Why are people rude?
People on this site are really rude. Just because they are educated through college, they think they are perfect.
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173 Answers
Quite the contrary. We realize our imperfections, we just have very little patience for people who lack maturity and/or basic understanding of grammar.
PS the details section of your question is awfully redundant.
My suggestion, if you want to interact, is to answer questions and not ask them. Don’t troll, don’t be rude and/or argumentative yourself.
I liked your answer about large breed dogs setting off automatic flush toilets. Creative and funny, and something that never occurred to me. Of course, I don’t usually see big dogs in the bathroom stalls, but it would keep me from ever installing one at home…
Welcome to Fluther. Don’t make it all about you, don’t give out so much personal info, use your schooled English, and relax!
Serious question: is it rude to make a blanket claim that everyone “on this site” is rude? The rudest people here seem to be the least educated.
I know clearly why you ask this question. It’s because of “that” incident.
I’m 18 years old. I haven’t finished college and basically I’m still a teen. An old teen. I have been in your age before so I know partly what your life can be.
And if you look at my answers to your dream question again, you’ll notice I’m very tolerant with your poor writing. I even asked a jelly to cool down when she attacked you. It was only when you began to chatter about how you did well at school and how bright you are that my attitude changed. So you see, I had to be rude to you because you did it first. You know, other people are merely mirrors reflecting your behavior. If you treat them badly they’ll treat you back. It’s only fair. Before you judge other people like that, why don’t you judge yourself first? A matured person is someone who judge themselves before judging other.
And in that latest question, you showed us how immature and inexperienced you were. It was just funny someone who claimed to be so good could be like that. Grow up please.
And if you still think we’re rude, then yes, we’re rude. You don’t need to be near us. You can leave.
@crushingandreaming Then that’s my little advice to you. I’m still a teen, the only different is that I’m older than you and have seen what you’re about to see in this world. Hopefully I helped a little.
Here is the message I just sent you, with the names removed.
Whatever makes you sleep better, sweetie.
Just remember: It’s really easy to find information on the internet if you know where to look. And most creepy stalkers don’t let you know they’re doing it.
I’m going to give you a little homeschool lesson right now:
You told me your boy’s school name. From that I was able to convince you to give me his real name. Now that I know that, I can go down his sports roster, looking for at least one kid on his soccer team that has an unprotected Facebook account, since I’ve already established that ____ himself is unsearchable. Searching by name and city is child’s play. From there, I look for a “like” or comment from _____. Failing that, I look for places the kid likes to hang out. (your city) is a big city, so nailing down a neighborhood would help. Which movie theater does _____’ friend go to? That one? OK, maybe that’s where you and _____ are going when he gets back from Brazil. Maybe I’ll wait for you there. You’ll be easy to find. You’ll be the kid with ____. Whose picture you so kindly offered to me. I didn’t even have to find the newspaper article from last soccer season.
Protect yourself online.
By the way, I don’t actually live in (your city).
Call it rude if you want to, I call it a life lesson
I thought it was rudeness at first but then I realized I’m just immature.
Except for the religion bashing. I still think that’s unnecessary.
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Wow, Fluther doesn’t change much. I come back and there’s still questions about how rude people are from new users.
Every community you join has an adjustment period, stick it out – get to know everyone. People are people and it doesn’t really change with where you go, You’ll find a group you like, just like always.
I think @crushingandreaming and I are friends now, and she has promised not to share personal information on the Internet.
@crushingandreaming See? No one here is that bad. If you treat people well they’ll treat you back. That’s a rule.
Will this episode be on Lifetime or oxygen? I need to set my dvr and get the tissues ready.
*snort *
That’s enough, now, back to bitchface.
First do’nt now was’nt.
The problem isn’t with us, it’s how you ask your questions and conduct yourself (though I did not read much of the last question, it’s not worth my time to go through all that)
Also, use some common sense, don’t go giving a bunch of information to random people, i mean come on.
@XOIIO That’s “I” not “i” there, grammar coach. She’s in 8th grade, with plenty of room for improvement.
@GloPro It’s about the spelling, not the grammar, this person is consistently wrong with works like that, I just don’t get how, in eighth grade that shouldn’t be a mistake someone makes. It’s a lot different than not bothering to capitalize a letter.
P.S. You forgot to capitalize “Oxygen” which is a brand.
edit: Well, brand or trademark or whichever fits best for a magazine.
