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Brian1946's avatar

What act or acts of animal liberation or rescue have you performed?

Asked by Brian1946 (32802points) March 3rd, 2014

It could be something like freeing a dog trapped in a well or protecting a fox from hunters.

If you’re actively or have been involved in rescuing and rehoming stray or abandoned pets, please feel free to mention that. However, I’m also interested in less routine acts of kindness.

In my case, I bought a large bucket full of live crabs from someone I met at the beach. Once I had possession of the crabs, I walked down to the water, gently emptied the bucket of crustacean captives at the water’s edge, and watched them scurry back into the sea.

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39 Answers

ucme's avatar

I quickly removed the butterflies from my future wife’s stomach on our first date #charisma #chemistry

crushingandreaming's avatar

Well there was this litter of puppies and the previous owner shot the mother and one of the puppies luckily the puppy did’nt die but the mother did I took all the puppies to the vets and they treated them then I picked them up nursed them back to health and gave them away.
I also took care of skunk cats (half skunk half cat) when their mother got ran over by a car nursed them to health and let them into the wild, I rescued a chicken, I have done so much stuff for animals and continue till this day
I also rescued a litter of puppies gave the 2 females away and kept the male which I felt a special connection to unfortunatly the puppies all died at 5 months old from an aging diesease, I rescued a bird out of the street that had a broken wing in which my freind killed by letting it out and hurt it, I rescued an owl took him to the vet they treated him and let him go I have done tons for all kinds of animals thats why i am going to become a vet.

wildpotato's avatar

Fallen baby bird – took to rehabber.

Raven with broken wing; called rehabbers but couldn’t do much because it half-flapped into someon’e high-fenced yard.

NYC pigeon with a broken wing. I tried to capture it (amid lots of disbelieving stares from passerby – this was in the middle of Rock Center, and I was dressed nicely and on my way to work) but failed, and called Pigeon Rescue (yes, they really exist).

Many ungrateful hissing turtles prodded off the road. It feels futile because they just crawl right back for the heat, but what can you do.

At least five or six stray dogs over the years – captured and returned. One time it was two dogs running along the shoulder on the highway, that was scary. In one unfortunate case all I could do was call animal control becuse it was an abandoned pit bull left tied up in an empty lot and he wouldn’t let me get near.

A raccoon that had already been hit by a car and I was trying to coax off the road when a cop car came flying over the hill and clobbered it. It was still alive so I called the non-emergency number and had another squad car in the area come over. He shot the coon to end its pain and we called animal control. I know this is not technically a rescue but I think I still helped, plus it’s always good to get roadkill off the road so other animals out for a snack don’t then get hit.

As little kids, my brother and I would save the worms that wiggle onto the pavement after rain. We’d carefully scoop them up and put them back in the dirt. Good times.

I’ve volunteered at one cat shelter and fostered two cats for another.

All my current pets are rescues.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Skunks and cats are two different species. They are in no way related. There is no such thing as a skunk/cat.

crushingandreaming's avatar

No I am freaking not kidding I even took one to the vet my male cat mated with this female skunk. @Dutchess_III

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here is the scientific classification of a skunk
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Mephitidae



Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felis
Species: F. catus

They don’t even belong to the same family. It is impossible.

crushingandreaming's avatar

No it’s not the vet said and you could even tell they were mixed.

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Dutchess_III's avatar


Then your vet is an idiot @crushingandreaming. A skunk and a cat can no more breed than a wolf and a horse can.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ucme There it is! In black and white! (ha ha) That’s all the proof I need to know that cats and skunks can breed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh. We rescued an owl once. That was cool. He stayed with us for a week. After we released him, he and his siblings continued to hang around our yard. Our rescue owl still let us feed him! It would have been a sight to see if a stranger had happened upon my husband hand feeding a wild owl.

Our owl married the neighbor’s cat. They had babies. They’re called cowls.

