How do you sleep in your blankets?
Asked by
Berserker (
February 27th, 2014
How do you place the blankets on top of you when you sleep? Around your neck, all snug as a bug, or perhaps just resting on your chest? Do you sleep underneath all the blankets, and give yourself dutch ovens?
How many blankets are there? Do you use a comforter? Are there pets on your bed when you sleep? Or in the blankets with you?
That’s what my cats do when they sleep in my bed. One is always in there, the other just kind of goes comatose somewhere on the bed for like 13 hours.
Or do you even use blankets? Maybe you sleep in a sleeping bag, on your bed. I did that before. It was awesome. Do you even have a bed, you bum? Or do you sleep on discarded couch cushions, on the floor? I’ve also done that. You?
When you wake up, are all the blankets everywhere on the floor and messed up, or are they as you left them when falling asleep? Is anyone else in your bed? Do they steal blankets? Do YOU steal blankets, you heathen thief?
So, how are your blankets placed when you sleep? What does the weather say about your blanket habits? In the Winter, I keep my window open in my room, so that I can sleep in as many blankets as possible, because they’re soft and cuddly and I like it. Well usually…if it’s REALLY cold I don’t, but I’m all Viking style, so being too cold barely ever happens to me. But the hell with me, what about YOU? Tell all.
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55 Answers
I sleep on my side, with the blanket up over my shoulder. There is sometimes someone in my bed, and I am a hethian thief who steals the blankets, but we just keep another blanket at the foot of the bed, so he can use it if I take them all.
I won’t sleep if the bed isn’t made. I like having a flat sheet and a fitted sheet. They make the bed all smooth and comfy on my skin :D
Oh, and I do I have a bed. I have two beds that I sleep in regularly. But I prefer the bigger one. It’s soft.
@AshLeigh Haha yeah, I can’t sleep in a bed that isn’t made either. Not entirely sure why, I just can’t. Has to be made, so it feels all fresh and new when you climb in.
@Symbeline, jeez. You’re the only person ever who understands. I need the blankets to be all smooth over the bed and junk.
@AshLeigh Yeah, that’s why I always make the bed in the day. Not for looks of course, but for later comfort. Always did that.
We can’t be the only ones. We should start a club.
I sleep with one or two blankets usually. In the winter it is 2, and one is a down comforter. I also have the sheet of course and a duvet for the comforter usually, the duvet is two more layers of sheetlike fabric. It’s all on top of me way up to my chin. I move very little, and if I sleep alone in my bed (which is rare, usually my husband is there) the blankets are barely moved. With my husband the bed becomes a mess, because he often throws the blankets off him completely, then later might pull one back on. Sometimes the blankets are doubled up on me because he threw them off him.
It’s difficult for me to sleep without a blanket. I like the weight on top of me. I also hate waking up cold in the middle of the night. If I wake up too warm, which is almost never, it doesn’t bother me. Sometimes I wake up a little warmer than perfect in the morning, but it is almost always after sleeping well all night long. It just reinforces for me that I need to be warm and tucked in to sleep well. The bedding isn’t tucked in around me under the mattress, but it is laid down well over and around me so very little outside air is touching me.
In the hottest of the summer months I usually have one regular comforter (not down) no duvet. Mind you our air conditioner is set at 77/78.
Edit: I primarily sleep on my left side.
This is one of my favourite questions that has been asked in a while :D I even keep my window open in the winter for better blanketing, too. High five!
I have one comforter and one fuzzy blanket. It rarely gets cold enough in Southern California to warrant using the blanket. The second the temperature drops low enough though, I go to snuggle-town. Few things beat wrapping up in a comfy blanket with a cuppa hot cocoa and Netflix.
As for the rest of the year, if I am sleeping alone then I am snug-as-a-bug in my comforter. If my significant other is over, they hog the blankets. That’s okay with me though, because when it’s the two of it gets too warm to be wrapped up that much. I usually poke one of my legs out for air.
When I wake up, the blanket has usually been pulled forward. When my significant other ways up, both the blanket AND the sheets are askew. It drives me crazy.
@muppetish High five, bro. :) Snuggle town is where it’s at, I tell you. :D
I have a big thick duvet (no idea if that’s what you call a comforter in the US?) I have to have it all snug around my shoulders unless the weather is REALLY hot. Yes I sleep with someone and yes I am the heathen who steals it all, but he throws it off himself anyway.
I am very anal in that the sheets have to be tucked in and next have a mesh woven cotton blanket and then a fleece and then a thick lightweight down comforter. The light layers keep me toasty warm in the winter. My wife needs a second comforter and flannel night gown.
I sleep pretty soundly and if I slip out of bed in the morning all I need is a quick tug in the corner of the sheets and the bed is made. The weekend when I sleep in is a different story and the sheets and blankets are everywhere.