Is 14 eighth grade? I think I turned 14 in the middle of Freshman year…
Yes it is 8th grade, you must have been a year above your grade @Seek_Kolinahr
I agree with @uberbatman first response.
I have been participating here for almost 4 years and the vast majority of jellies are uber bright, articulate, funny and take a no nonsense approach to certain behaviors, expression.
Lack of patience for illiteracy and dumb fuck issues goes hand in hand for those that have IQs surpassing that of a loaf of bread.
Most of us are very nice humans but if ya can’t run with the big dogs, take constructive criticism, modify your writing to standards, then back to your crate Rover. lol
@XOIIO While I agree that her grammar and proper spelling/punctuation could use improvement, if you are going to correct someone you should make sure you are also using proper English. It is never acceptable to “not bother” with capitalizing the “I” and makes you a hypocritical bully. Be nice.
I could correct your punctuation in your response to me, also, but I won’t bother.
@Seek_Kolinahr Supposedly 9th grade in the states but it seems to depend on the month you were born.
Ah. OK. I was born in late December. I was the youngest kid in my grade, now that I think about it.
Because they simply don’t care how they are perceived, maybe lack a little interpersonal communication skills?
You’ll deal with rude people all your life, fluther is a good example actually to try to learn to assert yourself since you’re young. Try to rise above it, and if you can’t, just be honest with them about how you feel about their behavior.
You are only in control of yourself, but you can tell them how they are perceived and that you find their behavior, words or treatment unacceptable. Try to keep it classy, so you don’t stoop to their level. Educated has nothing to do with it, by the way, some of rudest people I know are very well educated, just no people skills. :)
Welcome to Fluther and that is called a baptism by fire. Kudos to you for sticking it out as legions of others with thinner skin have left the pond for reasons you pointed out in your question. The vast majority of Jellies are kind caring compassionate often funny people and simply ignore and avoid people and posts that might rub you the wrong way and enjoy the rest.
Also calling people out in a question or comment whether directly by name or implied in never good form and my advice would be to talk to them privately or bring your concerns to the attention of a Mod, again privately.
Fluther, in my slowly expanding experience, has never been for the faint at heart.
@Dutchess_III Me and another person were in an arguement and now we r friends thats what this is
Yeah, that’ll happen with @Seek_Kolinahr! LOL!!
BTW, I was really interested in this question until I saw the details. :( Why ARE some people so rude, and do they realize they’re being rude?
I don’t know but they need to realize what they are doing.
Well, it’s pretty much human nature to not realize what you’re doing and how it appears to other people.
@crushingandreaming Just remember that people who can appear to be your friends may not have good intentions. You really have to know who and what you are and believe in, before you trust people here or anywhere else.
I wish I knew what you all were talking about….
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Cliff’s Notes:
Big Sister Alyson (that’s me) was giving a harsh life lesson in the realities of sharing information on the internet.
And grammar. Because grammar.
This came across to our young friend as crass, rude, and possibly boorish.
And it had the desired effect of scaring her into not divulging dangerous amounts of information in the future (we hope).
All in all, both an entertaining and successful morning.
Thanks for explaining it to her for me.
Thank you for improving your writing. I knew you had it in you. ^_^
@KNOWITALL wants you to know that I’m a demon-possessed antichrist with the ultimate goal of stealing your soul and grinding your bones to make my bread.
This is only half true. I make fabulous bread.
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@Seek_Kolinahr Let’s just say it’s easier to agree with you than not and leave it at that.
@Dutchess III I do all the time, for many of you, no flames yet that I’m aware of. ;)
I’ll put it plainly:
I am an atheist. I told you in PM that I am a former Christian, and that is also true.
If you wish to discuss any issues pertaining to the faith or the loss of faith, I will make myself available.
On Fluther, several of us often engage in discussions about the existence of God, the validity of certain faiths or faith in general, and debating apologetics and/or political issues surrounding religion. I am, invariably, opposed to religion.
Is that, @KNOWITALL, sufficiently transparent?
Just in case the Hitch book, FSM hat, and Support Traditional Marriage parody t-shirt didn’t give it away
Well that is fine but I believe in God, and nothing will change my firm beliefs.
@crushingandreaming I don’t have enemies, not in my world anyway.
The thing is, I was raised in church and with hippies, it was always about peace and love for the most part, but my hot Cherokee blood sometimes overwhelms my mouth.
I care about @Seek_Kolinahr and many others here who do not share my belief system, but sometimes I don’t like them very much, or the way they treat people.