Berserker's avatar

Well one of my cats was a kitten I found outside some years ago. I think he was abandoned by the mother, or got lost. Not sure what happened, but he was so small that he barely had any ears and when I brought him to the vet, they told me that this kitten was not done needing the mother’s milk. So they gave me this special milk that acts like it. The cat didn’t want it though, and I had to force feed him the milk with a special funnel thing. But today he’s all grown up and healthy, and my pet. :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

You mean you didn’t try to breast feed him @Symbeline??? That’s best milk you know. You should feel guilty. Uh huh. You should.

ragingloli's avatar

I have released all the lions and tigers at the local zoo.
It was quite a beautiful bloodbath.

Kropotkin's avatar

I scooped out a frog that was trapped in a pool with only shallow water. He/she spent a while forlornly hopping up in an attempt to escape, but could only reach about a third of the height of the pool wall.

I waded in to rescue the little green fellow. Conveniently, he hopped toward me where the water was a little deeper, and kept still as I lifted him up from underneath on the palm of my hand. I admired him for a moment, then moved to where he could safely hop off. He hesitated, then leapt off onto a nearby rock, then into the bushes.

I later saw him on a lily leaf on the nearby pond.

El_Cadejo's avatar

My kitty showed up at my house looking like this . Looks like something spawned from the bowels of hell :P He looks like this now.

@crushingandreaming I’d love to see some pictures of this new species you appear to have discovered.

LuckyGuy's avatar

A long time ago (~30 years) I was attempting to bond with my FIL and agreed to go deer hunting with him on his property in the Southern Tier of NY. He used to go every year and looked forward to the trip for at least 6 months of the year. I had never done it and had absolutely no interest but I agreed to go since no one should be out in the mountains alone.
On the high point of the property he built a nice deer stand for me and outfitted it with a railing and chair. It was beautiful. I used it as a base for playing with radio transmitters and paging equipment. He was set up about ¼ mile away in another stand on the other side.
Even though I had the appropriate equipment with me, unbeknown to him I had no intention of shooting a deer. I was there to enjoy the outdoors, get exercise, and read in peace. It was wonderful – until I heard the sound of leaves being crushed.
I looked in front and there was a nice 120–150 pound, 8 point buck standing and browsing about 30 yards away – an easy shot. Holding my breath, I slowly picked up my shotgun, and aimed the bead right at his heart. I put my finger on the trigger and slid the safety to ‘Fire’. I waited until the shot was perfect and then I said “Click”. He took off running like a rocket.
I did not tell my FIL.

jca's avatar

I’ve done a lot with stray cats, either getting them spayed, vaccinated and returned to the yard I where I used to live or finding homes for them.

All of my cats, past and present, were strays and homeless of some kind. All the stories of the cats over the years would be too lengthy to type here, now.

There was one that I wanted to adopt because he was kind of my cat’s boyfriend, but I had him tested and he was positive, so I had him euthanized, which was quite sad. I felt like if I didn’t take him in and take him to have him tested, he would still be living, but the people at the vet’s said that he would have died a slow painful death in the woods, which would not have been good but I still felt bad.

I also had two stray dogs that I dealt with a long time ago, which I ended up having to take to the pound. That was sad as they were both really sweet dogs, but I lived with my grandfather and he didn’t want any dogs around.

I have also always tried to rescue birds, frogs, chipmunks and mice that the cats bring home live in their mouths. The goal is to get the animal out of the house and on its way to its former life. Sometimes the animal is wounded and then I let the cat kill it, but if the animal appears to be walking ok, I’ll try to either hold the cat or throw something so the cat drops it out of her mouth, and then hopefully the animal takes off for freedom.

syz's avatar

I’m a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, so I’ve done everything from tiny songbirds to opossums and raccoons (and deer, temporarily).

I work in veterinary medicine, so I’ve raised orphaned puppies and kittens (probably in the low hundreds). I’ve also paid for treatment for surrendered animals when their owners wouldn’t take responsibility.

