Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Without a community manager watching the Facebook page, whom will we notify when the Fluther servers are down and how?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) March 2nd, 2014

This matter has been raised on a few other threads, but it deserves its own question.

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16 Answers

Berserker's avatar

My guess is that someone will be given the job to manage the FB page. Could be one of our mods, or a regular jelly who’s willing to look after it. Lest I’m hoping something like this happens.

muppetish's avatar

We can request that the moderators be given administrative access to the Fluther Facebook page in the future. I think that’s a good idea and one that I hadn’t thought about since I don’t frequent Facebook much myself.

In the mean time, at least one moderator is usually monitoring Fluther at any given time (though we may have gaps in our coverage schedule.) If Fluther goes down, one of us will likely find out relatively quickly. We will be able to contact the creators in the event that the serves go down.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@muppetish May I with this post formally request that a few moderators be given administrative access to Fluther’s Facebook page, or do I need to ask another question raising that specific point?

muppetish's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake You don’t need to ask a new question! This will stand as your formal request and we’ll see if we can make some headway on it :) We want the transition to be smooth for this community and having all of our bases—the site, admin e-mail, the blog, and Facebook—is part of that process.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@muppetish Thank you very much.

Brian1946's avatar


“We can request that the moderators be given administrative access to the Fluther Facebook page in the future.”

Would Ben and/or Andrew receive and grant that request?

muppetish's avatar

@Brian1946 Looks like Auggie has seen the requests and will be handling it soon!

augustlan's avatar

Yep, I’m working on it! I’m thinking I can create a FB group for the mods, and give that group admin duties on the Fluther page. Haven’t quite figured out how to do it yet, but we’re getting there. :)

augustlan's avatar

Okay, I think we’ve got it sorted. You can also save this email address: All emails sent to that address will go to every mod.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@augustlan Thanks for taking care of the site. Best wishes in your new digs.

Seek's avatar

Related queries:

Who, if anyone, gets Auggie’s powers?
Can all the mods access our PMs now, or are they now completely private?
Will one-time name changes still happen?

PhiNotPi's avatar

Most of the mods will have most of Auggie’s powers.
One-time name changes will still happen.
The ability to read PMs is going to restricted to a few people, not the whole mod team.

Berserker's avatar

Also if someone deletes their account and wants to comes back, who do they notify? Or does it come with Auugie’s powers?

that of which are over 9000

PhiNotPi's avatar

@Symbeline They can use the “Contact” button at the top of the page.

augustlan's avatar

To expound further on @PhiNotPi‘s comments:

All mods can now take care of things like a name change, an internal edit or reactivating an account.

Only thorninmud and muppetish can see PMs, which they will only do as necessary.

Seek's avatar

Thank you. I appreciate the transparency.

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