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Strauss's avatar

What do you think is the best rock anthem ever?

Asked by Strauss (23913points) February 26th, 2014

Here is a list of the “100 Greatest Rock Anthems”. Which anthem do you think should be #1? It does not have to be on the list; in fact, if you think a song belongs on the list, what is it? What song(s) would not be on the list if you compiled it? Obviously, I’m not looking for you to post your top 100, but a link to your fave or two would be nice.

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29 Answers

Coloma's avatar

OMG…this is waaay too hard for me! lol
Sitting back waiting for others replys. haha

zenvelo's avatar

140 – We Can Be Together by Jefferson Airplane

Grace Slick screaming “Up against the wall, motherfucker, tear down the Wall!”

ucme's avatar

Stairway to Heaven

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

We Will Rock You by Queen

Freddie Mercury was brilliant

ucme's avatar
This little girl is absolutely awesome.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Another brick in the Wall

Judi's avatar

Twist and Shout makes me want to dance as well as YMCA. When I think “Rock Anthem” I think of We a Will Rock You. I am open to changing my mind though. I haven’t opened your link yet.

janbb's avatar

“Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen – but there are so many, many candidates.

“Satisfaction” by the Stones would be high on my list too.

Cruiser's avatar

You Really Got Me – Van Halen
Thunderstruck ACDC
I Wanna Rock – Twisted Sister
Walk This Way Aerosmith

Ask me this same question and hour from now and I will give you 4 completely different tunes.

Coloma's avatar

I nominate this, one of the greatest anyway.

Coloma's avatar

I love Aerosmith. Dude looks like a lady is my nomination!

KNOWITALL's avatar

i’m with @cruiser, Twisted Sister.

filmfann's avatar

Revolution The Beatles
Won’t Get Fooled Again The Who
Born To Run Bruce Springsteen
Sweet Home Alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd
Satisfaction The Rolling Stones

Adagio's avatar

Without reading the list, Born in the USA by Springsteen would do me.

Patti Smith Horses might do the job also.

Brian1946's avatar

Cream- Sweet Wine
” – NSU
Jimi Hendrix- 51st Anniversary
” ” – Foxey Lady
” ” – Watchtower
Led Zeppelin- Heartbreaker
Doors- Break on Through
” – Roadhouse Blues
Stones- Doo Doo Doo…(Heartbreaker)
”- Gimme Shelter
” – Get off my Cloud
” – Poison Ivy
Missing Persons- Walking in LA
Lou Reed- Sweet Jane
Robyn Hitchcock- Madonna of the Wasps
Steely Dan- Bodhisattva
Johnny Winter- Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
” ” – R&R Hoochie Koo
Santana- Mirage
Jeff Beck & Stevie Ray Vaughan- I’m Goin’ Down
Van Halen- Dreams
Ten Years After- I’m Going Home
Shakira- Whenever, Wherever
Cyndy Lauper- Girls Just Want to Have Fun
” ” – She Bop

Hey, what can I say- I’ve been listening to R&R for almost 60 years, so I’ve grown to like a lot of anthems.

Harold's avatar

The only Iron Maiden song at 120? Bruce Springsteen’s worst ever song (Born in the USA) in the top 10? Sorry, the list is a joke!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They all belong on the list I might have put them in a little bit different order but that’s about it.

Coloma's avatar

I love Lou reeds, “Sweet Jane.” I used to take that album babysitting with me. haha

Seek's avatar

Iron Maiden: Fear of the Dark.

Seek's avatar

This list is bullshit.

All You Need is Love is NOT a rock anthem. Neither is Give Peace a Chance. I love the Beatles, I love John Lennon, but arena rock they are not.

Rock Around the Clock? Seriously?
And why is it the only Deep Purple song anyone knows is Smoke On the Water? They have a ton of fantastic music.

Strauss's avatar

Just for the record, I chose that particular list solely out of convenience. Many of the songs do not even meet my definition of an anthem, but many of them do. For example, I think Queen’s We Are The Champions is a much better anthem than We Will Rock You, which is listed as #1, (I still think it belongs somewhere high on the list).

FWIW, I think the best animation version of an anthem rock song is “Sweet Victory” (by David Glen Eisley) which occurs in the “Band Geeks” episode of “Spongebob Squarepants”.

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Give Peace a Chance is a major anthem. It was sung in arenas as well as at huge demonstrations – thousands of people together after Kent State and in Central Park, Wall Street on the East coast.

If anything in that list is an anthem it’s Give Peace a Chance.

What can I say, you had to be there.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@non_omnis_moriar I wasn’t there, but I find it very emotionally touching. :)

non_omnis_moriar's avatar

Imagine hundreds of young passionate people holding hands, many crying and singing that song after Kent state. It was so sad, so amazing I can still feel the unified sorry.

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