Be honest. If you were worth millions, billions of dollars, would you have cosmetic surgery?
Asked by
ibstubro (
February 26th, 2014
If no, why not?
If yes, then what?
I would.
I’d have the ‘bags that were formerly under my eyes’ removed and my waist (gut) slimmed.
To be perfectly honest, I’d probably spend more on a personal trainer that would hassle me into being more fit. Admit it – if you had a 1,000 sqf bedroom, it would be much more attractive to have a treadmill you could walk while you watch a movie.
Joan Rivers looks nothing like her younger self, yet I support her decision to have cosmetic surgeries. If it increases your self worth, go for it.
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56 Answers
No. I’ve had necessary surgery. I cannot fathom why people opt for elective, cosmetic surgery. The end does not justify the means to me.
Heck yes. But only with the guarantee of no complications or pain after the surgery. As for the list, I think Fluther has a character limit.
No way, no way!!! I would rather hire a personalized fitness trainer for myself.
Oh yes, I’d have a few nips and tucks.
Because I am already quite attractive ;)
If I’m terrified of having blood drawn, I’m not going to voluntarily elect to have surgery.
I wouldn’t necessarily donate all of my funds to charity or put it into a sensible savings account, but cosmetic surgery doesn’t even make the short list of things I would do.
I would, but I am too terrified of surgery and also of the bad cases where it goes wrong, aside from that I would do it in a heartbeat. I do think it would change my life simply because I am so darn negative about myself. I have much work to do with me to change that.
Perhaps instead with all that money I could buy the things that I think are going to change due to my improved looks?
No… I’m perfect the way I am…
COSMETIC!!!???????!!! I’m going for bionic. I want two new legs, an arm that doesn’t keep knocking things over, 87 pounds sucked, (HMMM suck that a little too, while you’re at it doc.)
Saddle bags, eye bags, perk up the nose. Lasik for my sight issues. I’m still deciding about round two.
I would first go on a health retreat to improve my fitness and lose weight and get massages at least twice daily. Chronic pain sucks. Once I lost significant weight and kept it off, I might consider having excess skin removed from my belly, and perhaps even a boob lift, because they did deflate some when I previously lost weight.
I can’t say for sure that I’d do it, though. My sweetie’s love is unconditional – if he accepts me at my fluffiest, I’m confident he’d still love me with some loose skin. He probably would miss the boobs, although he’s be kind enough not to complain about it. Since I’d be worth bazillions, I wouldn’t have anyone else to improve, so I might not care to have it done as long as I’m comfortable and healthy.
Yup, in a second. I’ve had a tummy tuck before and would would to get my arms and legs done too.
I’m not worth that much (well not BILLIONS) but I had a tummy tuck and a boob lift after losing 80 lbs. one of the best gifts I ever gave myself.
I’m so afraid of surgery that it would have to be an extreme circumstance for me to have cosmetic surgery regardless of money.
No way! There are so many other things I’d rather do in life then spend time under the knife and in recovery afterward. You can enjoy the OR, I’ll be enjoying a trip somewhere with my children while I can!
Not for me, I think I’ll age gracefully or not so gracefully instead.
I’d have my feet fixed, have my teeth made up all pretty. And LASIK.
Work on getting my teeth better, but that’s about it. I am happy with the way the rest of me looks.
What the heck. I guess that I would have a few hair follicles strategically transplanted on my head.
I wouldn’t because I am aging quite gracefully and as long as I like myself the way I am, that’s all that matters.
On another note, I watched a documentary about plastic surgery called Plastic Disasters and what I saw there would probably be enough evidence to discourage most people from getting cosmetic procedures done.
What would be the point? I’m not in show business. Besides when you have that kind of money, people magically line up to tell you how handsome and powerful you are
Err, you don’t need “millions” or “billions” , couple hundred grand would be enough to cover head to toe.
I have no need to go down that route, you can’t improve on perfection :)
@hearkat – Oy – I was tired last night! Corrections: he’s should be “he’d” and improve should be “impress”.
I would probably get surgery to make my nose slightly smaller, but that’s about it.
Of course not. I am perfect.
Probably. But I wouldn’t ask Bruce Jenner or Kenny Rogers for a recommendation.
If I had billions I probably wouldn’t bother to wear shoes.
Much less would I bother to change my appearance.
-Except if I had billions I’d probably have the chance to exercise more and possibly improve my appearance that way.