I used to be active in the bird scene, so I’ve rescued and re-homed quite a few parrots of various species.

I’ve worked in exotics and hand raised a couple hundred animals from tigers to binturongs. I’ve also been involved in the rescue of a jaguar living in a small cage in a scrap yard (he had been declawed so badly that he crawled on his elbows because of the pain in his feet), a tiger cub that rode around town in the back of a convertible owned by a local drug lord, a lioness living in a dog pen fed only chicken breasts her entire life so that she had a metabolic bone disorder (essentially rickets), and three female tigers living in a semi-trailer who had never seen the sky.

flutherother's avatar

A bird fell down our chimney once. I wondered what the scrabbling noise was as the fireplace was unused and boarded up. I opened it up and found a lively songbird covered in ash which I released in the back garden. It flew off into the sky with not even a word of thank you.

Strauss's avatar

Many years ago, I was a counselor with a youth program that travelled by wagon train from Tucson to Denver and back again. One day we were “on the trail”, and I noticed a group of the boys had stopped their horses, and gathered next to a fence off the side of the road. I went to investigate, wondering why they were not riding with their respective groups. They showed me what had caught their interest—a golden eagle, unable to fly, apparently due to an injury to its wing. I notified the wagon master, who then stopped the wagons. We caught the poor bird, using a cargo net, used a strong belt to immobilize its talons (for our safety), and turned it over to the local wildlife department, where it would be attended to, and released when recovered, if appropriate.

janbb's avatar

Adopted Frodo Baggins and working hard on rehabilitating him.

Buttonstc's avatar

All if my cats have been adopted from shelters or rescue organizations (or prior to someone putting them in one).

And I’ve only chosen ones that are 10 months or so to several years old.

A lot people going to shelters want the cute fuzzy kittens and they usually have no trouble finding homes.

A lot of people are unaware of the statistics on this, but the adoption rate for those who are 6 mos. or older drop off so sharply that their likelihood to be euthanized rises to around 95% or higher.

After that first 6 mos. they’re out of the fuzzy stage and look pretty much like they will as adults.

So, I always pick the older cats. Lets face it, when you get a kitten, they will only be a cute little fuzzball or a few months. The vast majority of their lives they’ll look exactly like they will after 10 mos.

There was a 2 yr. old cat I adopted from Craigslist from desperate people who were going to take her to a shelter the next day.

So I agreed to take her. However, she had not been tested for anything and I already had Velvet who was around 17 at the time so I kept them totally separate.

A few weeks later I took her to the Vet where she tested positive for FELV (Feline Leukemia) which is highly contagious.

The Vet wanted to euthanize her on the spot but I declined and told him I’d rather try to find a home for her. There was plenty of time to consider that if I couldn’t find a home for her.

Well, I learned a lot about FELV and practically no one will adopt these cats even tho many of them can live normal lives for years and years. Shelters won’t take them because its so contagious.

A lot do die as kittens but if they’ve survived several years into adulthood, chances are the disease doesn’t catch up with them till the end which can be 10–15 years or more.

She was such a sweet and loving little thing, not snobby like some cats. I just couldn’t bear the thought of killing her just because she’d picked up a virus.

So, it took me a couple of months, but she’s now living happily in Dearborn with a wonderful lady who has her twi FELV cats downstairs in the rec room with its own adjacent enclosed patio with plenty of sunshine and fresh air.

Her other cats are upstairs so as not to be infected. But this woman is part of an email newsgroup for owners of FELV cats who discuss all the latest info on how to deal with the disease.

And there are small groups of dedicated people rescuing these kitties all over the country. They even have a volunteer transport network set up. Initially I thought Binxy would wind up down in Missouri where a wonderful couple has a farm and all the FELV cats live in their spacious art studio.

So, if you ever need to place a cat who tests for this, drop me a PM :)

I really learned a lot about all of this during those months and now that I currently don’t have a cat yet, if I got another one who tested positive for FELV, I’d likely keep it.