@Seek_Kolinahr Sure, you’re a mother and I’m sure you’ll treat @crushingandreaming as well as you’d hope others will treat your child. Oh snap, she’s a theist, good luck.
@crushingandreaming All of my beliefs are subject to change depending on the evidence presented.
Well I can tell you that there had to be someone come on earth and create us and everything else. Because evolution is not real in any way like read the Bible.
@crushingandreaming just FYI, most of the people here are atheist or agnostic and scientifically oriented. Really. You don’t want to start that kind of a discussion.
@Dutchess_III Let’s see how this plays out. She’ll either get schooled, converted or leave, she says she can handle herself so get the popcorn. :)
Well thanks but I am one no matter where I am I will stand for my belief and for God, I would be the weirdo on the corner with a sign that says theres only 1 way up.
@crushingandreaming Honey, I would love nothing more than to give you a few basic biology lessons, but that is well outside the scope of this question, and we are in General.
But feel free to start a new thread if you like.
Who are you talking about @KNOWITALL Oh I don’t need any biology lessons but thanks evolution is not real, how can we just evolve seriously you can’t get pregnant without sperm / fertilaztion so how do we evolve from nothing?
Oh, sorry..
“honey” is a term I use for everyone. I’m really trying to stop, because it’s WAY too Southern for me.
It’s a long story and it isn’t magic @crushingandreaming. It happened over millions of years. That’s a concept that is hard for some people to wrap their brains around.
/is itching to talk… nnneeeeddd nnnneeewww ttthhhrreeeaaaddd!!
Might I suggest “How does evolution work?” as the title.
—I already know… it would fall under “prosletyzing” or some shit like that.
@crushingandreaming You should be aware that some people here, including Seek, are very smart and have more answers than most theists I know.
@Seek_Kolinahr See, I acknowledge the truth.
What a good day it is when I get to post not one but two Douglas Adams videos .
TO BE CONTINUED….................. I have to go for now but see you tomorrow and have your shit straight peace love a GOD forever.
…BTW…you told me you’re home schooled. Do your parents teach you any science?
@crushingandreaming Before you leave for work, would you mind telling us what flavor of theist you are? Baptist, Mormon, LDS, Catholic, ??
@Dutchess_III I do the same thing every fucking time…. I can’t help it. I know LDS is latter-day saints but I still always see it as LSD :P
Yes but i have online teachers
and I’m a Cumberland presbyterian
This cumberland presbyterian will see y’all tomorrow and y’all esspcially you @Seek_Kolinahr better have your shit straight on that fake ass shit called evoulution.
@crushingandreaming Ah, my besty was a presby, see ya. Man, you better stay up late studying evolution if you talk like that girl, they don’t play.
Me thinks she won’t do so well after all. Resorting to name calling and cussing is not a good sign.
Neither do I, I can always whoop out verses and a preacher and a sunday school teacher and some other people.
I am on fire and Look out cause it can hit you.
LOL! Me wondereth where the mods are!
“This cumberland presbyterian will see y’all tomorrow and y’all esspcially you @Seek_Kolinahr better have your shit straight on that fake ass shit called evoulution.”
ya know…. I was starting to think you were coming along and learning to behave maturely. I guess I was mistaken.
Suffice it to say, I am prepared.
Mods not necessary.
My first response to the evolution thread is up and ready. I only did a basic outline of sexual selection and natural selection. A little broth to start the pot.
I say that because this thread is in General and it’s blowing up!
As soon as she said she was a theist, I was like ‘oh, it’s on’, I didn’t expect her to come out swinging…lol
Sorry, it makes me laugh because that’s how Christians are, we will fight to the bitter end for our God (as history shows), proof or not, knowledge or not, that’s how the whole thing works.
Her behavior doesn’t make for a good spokesperson for God, IMO.
I’m wondering if I should prepare a list of core debate rules for her. Such as letting her know up front that sources are necessary and personal attacks are a no-no. I have a feeling she’s never had a formal discussion of this sort before.
@KNOWITALL I really appreciate that post, it shows that you’re aware of these things. Then again, you’ve always been one of my favorite theists, even if we don’t always agree.
Man..and I thought I was queen of going all non-linear. You guys are all over the map. lol
It wasn’t me! I was dragged all over the map! See my rope burn?