@ibstubro Why millions and billions? I’ve looked into liposuction to get rid of a permanent dent in my ass cheek from a bad fall, and it was about $5,000. They have payment plans just like a car.
I also considered an eyelid tuck. My health insurance will cover it because I have hooded lids, and as I age and they droop it is causing my eyes to water more and effecting my vision. My dad needed it done legitimately, but I’m just aware that my face is sagging and insurance has offered to help me pick it up again.
@GloPro I wondered that too. Why millions? I know bunches of women who had nose jobs and boob jobs and they certainly didn’t have millions. Most of them worked with me at Bloomingdale’s and none of them were getting rich on their salaries.
I’m truly not sure. I think I’d have some lipo and botox maybe. Nothing like the woman with the huge bazongas or corset under her skin…ugh.
No, I’m lucky enough to already be handsome.
No. Too much hassle, and I’m okay with how I look, for the most part.
@ucme Did you see that chick, she shined a flashlight on them and they showed her veins, like creepy balloons. :)
Hell, yes. I’d get lypo and a personal trainer. Also, I’d put the boobs back where they started. I wouldn’t change my face though. I’m fine with that. If I had enough money, maybe I could find a doctor that would give me laser eye surgery. I’d love to get rid of my glasses.
Only if you classify sex-reassignment surgery as cosmetic. I don’t.
If I were a millionaire, I would donate your surgery, @downtide. Heck, if I were a billionaire, I’d donate several. How great would it be to set up a foundation for just that purpose?
Probably get bombed by the WBC, but it’d be nice while it lasted, no?
I wouldn’t get any surgery done unless it was necessary for my well being and health. Plus if I was that rich, no matter how ugly I am, everyone would be my friend, so no need for any surgery haha.
@KNOWITALL I refuse to picture horrible breasts, titties are my favourite thing in the whole wide world & I will not have their wondrous splendour sullied in any way.
Ahhh, you should have seen mine, in their day.
I specified “millions” or “billions” to fore the ‘I’m too cheap to spend $5,000 on Lipo’ discussions. Which would normally be ME.
I didn’t want to talk about the costs, or I wanted money to be no objects, however you care to put it. I guess I could have asked, “If plastic surgery were free…”. It makes no real difference – I’m pleased with the participation and the answers I received.
Thanks to all who stopped here.
Well I would get a haircut.
I’m not worth millions, billions, but I sure do love cosmetic surgery! I’ve had three surgical procedures, and I’m faithful about getting Botox and facial fillers. Right now, I’m not in a good financial position to get any additional work done (the consequences of supporting my impoverished, elderly, and very sick mother). If I had the money to throw around, I wouldn’t do anything frightening or too drastic; just a few minor changes here ‘n’ there.
No, I don’t think I would get any work done. At least not at this point in my life when I’m still young. There are things that I don’t like about how I look, but I would feel weird changing them. It would be like changing the person that I am.
I would have my teeth fixed as I wish they were straighter but really that’s it. I don’t like the idea of changing the way I look even though I am not always happy with my features! I have no problem with cosmetic surgery Cher is one of my idols!! it’s just not for me.
Absolutely not. I’ve seen my father and brother go through heart surgeries. I would never have any type of un-necessary surgery. It’s far too risky and painful. Plus, I don’t like the look of most of the celebrity surgeries I’ve seen. Also, I’m a big fan of growing old gracefully. I try to take care of myself, but even if I did become ugly in the eyes of myself or others, so what? Lots of people are ugly, but that doesn’t stop me from loving, liking or respecting them. Some of my favorite people are not particularly attractive. I’m average looking, and I’m totally OK with that.
I wonder if a cosmetic surgeon can give someone extra fingers hands , and head. And turn someone into an ettin.
Ok, after seeing Goldie Hawn on the Oscars I have changed my mind. I would not have anything done.
Ugh, I saw her also. I also saw Jacklyn Smith on Katie the other day and she was one of the great beauties of all time and now she looks plastified. A little work is ok, but sometimes it is so bad. They don’t look like themselves. Not good.
You know, on the one hand Joan Rivers looks nothing like her former self, but on the other hand, if her looks please her, who cares?
After a while, the surgery fans start to look like that big, sad eyed children art of the 60’s.
Yes probably liposuction and laser hair removal.
If laser hair removal counts, I already have done that.
@JLeslie Does it hurt as much as they say? Does it count as cosmetic surgery?
No pain anymore with the new lasers. The old ones hurt a lot. Some places are still using the old machines. My girlfriend got burned very badly. I barely had any redness.
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