Paradox25's avatar

I usually will get a cat that is a stray, or is from an abused home. I feed and sometimes provide shelter for other strays near my house, especially when it’s cold. I’m in a transition period right now, and struggling financially somewhat (I don’t want to dip into my stocks too easily just yet though since they’re growing nicely), so I’m limited in what help I can offer a cat or dog right now. I don’t go out of my way to do this, and this isn’t a hobby or ambition for me, but there are strays near my house and I just react I guess.

Strauss's avatar

Our crusty trusty canine companion was a shelter puppy.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Buttonstc I know you are a loving cat owner. (Just look at your avatar.) I have some questions for you.
How do the cats with FELV get it? From other cats with the disease? If a FELV+ cat escapes will the disease spread in a neighborhood? If all FELV+ cats were euthanized or perfectly contained, would the disease end in one generation? Or is this a genetic problem that will never go away?

Also, I’m curious. What do you do with all the cats you adopt?

SavoirFaire's avatar

My mother and I raised two dogs that were rejected by breeders for being mentally abnormal (one was crazy, the other just stupid). We didn’t see any reason to let them get put down when their only real problem was that they weren’t good enough to be sold. Later, my wife and I took in a chinchilla that had been rescued from a fur factory. We didn’t ask about the circumstances of the rescue. I’ve also helped a few animals out of trees, ditches, and the like.

Buttonstc's avatar

FELV, unlike FIV (which is the feline equivalent of the aids virus) is evidently much more easily transmitted from one cat to another (although there are some owners who dispute this).

They say it can happen from sharing food and water dishes even. However, most frequently it comes from bites when cats are fighting or mating. And it can be passed in utero from mother cat to kittens.

If its a kitten diagnosed, that is a very high fatality rate because of their undeveloped immune systems. So, its usually kinder to euthanize them.

However, if they’ve survived to adulthood then its more or less dormant for years until they’re older when cats succumb to all sorts of things (again due to weakened immunity).

As long as they’re kept indoors and segregated from other cats they are fine. (All of my cats have always been strictly indoor only and, believe it or not, have never gotten out.)

Any of the rescue groups which do take in FELV cats make sure they are fixed so they can’t breed, and that’s what I did with Binxy.

But, in all likelihood, that’s how she contracted the virus. Her previous owners were pretty careless about a lot of things and admitted that she had gotten out several times when in heat and had a litter of kittens each time. So she likely became infected when mating.

Interestingly, the other thing I found alarming and asked the Vet about was this black nasal discharge and thick crusted gunk all around the outside of her nose.

It had largely gradually disappeared since I first got her. He just chuckled and said not to worry cuz she’s now in a clean home. I’m really not that great a housekeeper and said so.

But he relied “you don’t smoke” and then the light bulb came on. If anyone doubts how pervasive smoking can be and the dangers of secondhand smoke, that was the perfect object lesson. Good grief ! !

Anyhow, back to your questions. The various cats which I’ve referenced have been in my life over a 40 year period of time. The most cats I’ve ever had simultaneously is three so I’m def not a crazy cat lady. And even three was beginning to be a challenge the more my knee cartilage started giving out :)

Carting three cat crates to the vets office was starting to be a physical challenge. So, right now I have no cats and for the past ten years its been two at the most and usually just one.

And I’m much more inclined to adopt lightweight 5 lb. cats rather than the gigantors 12–18 pounders I’ve had in the past. It really makes a difference with a 5 lb. cat in a carrier rather than one weighing 3X that :)

Your other question is interesting and the answer is likely NO for a few reasons. The first being financial. The second being ignorance. Most people don’t get their cats tested even if they have multiple cats. I have always kept a new cat strictly separate from my others until I get them tested but a lot of people don’t.

And some shelters and rescue groups routinely test for both FIV and FELV but others don’t. And that’s primarily due to budget concerns.