Big quilt, one sheet, like leaves in the wind they go wherever they take a fancy :D
Michael Jackson slept next to his Blanket, he was a good “father” so he was.
I sleep with one comforter and no loose sheet. The loose sheet in every comforter set I’ve ever had has ended up going unused in a closet somewhere. I can’t have my arms covered by a blanket unless it’s really cold, so it’s normally tucked under my armpit. I also always have one leg sticking out. My husband sleeps in the bed and I’m more of a blanket-thief than he is these days. We used to let our dog sleep with us, but she was the biggest blanket hog of all and took up the entire bed. The cat doesn’t sleep in the bed; she prefers the windowsill or a random spot on the floor.
And I never make my bed. Never saw the point unless it’s cleaning day, and even then I just straighten out the comforter and move on.
On very cold nights I sleep under a top sheet and duvet; on cool nights, under top sheet and very light blanket; and in summer, only a sheet. I always sleep under something, on one side or the other. I usually keep my window closed to shut out noise and pollen, but on especially mild nights I crack it. I can’t stand to have the heat on at night, but in summer, especially when the humidity is high, I leave the a/c on automatic.
I sleep buried under blankets pulled right up to my neck. My bedroom is cold and I can’t sleep good when I’m cold. So there’s the sheets, a comforter, three medium blankets and a heavy blanket on the bed. In the summer it’s much warmer, so just the sheets and a light blanket. It was minus 9 degrees F last night.
@Adirondackwannabe I don’t shut the window until it gets to about -30.
But I like that, You’re buried in so many blankets, must be soft. :)
This winter if I left the window open I’d have frost on my nose and my eyelids would freeze shut. And it is soft, like a giant cocoon.
Yeah, I gotta watch it when it’s real cold out and I leave the window open, if I don’t regularly move the window at least twice a day, ice builds up and I can’t shut it anymore.
And eeeeee! Giant soft cocoon!
You are nuts. That cold? You must not keep any water in that room. Well, on second thought you could use the ice bottle to defend yourself if someone breaks in.
I love when it’s cold at night because cuddling up in your blanket is just so much more satisfying. However, I can’t stand being cold (or hot) when getting up to pee or get ready in the morning.
Luckily the husband wakes up for work at 5, gets ready in the cold, and will turn on the heat so it’ll be warmer by the time I wake up.
@Adirondackwannabe Yeah, no water in here. I do shut it when it’s too cold, I also have cats sleeping with me. They don’t seem to mind the cold, but I always get worried about em anyways.
@livelaughlove21 Hahaha yeah, blankets and being snug is great, but I also HATE getting out of them to go pee. It’s complete hell. Getting up sucks.
I like a cold room. If it’s hot I can’t breathe or something.
In the winter it’s flannel sheets and a down comforter with duvet cover. The top sheet, whether summer or winter, ends up bunched down at the end of the bed, so I guess really just a comforter. I sleep on my belly with a pillow under my hips or on my side hugging that same pillow. I always have one foot out.
If someone is sleeping with me I like to spoon at first, and in the early morning about an hour before getting up, but otherwise don’t touch me and I sleep facing the outside of the bed. It drives me crazy if someone breathes on me. I don’t have a “side,” but instead prefer to have my man closer to the door. I guess I feel ‘protected’ that way.
And I sleepwalk. So who knows what I like to do then.
I’m a belly sprawler type. I have a wonderful fuzzy blanket that is my top sheet, a quilt and another extra soft blanket on top of that. I climb in bed and pull the covers up to my neck and stuff my siamese cat under the blankets and fall asleep to her extreme happy purr. lol
Definition of sadism, buy an electric blanket for a known bedwetter…mean bastard!
King bed for hubs, me and the two terriers (both under 30 lbs).
Cool room, about 60F, windows closed.
Winter – fuzzy blanket on bottom, top is a sheet, a quilt, then another fuzzy (for the pups to lay on.) Both hubs and I like to pull blankets up to our necks, then we toss them off as the room heats up.
Hubs is a human heater and a blanket thief, he moves a lot. The pups sleep on either side of me, Mona in the middle of hubs and I, and I don’t move much at all.
And of course I’m an anal-retentive bed straightener with a male terrier that likes to pull them off every day. :)
Every time I read the word ’‘fuzzy’’ it makes me all giddy. Fuzzy blankets are awesome.
@Symbeline Mine are silkworm from my Marine uncle in Japan, the bomb-diggety.
Damn, silkworm? That has to be soft.
I rotate all night, so I can’t have the blankets snug. Also, I have to have one leg sticking out of the blankets.
I sleep with the blankets all over my head.
I try and get as wrapped up in the duvet as possible. I make a duvet/human pie when I’m in bed!! My dog is always on my bed although when my boyfriend is hear she tends to sleep at the end of the bed, when I’m on my own she is nearer the pillows.
