the soup is as good, I’ll try it next time.

@Cruiser The soup was delicious. Just put the remains in the freezer, looking forward to that.

gailcalled's avatar

I love this:

Curried Vegetable Soup:

3 cups fresh cauliflower florets

1 14 oz. can unsweetened coconut milk
14 oz. can or box vegetable or chicken broth

1 T. curry powder

¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro

2 cups frozen baby peas – vegetable mix

In Dutch Oven combine cauliflower, coconut milk, broth, curry powder and cilantro. Bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, covered, until cauliflower is tender (about 10 minutes). Stir in frozen vegetable blend. Cook, uncovered, until heated through. May add ¼ teaspoon salt.
I sprinkle fresh, grated, unsweetened coconut on top as garnish. May be fiddled with in creative ways.

longgone's avatar

@gailcalled Thanks! It’s a good thing I love both cauliflower and soup.

Cruiser's avatar

@longgone I am glad it came out yummy and that was the one I would have picked. The others were overloaded with heavy cream and cheese for my diet!

ccrow's avatar

This is from Williams-Sonoma Kitchen Library:

Hungarian Cauliflower Soup

8 cups milk
1 yellow onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
6 oz. cooked ham, cut into small dice
1 head cauliflower
½ cup sour cream
2 teaspoons salt
white pepper
In a saucepan bring the milk to a boil. Strain it through a fine strainer into a large pot. (Note- I don’t do this step, I just bring the milk to a boil in the soup pot and go from there.) Add the onion, carrot, and ham. Cover partially and simmer gently over medium heat for 10 minutes, taking care that it does not boil over.
Meanwhile, remove the florets from the cauliflower head and chop them coarsely. Measure out 4 cups(10 oz) and add to the soup. Simmer for 15 minutes more.
In a small bowl stir a little of the hot soup into the sour cream until smooth. Add this mixture to the soup along with the salt and white pepper to taste. Simmer briefly, stirring well. Adjust the seasoning if needed and garnish with a sprinkle of paprika if desired.

longgone's avatar

@ccrow Thanks. I’m a vegetarian, but I’m sure I could just leave out the ham.

Kardamom's avatar

I made up my own recipe for cauliflower soup.

I cut up half a head of cauliflower into florets and roasted them in the oven (with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper) until they were just golden brown. Then I put them into a Dutch oven along with a 32 oz. carton of vegetable broth and a jar of Pasco Korma Cooking Sauce and used my stick blender to puree everything, then heated it through. This is one of the best soups I’ve ever made. I got the Indian cooking sauce at an Indian grocery store, but you may be able to find in in the international food section of your local grocery store.

I’ve also made a roasted butternut squash soup and used Trader Joe’s Curry Simmer Sauce and I bet it would also be good with caulliflower. This sauce is much spicier than the Pasco sauce.

Here’s some other recipes that sound good.

Cheesy Cauliflower Soup

Golden Potato and Cauliflower Soup (sub veggie broth)

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

Curried Cauliflower Soup

Roasted Cauliflower and Leek Soup

Roasted Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Soup

Clear Soup with Vegetables (cauliflower) and Quinoa

Carrot and Cauliflower Soup

Cauliflower Beer Soup

Cauliflower Soup with Mint and Yogurt (sub veggie broth).

longgone's avatar

@Kardamom Thanks. The second one sounds good :) I was waiting for you.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Hee Hee.

NanoNano's avatar

I’ve made a couple versions of it that have turned out surprisingly well. I also like borscht, which I was really surprised by the fantastic flavor of the first time I made it…

Cauliflower soup seems to be best when it involves turmeric, as a type of curry, in my opinion.

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