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Blackberry's avatar

When was the last time your mind was blown?

Asked by Blackberry (34311points) February 28th, 2014

This was last asked in 2010 so here we go again.

I just saw how the Oculus Rift (Virtual Reality headset) works and I’m pretty blown away. Videogames and adult videos will never be the same again.

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26 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

I went to dinner last night with some of my family for my dad’s step-father’s 72nd birthday. My completely computer-illiterate parents bought him a new laptop. This conversation was overheard from my end of the table:

Birthday Boy: Oh wow, it’s a laptop.
Mom: Yeah, and it’s wireless!
brief moment of silence
Dad: * sighs and shakes head * It’s a laptop [Mom’s name], they’re all wireless.

It may be because we had an alcoholic beverage with dinner, but my sister and I just about died laughing. The funniest part is that it was my husband that got in trouble.

Mom: Stop laughing at me…Josh!

In the car later, he complained, “I was hardly laughing! It was you and [sister’s name] over there cackling like a couple of hyenas!” Ha! Good times…

Wow, a wireless laptop, what’ll they think of next?!~

Coloma's avatar

Stumbling across a horrible story about someone that buried a young cat in cement. The video was heartbreaking, the poor thing was encased in cement with only one front leg and its head exposed. They tried to save it but it had to be euthanized. I swear….I have never been so sad and angry at the same time. God help the poor fucker if I had seen that going down.

Some_Ghost's avatar

During the car accident that killed me.

ragingloli's avatar

This republican calling algebra fuzzy math

“It got hijacked by Washington, by the federal government,” said Melvin, a candidate for governor, and “as a conservative Reagan Republican I’m suspect about the U.S. Department of Education in general, but also any standards that are coming out of that department.”

David Bradley, D-Tucson, ask him whether he’s actually read the Common Core standards, which have been adopted by 45 states.

“I’ve been exposed to them,” Melvin responded.

Pressed by Bradley for specifics, Melvin said he understands “some of the reading material is borderline pornographic.” And he said the program uses “fuzzy math,” substituting letters for numbers in some examples”

ucme's avatar

JFK’s final words, or so the rumour goes.

anniereborn's avatar

When I saw the remodeled (like walls taken out, not just new decor) version of my childhood home.

ucme's avatar

My mind was blown when I blew up this massive balloon for my son’s birthday party, the thing was just about fully inflated when I let out a huge belch, big mistake.
The air gushed into my open mouth with such force I now wear a permanent startled expression, can become awkward in certain social engagements, but my charisma sees me through it.

Cruiser's avatar

47 days ago.

ragingloli's avatar

Want to know what will blow your mind? The guy is on the education committee.

Coloma's avatar

Talkin’ to yourself again @ragingloli did you forget your meds.? lol

ragingloli's avatar

Would not be a problem if you were not snorting all the cocain yourself.

Coloma's avatar

Cocain e

Berserker's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Watching and hearing babies really start to communicate. I had the 13 month old twins here this morning. I have about 5 songs I play for them, all with great beats, like Livin’ On Tulsa Time. Kale is a dancing fool! Of course, I’m always going “Dance?! Dance?!” Have been for a couple of months. Today he said what may have been his first word…..“Dance!” With a huge emphasis on the S so that slobber spit everywhere (he’s always had this slobber thing going on, since he was a newborn.)

Anyway, that blows my mind.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^ that was great. “Slits and interfering with themselves! Quantum sex ed. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, that last bit, about the observer, was freaky.

gailcalled's avatar

After a doctor’s visit yesterday, i had two quick questions. I called the office and left a message; doc’s assistant returned my call within an hour with useful and accurate answers, one of which was a suggestion to discuss one issue with my pharmacist.

And the sun is out this afternoon. i had forgotten what it looked like.

CWOTUS's avatar

My mind has never been blown. The warning light has flashed a few times, the seals are leaking, and it’s due for a complete overhaul, but it has never been blown.

I can’t read the owner’s manual, and probably wouldn’t do the maintenance, anyway, so I guess I’m just lucky. Can’t get parts for this mind any more, anyway.

GloPro's avatar

This should do it. My mind has been blown since GoPro went mainstream.

Or this. People are amazing!

kritiper's avatar

There as that guy who recently announced that he had shot a bigfoot. “BOOM!”

Haleth's avatar

A few months ago, hearing that Voyager made it out of the solar system.

Carly's avatar

When I was hired for a job I usually did for free in college… I had absolutely no idea how valuable editing skills were until then.

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