@Dutchess_III Well, we’ve seen how threads go with all us adults, so I’m not sure it could get much worse- lol. Think about it like this – if your dad stood in front of a tank for you, so you wouldn’t get hurt, then someone attacked his memory, you’d be mad. That’s the best analogy I can come up with, we take it personally.
@uberbatman Mwahhhhh, sweetie.
@Seek_Kolinahr Last I heard you and she were pals, see how religion can change thing’s so quickly, it’s wild.
As long as she keeps her promise to stop putting her home address on the internet, she can hate me all she wants.
I do hope she comes back though. This is the most fun I’ve had on Fluther in ages.
Gorrammit. I just realised she just gave us the name of her church.
* shakes head *
@Seek_Kolinahr Kinda links back to the question a few days ago to why a 10yr old shouldn’t have a FB. Far too often it really seems people don’t realize how much personal information they are exposing.
@Seek_Kolinahr I wondered, I’d heard of Presby’s but not Cumberlands….
Someone definitely doesn’t have enough parental oversight of their internet usage.
@KNOWITALL Apparently it’s an offshoot denomination. But there are only four within a reasonable distance of her crush’s school. I could track her down in less than a week. Probably in a day, if the services are timed right.
I would be a scary, scary person to have as a stalker.
Well shit…it’s almost Californication cocktail hour. BRB. lol
Found her church. The crush’s dad is the worship leader.
Could be the mom. Name is gender-neutral.
I suppose it would be really creepy to send the pastor an email encouraging him to instruct his youth leaders to put together an internet safety seminar?
I’m going to take a poll.
@Seek_Kolinahr He’d probably tell you if they’re about their Father’s business, they’ll be fine. Yeah, this may be a good lesson about safety for sure.
I feel like a brat saying this, but I love it when we get over on the mods! * Rolls around and around and around giggling. *
@Dutchess_III For now, thorn will catch us…although the visual that you just gave me is cracking me up.
So what do you all think she’ll start with, the Bible verbage or ?
Probably. I’ll have to start right off with “I do not grant that the Bible is the inerrant word of god, and it cannot be used as evidence without empirical support.”
Which won’t make her happy.
I don’t know, some people are just rude.
@Seek_Kolinahr Right, maybe she’ll surprise us.
You know I had friends and a few family members who didn’t believe but we didn’t discuss or debate it, it was a big ‘we don’t talk about that’ kind of situation.
Until I came here, I had no experience with non-believers that was actually serious discussion, I just kind of took it for granted that the world was filled with believers and non-believers who respected each other’s differences. You guys kind of blew my mind at first, and it’s still not something I deal with easily, as you know.
For a Christian to even contemplate that the Bible is not evidence to you, or that God/ Jesus may not exist at all, is mind-blowing when you’ve grown up with those thing’s presented as unquestionable facts that you build you life around.
What I’m trying to say is that I hope that she is prepared for the storm, emotionally, that this kind of confrontation could cause.
Huh, looks like we have a local Cumberland Presby here, too. Go figure.
Oh @RockerChick14. We are about 20 light years away from the original question. Although there is not such thing as light years. Light is not alive! Light doesn’t get older! Light doesn’t DIE! Ergo, there is no such thing as light years!
@Dutchess_III Yes, there is, it’s the amount of distance light travels in one year, or 9.4605284 × 1015 meters (I did google that last bit)
@XOIIO 9.4605284 × 10^15 . Big difference :)
@uberbatman ah, google had it in smaller numbers, that didn’t copy over lol
Hahaha, I leave for a few hours and shit gets crazy!
You have no idea how excited we all are to see this go down tomorrow.
Nope, different name. (please edit that name if you don’t mind, the other convo with all the info got deleted, and I’d like to protect her, even if she won’t protect herself)
186,000 MPS. For some reason I’ve never forgotten that.
You guys DO know I was joking about there being no such thing as the speed of light, right?
I’m looking forward to it to but…the poor thing really thinks she can fight us with Bible verses. She doesn’t understand that if we don’t accept the Bible as factual her arguments will be useless.
It’s rude that nobody has come to my cocktail party.
I’ll have a Jameson and Coke, straight up. ^_^
It’s rude that I wasn’t invited @Coloma!
Just peeking in to say:
[mod says] This question has been moved to Meta.
Carry on, jellies.
She came back! Waiting to see if she appears in the Evo thread.
We were too far gone to use the whip, huh!
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You aren’t comprehending changes at the molecular level and over massive amounts of unfathomable time. Here is your evo link
I think you may have different words for me soon!