I sleep on my side with the blanket up all the way, only to let my head out for air. I use a comforter in the winter and a really light blanket in the summer. It can get super hot in my attic room. Even with the AC running!
Two pillows under my head….stuffed animals around me….
I usually end up in the fetal position. It’s the most comfortable!
We have a sheet and a comforter on our bed. I sleep on my side with them both pulled all the way up to my neck and pulled in tight. I have been known to steal the covers a time or two.
I rotate starting with the mummy position then on the left side then right then I stretch out and go back into the mummy position, then I kick out my legs and take off my socks, then repeat then take off my sweater, then wake up go pee, have a glass of milk then check Fluther and Answerbag and watch some YouTube and then get dressed and take my pills then go back into a deep sleep for 2 hours then repeat the next day. Where for 12 hours I lie prone. Then repeat.
I change pillows constantly so my head cools off, and I switch pillows for my knees and privates that hurt. I’m trying not to get bed sores or to leave imprints on my body.
I have an auction house and we’re soon to sell a thing-a-ma-bob that goes between the mattress and box springs, and holds the sheets/blankets up off your feet? WTH? How did you grow up without covers on your feet?
Mattress, bottom sheet, body, top sheet.
No blanket, sometimes no top sheet either.
@dxs are you in the tropics?
I use a top sheet and a long blanket… no bottom sheet. mattress on the ground, 6 pillows.
two blankets over my head.
Cold night tonight, -45 wind-chill Celsius. Over most of Alberta.
@ucme buying an electric blanket for a bedwetter might be counted as attempted murder, never mind sadism.
@ibstubro Florida. But the people I live with like to be environmentally irresponsible and blast the A/C so the room is freezing. I wake up cold every morning. I even prefer it to be a nice upper 70s since I never used an A/C in the summer.
@downtide Yeah I believe I covered all bases with the word sadism.
For the OCD bedmakers, do you iron the sheets, because that is one step higher. It just feels special.
I sleep with just a comforter, no flat sheet. I turn a lot, and more than one thing and I have trouble. One thing slides that way, another thing slides this way, and I spend a frustrating night reaching for bedding in my sleep. Comforter around my neck. I can’t stand having my face get covered. When it gets warm, I trade the comforter for the ne’er forgotten flat sheet. On really hot nights I don’t shed the sheet, I keep a mist spraybottle near. A few spritzes of water on the sheet and the evaporation cools very nicely. I actually used that method twice to get my daughter’s fever down. She used to have frequent problems with ear infections. It soared rapidly to 107 once. I was terrified. That was the first time I used it for her. It came down to 103, and then I took her to the hospital. When I described it to the nurse, she was very interested in trying it herself. It works great.
I too need pillows piled high.
Fun point, loooonnng ago I had a book which listed the calories burned for various romantic acts. According to that, the best calorie burner was making the bed after, without leaving the bed. LOL! We tried it.
If anyone here actually irons their sheets or underwear, I’m leaving!!
@Dutchess_III I know a woman who does. Well, she did years ago when she was my neighbor.
My MIL did way back in the day before I knew her, she doesn’t bother anymore. Half the time she had a maid who did the ironing when she was a young adult, but during the times she didn’t have a maid she did it all. I think the turning point was when she and my FIL really had it out and went through some very difficult times. She was probably tired, and he was the one who was so finicky and eventually she liberated herself a little from being subservient to him. He has changed tremendously also.
When I was a kid I wanted to help with the ironing. My mom didn’t want a four year old ruining good clothes, so my regular job was sheets, pillow cases, and handkerchiefs. I don’t anymore, but I did for a long time. It gives a bed a whole other feel.
NOTE: For those of you who are under fifty, a handkerchief is a kleenex made from cloth. It is washed, the reused. ladies often used to carry fancy, frilly ones, and usually called them hankies.
@Jonesn4burgers Do people really no longer know what a handkerchief is? Man, I am getting old.
I used to have to iron my dad’s handkerchiefs. You know, if you think about it, handkerchiefs are GROSS!!
@Dutchess_III Yes, they are. That’s what tissues are for. So you can do what you need to do and toss it. It might not be as environmentally friendly as carrying around a piece of cloth full of your snot, but it’s certainly less disgusting.
I don’t know a single person, young or old, that carries around a handkerchief anymore. I know what they are, though, and I’m only 24.
Yeah, pretty sure they went by the wayside in the 70’s.
I know what a hankerchief is and I’m 18…
Once upon a time a handkerchief was a gentlemanly thing. Guys basically carried them unused to offer in case of an emergency.
My mother always said that my great-grandmother counseled two handkerchiefs for the lady, one for show and one for blow. Those frilly things were not meant for snot – perhaps a tear or two.
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