I do know that every shelter I called in this area does routinely euthanize if either disease is present and that makes sense. When you’re euthanizing cats every day cuz there’s no more room it makes no sense to kill a healthy cat rather than one with a communicable disease.

I really don’t know what the policies are for groups who deal with communities of feral cats. Their general policy is to stabilize a community of cats by using a TNR approach and then feeding the ones there regularly.

That stands for Trap, Neuter, and Release. I’m guessing that if they have the funds, they would test but most have slim budgets and rely on volunteers.

It would be a laudable goal to try to eradicate these two cat diseases, but unless every single cat owner gets them tested…

Well, you see the problem. Heck, there have been spay/neuter campaigns for tons of years (and Bob Barker on TV EVERY day) and the shelters are still full to the max with unfixed animals and the kittens they produce.

Responsible pet owners do get their animals fixed and tested for diseases. But as Binxy illustrated, there are a whole slew of irresponsible clueless pet owners.

Had she been promptly spayed, its highly unlikely that she would have contracted the virus in the first place. Its pretty unlikely she had it as a kitten because the mortality rate for kittens is so high.

But she’s now in a home where she is indoors with a knowledgeable owner so its pretty damn unlikely that she will ever transmit this to any other cat. So killing her would serve no purpose.

And, from what I could tell, the people who form rescue groups for FELV cats are likewise cognizant of the necessity of not spreading the disease further so they only deal with neutered animals and keep them strictly segregated from other cats.

And, had I not been able to find a placement for her with a knowledgeable owner (not just pass her off to the next unknowing sucker) I would have had to euthanize her and I knew that. I am at rock bottom a realist.

And truth be told, it was her loving nature that saved her. Had she been a hostile and stand-offfish type of cat it would have been a lot easier to make a decision to euthanize.

That’s sounds kinda harsh but it is the hard truth. And that’s also why some shelter animals get adopted more readily than others. I guess its the ultimate example of survival of the fittest (or in this case, the friendliest).

But she was so sweet that I figured it was worth at least making an effort to try to give her a chance. And if Velvet had died a year sooner, I would still have Binxy.

Such is life.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Buttonstc Thank you for understanding my questions and taking them the way I had intended. Can I give you 100 GA?

Buttonstc's avatar

I don’t think Fluther would allow that :)

But, seriously, if even one person reads that info and remembers to get a new cat to their household tested It will be worthwhile.

And most of the people on that list group with FELV cats ended up there because they didn’t previously know.

I was fortunate to have a Vet who thoroughly explained why this testing is so important. And it really wasn’t until 20 yrs. ago that it first appeared on the horizon.

And for each infividual owner, its not that horrendously expensive and so very worthwhile. I don’t know why more Vets don’t routinely stress this consistently. Puzzling.

LuckyGuy's avatar

How about this deal? You continue to push vets to give FELV tests for cats and I’ll push for PSA.testing in men.

Strauss's avatar

GA, @LuckyGuy! Thanks for the reminder!

Buttonstc's avatar


You’ve got a deal.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ll start right now.

Hey Cats! Please encourage your male caretakers over 50 to have a PSA test included in their blood workup for their 5 year, “complete” physicals. Tell them to turn off the TV and spend a few minutes learning what the test means. Too many of them ignore their health and discover the problem when it is too late to be easily treated.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have rescued dogs from shelters, my current Staffy came from Battersea Dogs Home.

I work for a canine daycare, training and behaviour centre and we often raise money for various animal charities. We sell tennis balls (that my dad, who is a tennis tournament referee) supplies for us, for 10p and that money goes to our chosen charity for that year.

I would like to do more for wildlife, at the moment most of my attention is on domestic animal welfare.

Ron_C's avatar

We just adopted Duncan, a mixed breed part Jack Russel terrier. He is very fast and lovable. The adoption costs $132 but I don’t mind because it goes to the Humane Society/

longgone's avatar

^ Have you introduced him to @marinlife’s new dog? “Duncan, Duncan. Duncan…Duncan!”

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