Hoho, I like that she appears to have done some homework last night! I believe in evolution, so I’m just gonna stay mum and watch this little scrapper take you guys on. Fingers crossed she keeps it clean and not personal!
No, I got google, youtube, and Charle Darwin.
For a new species to just evolve is IMPOSSIBLE.
No, it isn’t. Do a little research on the Galapagos Islands. His visit there is what gave Darwin the first glimmer of the possibilities.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that one day it’s a bird and the next day it’s a rat. It doesn’t work like that.
No it does’nt, and for wolly mammouths to be extinct, that means that is no longer a species, so I am guessing you all think that over time they will just evolve?
Well, if an entire species is dead, then that species no longer exists. That isn’t exactly rocket science.
It’s kind of like the one yesterday when you said you can’t get rabies from a dog or cat that’s had its shots.
Why are you arguing this here? I made a whole question, just for you, the Evo Question.
Oh that’s not for me. No matter what I will NEVER EVER believe evoulution it is not possible. And where the heck is @Seek_Kolinahr
Well, it’s not like people are just sitting there, doing nothing else. Seek was one of the first to post, and it was a really good post. You just need to start sharing your thoughts. She’ll jump it.
I just posted a really long post on why and how evolution is F-A-L-S-E.
Yes, you did. But you didn’t cite your source, which is a big no-no. It’s best if you just link to your source rather than copy and paste the text. Which, by the way, I hope you read in its entirety so you know exactly what you were posting.
FWIW – I am a grownup and I have shit to do. Today I went to the laundromat.
If you continue with Fluther and internet debating in general, people will often be incommunicado at different times of day or for several days at a time. Fluther is open forum. Feel free to carry on discussion with anyone who cares to converse with you. There are debate sites where you only debate with one person at a time. Those usually have a 3-day to a week span allotted for each person’s submitted argument. We go a bit faster than that.
If you like, I can put together a short summary of good online debate practices. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while anyway, and this would be a decent way to get a first draft done.
@crushingandreaming ” No matter what I will NEVER EVER believe evoulution it is not possible.”
You know, without the commas, that sentence reads as you believing evolution (notice how it’s spelled btw) is the only possible explanation.
I agree with you crushing. You can post a question here, and the first people to respond are often those who have nothing to contribute, they just want to criticize and belittle.
Such is the nature of the internet that there are many Bif Tannens out there running loose.
1. You can post a question here, and the first people to respond are often those who have nothing to contribute, they just want to criticize and belittle.
It’s true, but not always. I post questions here a lot and the first to respond can be very helpful.
2. She means absolutely everyone here is rude, not just some “first-to-respond”.
3. This question is a result of a very big drama happening earlier. And you’re too late for that :( And in that drama the rude person wasn’t the first. The very last, to be exact.
@NanoNano Sometimes that’s true. My heart always sinks when certain jellies are the first to answer a question I ask. They can be so negative and critical and unfortunately they seem to set the tone for answers that follow. But…that’s just human nature.
I haven’t posted many questions yet, so my view is probably pretty biased. But I always get early respondents who basically say, “this question is crap”... So why do they even bother to spend the time to read it and respond? Puzzling.
I’ve seen the same thing. I migrated here from Askville like alot of the other new Fluther jellies. Over there, over the years, we had sort of developed a self-policing system against really bad behavior that kept it dampened down. That seems fairly absent here to date…
@NanoNano How did that self-policing work? We have people here who revel in their rudeness so it would be interesting to hear what repercussions you could impose that would make it effective.
It became a fairly close knit group of people over time. So it was basically like being at a party where if someone got really out of hand, everyone else, regardless of point of view, turned away from them…
Its wasn’t perfect, but it tended to keep discussions civil.
The daughter of jackals predictable ploy failed miserably.
@NanoNano Ah, that happens here too, but it’s mainly against theists and Republicans…hahaha! (I am both btw)
There was a dichotomy between your group and the Democratic side on Askville too KNOWITALL, but we talked to each other pretty well, for the most part…
OK @ucme. Say “Irish Wrist Watch” 3 times! Go ahead! DO IT!!
Not unless you place both your index fingers into the corner of your mouth, pull gently outwards & say…
“My dad’s a banker & he banks all day”
@NanoNano Divisive issues, people get passionate, I’d rather that happen than apathy. :)
I did it! Now your turn @ucme. >< My dad is not a wanker!!
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